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人教版高中英语(必修五)精品课件3.1《Unit 3 Life in the Future》

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人教版高中英语(必修五)精品课件3.1《Unit 3 Life in the Future》

新课标人教版课件系列 高中英语 必修5-3.1 更多课件、公开课等内容,敬请关注微信公众号: “中小学教学”以及“中学考试” 扫描二维码获 取更多资源 Reading 1.take up 1) 拿/举/抬/收起 He took up his pen and began to write. 2) 接受 Is he going to take up the challenge? 3) 对产生兴趣 He has taken up photography. 4) 开始从事,开始承担 He has taken up a new subject. 5) 占去(时间/空间)This piano takes up too much room. 2. remind (vt) 1) remind 提醒 sb (about sth) sb to do sth sb that/what/how clause You always have to remind her to take her keys with her. I reminded her that we hadnt got any petrol left. 2) remind sb of使某人想起 She/The photo reminds me of her mother. reminder (n) 提醒物,提示物 3. unsettled (adj) 不定的,未决的,未平定的 The question still remains unsettled. His mind is still unsettled.他的心仍未安定. unsettle (v) settle (v) settlement (n) 4. previous (adj) 1) 在前的,早先的 a previous engagement 2) 过急的,太快的 Isnt he rather previous in supposing that I will be beaten by him?他以为我会被他打败,那不是言之过早? previously (adv) 5. transport 1) v 运送,运输 We transported goods (by water to Guangzhou). 2) n public/air/ocean/rail/water transport (派) transportation (n) transporter (n) 运送者,搬运机 6. opening (n) 1) 洞,缺口 He is looking at the opening in the wall. 2)开幕,开始,开端 the opening of the speech 3) 空缺 There is an opening for a secretary in our company. adj. 首次的,开始的 opening ceremony 开幕式 opening number 创刊号 the opening night 首映夜 open (v/adj) openly (adv) opener (n) 开启者,开启工具 7. sorroundings n. 周围的事物,环境,气氛 in comfortable surroundings (比较) surroundings-专指自然环境. environment-可指自然环境,也可指精神环境. surround (vt) 8. lack 1) n (u) Lack of time prevented me from writing to you. The house could not be finished for lack of funds. 2) v lack sth =be lacking in He lacks common sense.=He is lacking in common sense(常识). lack/be lacking in-常与抽象n连用. be short of-当谈及物质和物体时,常用它. 9. ache (n/vi) I have an ache in the ear/a tooth.=My ear/tooth aches. (合) toothache backache stomachache headache 比较: ache.指身体某一部位的持续的隐痛. pain.泛指“疼痛”,也可指精神上的痛苦. 10. be on ones feet 站着,起立,痊愈,复元 He has been on his feet all day. Its nice to see you on your feet again. 11. bend 1) v (使)屈曲,(使)倾心 bend down bend sth up/down/back将弯上来/下去/回来 bend (sb) to使(某人)屈服于,使(某人)顺服于 bend oneself/ones mind to.=be bent on/upon. 专心致志于 bend over.俯伏在上面 I never bend to fate/your will. She bent herself / her mind to her studies. =She was bent on/upon her studies. He bent over his desk. 2) n a sharp bend in tube 管的陡曲处 make/take a bend 转弯 12. master 1) vt He master the language.(精通) He cannot master his temper.(控制) 2) n 主人,校长,船长,名家 He is his own master.他是自由的. 3) adj. 主要的,熟练的,高超的 a master engineer 13. lose sight of catch sight of in/within sight out of sight at first sight 初见 at the sight of一见就 John fell in love with Mary at first sight. I was horrified at the sight of the tiger. There is no one in sight.=No one is in sight. 14. flash 1) v The lightning flashed across the sky. The idea flashed into/through his mind. They flashed a signal. Her eyes flashed fire. 2). n a flash of lightning 闪电 in a flash 瞬间,即刻 15. switch 1) n the light switch 电灯开关 They had to make a switch in their arrangement. 我们不得不对我们的安排作些变动. 2) v switch on/off electricity 使通(断)电流 Switch the conversation 改变谈话内容(谈论较不尴尬的话题). Using language 1. assist (v) 帮助,援助,参与 assist sb (with sth) assist sth assist (sb) in . assist sb to do sth assist at.出席,参加 They assisted the project. He assisted at a wedding. I assisted (him) in this matter/in doing this. Ill assist him to fill in the forms. (派) assistance (n) assistant (n) 助手 2. change into. change . into. Ice can change into water. Can you change ice into water? 3. require (v) Sb require 需要 n/pron sb to do sth to do sth The judge required me to give evidence. All the students are required to attend the meeting. I require to go to the bank to get money. I require warm clothing for the winter. require Sb/sth want 需要 doing sth/to be done. 被承受者 need The flowers require/want/need watering/to be watered. require 要求 sth of sb that clause (虚拟) It is required+ that clause(虚拟) You require too much of me.你太苛刻我. They required that I ( should) appear. It is required that you (should) arrive at 8 am. (派) requirement (n) meet the requirements of markets 4. wave (sth) about (around/round)(使)摆来摆去 The red flag waved about in the winds. 红旗迎风飘扬. wave ones arms around 摇动双臂 5.mix sth mix with mix with. You can mix blue and yellow paint to make green. = You can mix blue paint with yellow paint to make green. The teacher mixes well with her students.= The teacher is getting on well with her students. (派) mixed (adj) mixture (n)


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