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理想改变人生的事例(ideal changes in life)

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理想改变人生的事例(ideal changes in life)

理想改变人生的事例(Ideal changes in life)"Chen Ping and study hard"The name is Chen Ping, poverty is low, and brother together, in order to uphold his father's life, not production, menting honor, but not for the study behind closed doors, sister-in-law, in order to eliminate her contradiction, face repeatedly humiliated, forbear, as the sister-in-law become aggravated, finally couldn't bear it, home away from home, to rove all over the world, is my brother back, and forgive, brother Hugh 's resistance in the local pass from mouth to mouth with approbation. One old, come to free teaching after graduation, Shoutu, assist Liu Bang, a lot of achievements.Lu Yu abandoned the Buddha from the textLu Yu, a famous scholar in Tang Dynasty, was an orphan from an early age. He was brought up by Ji Zen master. Although the body of Lu Yu in the temple, but not all the chanting, but read love songs. Lu Yu insisted on going down to school, and was opposed by jackson. Jackson to give Lu Yu a problem, but also in order to better educate him, call him learning series. In the study of tea process, Lu Yu met a kind-hearted old woman, not only learned a complex series of skills, learned a lot of reading and the truth in life. When Lu Yu finally brought a steaming cup of tea to the Zen master, Jackson finally complied with his request to go down to school. Later, Lu Yu wrote a widely circulated "tea", to carry forward the motherland of tea culture!"Young Bao Zhengxue" caseBao Zheng Bao, he is intelligent, inquisitive, Youxi reasoning judgement, the father and the magistrate contacts, Bao Zheng childhood, learned a lot of judicial knowledge, especially in the case of burning temple killing monk Bao Zheng, according to the site of the traces, reel silk from cocoons, check out the suspect, and posing as Hades, the Qing the truth assist the county magistrate to arrest the murderer, the people. He studied hard law criminal science knowledge, to grow up emerging as, for the people of vengeance, and laid a solid foundation of knowledge."Hard" Wan Sitong doorThe early Qing Dynasty famous scholar, historian Wan Sitong participated in compiling history of China's important "twenty four histories". But wan Sitong was young is also a naughty child. Wan Sitong because of the fun, the guests made him lose face by the guests criticism. Wan Sitong is angry, overturned the guests table, close to the house by his father. Wan Sitong from anger, hate reading, to the figure, and inspired by the "tea", began to work hard. After more than a year has passed, Vance with house read a lot of books, father to forgive his son, but wan Sitong also understand the father's heart. Wan Sitong after a long hard hard, finally became a famous scholar in history through reading books, and participated in the "twenty four histories" of "Ming Dynasty" in the editing work."Tang Bohu concentrated painting"Tang Bohu was a famous painter and litterateur in the Ming Dynasty. He showed superhuman talent in painting when he was a child. Tang Bohu masters, worship in the painter Shen Zhou door, learning more diligent, master painting skills quickly, praised by Shen Zhou. Unexpectedly, due to Shen Zhou's praise, this has always been modest Tang Bohu gradually produced complacency, Shen Zhou see in the eyes, remember in mind, a meal, Shen Zhou let Tang Bohu go to open the window,Tang Bohu found himself under the window was a painting teacher Shen Zhou, Tang Bohu very ashamed, then concentrated painting.Lin Zexu's antithetical coupletThe story is about the famous national hero of the Qing Dynasty, Lin. When Lin Zexu was young, he was gifted, and made two couplets under the two chance. These two couplets expressed Lin Zexu's lofty ambition. Lin Zexu not only dared to aspire, but also studied hard. After he grew up, he made great achievements and was respected by later generations.Wen Tianxiang's adolescent righteousnessAt the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the famous national hero Wen Tianxiang lived in poverty when he was young and had the opportunity to read with the help of well meaning people. Once, Wen Tianxiang was rich classmate misunderstanding is a thief, he argued, allowed others to trample on the dignity of their own, finally proved his innocence, but through this incident, more established Wen Tianxiang Jinbangtiming ambition."The apprentice" Qian Ye TianshiGaoming Ye Tianshi on medicine, despise peer xue. Once, ye Tianshi's mother was ill, he was at a loss what to do, thanks to Xue forgives, cure his mother's disease. Since then, ye Tianshi Knowledge is infinite. understand someone's truth, man. So he visited the world famous doctors, humbly asked for advice, and finally became the real Jiangnan first doctor."Li Qingzhao girls" lyricsThe Song Dynasty poet Li Qingzhao was quick witted, he left many poetic masterpiece through the ages. She is frank, free, uninhibited personality style, had showed great


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