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<p>UNIT 11. NOTES(1) Developments in computer technology and related software have provided the engineer with tools of increasing power and sophistication which have significant implications for the use and role of mathematics in engineering practice.译文:计算机技术及其相关软件的发展为工程技术人员提供了功能强大且日趋完善的工具,使数学应用于工程实践并发挥着重要作用。分析:此句中which引导的定语从句修饰整个主句,have implication for表示“暗示”。(2)If engineers are to take full advantage of sophisticated computational tools then it is essential that they become effective at mathematical modelling and discriminating, intelligent and wary users of packaged software and other aids to computational modelling.译文:如想充分利用这些复杂的计算工具,工程技术人员必须熟悉数学建模,能区别各种软件包及其他计算建模辅助工具,并能灵活运用。分析:由that引导的主语从句(it是形式主语)中become做谓语,后接两个并列成分effective at和users of,其中discriminating,intelligent及wary均修饰users。(3)There is little doubt that a high degree of fluency in the manipulation of mathematical expressions will always be required ,for without this there can be real understanding.译文:毫无疑问,学生必须熟练运用数学公式,否则就不能有真正意义上的理解。分析:本句中for表示原因,manipulation原意为“操纵,控制”,这里转译为“运用”。2.Grammer(1) 普遍使用名词词组及名词化结构,强调客观存在的事实而非某一行为,故常使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词。例1 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.电视通过无线电波发射和接收移动物体的图像。(2) 使用非限定动词,使句子简明。例2 The calculus ,aided by analytic geometry ,proved to be astonishingly powerful and capable of attacking hosts of problems that had been baffling and quite unassailable in earlier days. 微积分辅以解析几何是一个非常强大的工具,能够解决许多困扰已久甚至以前以为无法解决的问题。(3)较常使用“无生命主语+及物动词+宾语”句型。例3 Chapter 6 provides a basic introduction to the ideas of sequences ,series and limits. 第六章介绍序列,级数及极限等基本概念。(4)常用it做形式主语或形式宾语。 例4 It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition to the force producing it.已经证明,感应电压使电流的方向与产生电流的磁场力方向相反。UNIT 21.NOTES(1) This concept of probability is of an objective quantity that applies to each observation and measures (in a relative way)how likely it is to fall into the corresponding class.译文:概率的这种定义是客观的,它应用于每次观测,并以一种相对的方式度量其结果归入相应类别的可能性。分析:“be of”这种结构用来表示人或物的特征,通常译为“具有”。(2) It seems that one is forced into a subjective view of the uncertainties, but the probability figures that emerge must obey certain rules in order to be consistent.译文:看来,人们对这种不确定性陷入了自己的主观判断中,但是由此产生的概率必须遵循某些准则以保持一致性。分析:“that emerge”是定语从句,修饰先行词figures。(3) For engineering students it is most appropriate to keep the first interpretation-that of probability as an idealized proportion-in mind when studying the theory. 译文:对于工科学生,学习概率论时应谨记,概率就是理想的比例。 分析:“that of”补充说明interpretation,that即指interpretation,它们将keepin mind分隔。2.Grammer(1)复合法(Composition)复合法是由两个或两个以上的词按照一定的次序排列,以构成新词。多数复合词可通过其组成部分猜测词意。例1 Trial and error(反复试验) Q-factor(品质因子) Allowable error(允许误差) overestimate(高估) State-of-the-art(达到最新技术发展水平)(2)转化法(Conversion)转换法即单词词性转换,词性转换后其意义就与原意有着密切联系,如function,sound等单词。有些词还会发生音变,如use,record等或者音移,如increase,research,subject等。(3) 拼缀法(Blending)拼缀法以原有的两个或两个以上的词为基础,经过首尾剪裁(或保留其中一个原词),重新组合而成,是复合词的缩略形式,如transisitor(晶体管)=transfer+resistor,modem(调制解调器)由modulator和demodulator拼缀而成。(4) 缩略法(Shorting)缩略法是将几个单词的首字母以大写形式缩合到一起成为一个新词。该法多用于专有名词,利于记忆。如(RAdio Detection And Ranging,雷达),GPS(Global Positioning System,全球定位系统)等。随着电子信息及通信类专业技术日新月异的发展,不断有新的专业词汇出现。大多数新词都是使用上述四种方法构成,掌握了基本词汇,运用构词知识,一方面可提高记忆效率,扩大词汇量,另一方面还可以逆向利用构词知识分解单词,了解单词的来历及新添含义,消除阅读障碍。UNIT 31.NOTES(1) Frequency response will be flat and bandwidth infinite because AC will be simply a rapidly varying DC level to the ideal amplifier.译文:对于理想放大器而言,交流不过是快速变化的直流,所以其频率响应是一条水平直线,带宽无限。分析:bandwidth后省略will be。(2) AN important by-product of these properties of the ideal operational amplifier is that the summing point , the inverting input, will conduct no current to the amplifier.译文:由理想运放的特性可以得出一个很重要的结论,即放大器的反相输入端无电流流过。分析:the inverting input 是the summing point的同位语,表示相同的意思,翻译时可以省略。(3) In control and instrumentation applications, its practical value lies in the ease with which desired input impedance and gain values can be tailored to fit the requirements of the associated circuitry. 译文:在控制和仪器仪表应用中,反向放大器的实用价值在于,利用它可以很容易地调整所需的输入阻抗和增益值以适应相关电路的要求。分析:lie in表示原因,the ease with which中的which指代ease,with ease等效于easily。2.Grammer(1)数字的表示 科技文章中,数字频繁出现,用阿拉伯数字比用单词陈述更有利。但出现下述情形时须遵循约定俗成的规则:用单词表示不定数量或近似值:句首不用阿拉伯数字,一般用英语的单词,句末要尽量避免阿拉伯数字:两数连用时,分别用单词和阿拉伯数字表示,习惯上短的用单词表示。例1 Phase shift is 180&#176;。相移为180&#176;。例2 The gain of the voltage follower with the feedback loop closed is unity. 电压跟随器的闭环增益为1.(2)不确定数字的表示例3 大约,左右等常用about/some/approximately/of the order of/more or less/or so等词。多于,常用over/above/more than/in excess of等词。少于,常用less than/under/below/close to等词。(3)习惯短语例4 The resistance of a given section of an electric circuit is equal to the ratio of its voltage to the current through this section of the circuit. 电路中某部分的电阻等于它两端的电压与流过该部分电路的电流的比值。(4)倍数增减例5 The production of ICs has been increased to three times as compared with last year</p>


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