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河南省周口中英文学校2018-2019学年高二英语上学期第一次月考试题第I卷(三部分,共70分)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节 20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。ABrian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, has created an online science education platform. He tries to “build a bridge” with things you know about, and then “bring you across that bridge to the strange place of modern physics”Recently I had a chance to ask Greene about wormholes (a hole which some scientists think might exist, connecting parts of space and time that are not usually connected), time travel and other mysteries of the universe. I asked him a million­dollar question: What if I went through a wormhole and prevented my parents from meeting? “Most of us believe that the universe makes sense,” Greene said. Although there are several interesting theories about time travel, he added, the laws of physics would probably prevent something so illogical from taking place. The good news is that the time paradox (悖论) is open for future physicists to solve.When asked how physics could become more exciting for kids, Greene said that books by Stephen Weinberg, Leonard Susskind, and other physicists, “make it a great time for people who want to learn about big ideas but arent yet ready, perhaps, to learn math.”When I pointed out that some students still might find physics boring, Greene said that the key is to teach them about things that are strange. “The basic stuff is important,” Greene said. “But I think its really important to also describe the more modern ideas, things like black holes and the Big Bang. If kids have those ideas in mind, then at least some of them will be excited to learn all the details.”Greene has followed Albert Einsteins lead in trying to solve the mysteries of the universe. Now he wants kids to do the same. As Greene said, physics is “not just a matter of solving problems in an exam”. Its about experimenting, showing an interest in strange phenomena (现象) and having fun!21A million­dollar question is probably very _.AdirectBlongCpersonal Ddifficult22The books by Weinberg and Susskind _.Aare popular science booksBare mainly about mathCare boring to readDare only popular among kids23According to Paragraph 4, which of the following does Greene agree with?AModern physics is a boring subject.BIt is not necessary to learn all about physics.CInterest plays an important role in studying.DIt is easy to describe black holes and the Big Bang.24In the last paragraph, Greene hopes that _.Akids can find more strange things in lifeBkids can do well in physics examsCkids can have fun with experimentsDkids can love science and physicsBPeter Huszcz once taught in an agricultural college. In the 1990s, he moved to Canada. Peter started out washing dishes in a restaurant in downtown Ottawa. When the manager asked him to help out rolling meatballs in the kitchen, he soon learned how to do the job very well. But it was boring and Peter suggested that the manager should buy a meatball­making machine. When the manager told him there was no such thing as a meatball maker, Peter was quick to notice that something was missing in the market. Putting his engineering knowledge to good use, he quickly came up with a simple method the Magic Meatball Maker.He was sure there was a market for his machine, but it took him ten years of hard work to find it. He had to take risks, but he believed in his idea, and he managed to persuade other people to believe in him too. A local manufacturer (制造商) offered to produce the first 1,000 units in return for a share in the profits (收益), local shops offered to keep his meatball makers and a friends daughter helped him out with his first sales.But his lucky break came when he managed to persuade a TV shopping channel (频道) to help sell the Magic Meatball Maker. The channel broadcast a program about how the invention worked in the studio kitchen. Within minutes, they had sold more than 4,000 units.This was just the start. Peter had been right. He had said his meatball maker would bring him great wealth, and it has: more than two million dollars so far and its till selling to thousands of American housewives all across the USA.25Working in the restaurant, Peter _.Awas chosen to be the managerBbroke a meatball­making machineCfound a chance to make moneyDwas poor at making meatballs by hand26Which of the following helped Peters business take off?AA local shop.BA friends daughter.CA TV shopping channel.D A local manufacturer.27Whats the right order to describe Peters life?ADish washerteacherinventorbusinessmanB.Teacherdish washerinventorbusinessman.CBusinessmandish washerinventorteacher.DInventorbusinessmandish washerteacher.28What can we learn from the story?AWhere there is a will, there is a way.B


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