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Effective Strategies for Protecting 非法获取商业秘密,包括盗窃、利诱胁迫或其他方式 Disclosing, using, or allowing others to use trade secrets acquired by the above means; 披露、使用或允许他人使用非法获取的商业秘密 Disclosing, using, or allowing others to use trade secrets in breach of an agreement or a confidentiality obligation imposed by a legal owner. 违反约定或保密义务而披露、使用或允许他人使用商业秘密 Accomplices infringement 第三人的侵权行为 - Acquiring, using or disclosing trade secret when a third party knows or should have known that the trade secret has been misappropriated in any of the above ways. 明知或应知上述违法行为,仍获取、披露、使用或允许他人使用该商业秘 密。 7 Liability of Misappropriation 侵犯商业秘密的责任 Civil liability 民事责任 lodge a lawsuit in court Injunction Damages Administrative Liability 行政责任 handled by Administration for Industry and Commerce Issue an injunction Impose a fine (¥ 10,000-200,000) Criminal liability 刑事责任 Crimes of Infringement of Trade Secret (Art 219) Causing significant economic losses to trade secret owner If loss is ¥500,000, imprisonment of up to 3 years If loss is ¥2,500,000, imprisonment of 3 to 7 years Impose a fine 8 How do we lose trade secrets ? 我们是怎样丧失商业秘密的? No awareness 没有保护意识 Active disclosure 主动披露 Especially “uncontrolled” external communication 尤其是不受控制的外部交流 No reasonable security measure 没有采取合理的保密措施 Industrial espionage 产品展览会 9 How to Secure Trade Secrets 如何保护商业秘密 Determine trade secrets 列出我们的商业秘密 - Identify trade secrets 鉴别出商业秘密 - Classify identified trade secrets 对商业秘密进行分类 - Update list on a regular basis 定期更新商业秘密列表 Develop and enforce protection programs 制定并实施保护计划 - Determine appropriate level of security 确定适度的安全级 别 - Implement security measures 制定相应的保密措施 - Perform a risk assessment进行风险评估 Provide training to employees 对员工进行培训 10 How to Secure Trade Secrets 如何保护商业秘密 Security measures 保密措施 For carriers 对于商业秘密的载体 Label documents as confidential 对文件作保密标志 Set passwords and codes 设置密码 Install physical and electronic locks 安装物理和电子锁 Approval for access 许可进入 For employees 对于雇员 Make employees aware 进行培训以提高雇员保密意识 Enter confidentiality agreement/non-compete agreement 签订保密协 议/竞业禁止协议 Screen and clear all external communication 监控和清理所有对外交流 For contractors, suppliers & visitors 对于承包商、供应商和访客 Enter confidentiality agreement/NDA 签订保密协议 Prohibiting access 限制接触 11 Examples for Trade Secret Protection 商业秘密保护实例 Access control system 门禁系统 Visitor policies 访客政策 Labor Contract with employees 与雇员签订保密协议 ,竞业禁止协议 Non-compete Agreement 与雇员签订竞业禁止协议 Non-Disclosure Agreement/confidentiality agreement with contractors 与承包商签订保密协议 Publication approval procedures 公开批准程序 12 How to Enforce Trade Secrets 如何进行商业秘密维权? SPCs judicial interpretation on certain issues concerning application of law in the trials of civil cases involving unfair competition 最高人民法院关于审理不正当竞争民事案件应用法律若干问题的解释 Beijing Yidege Co. etc vs. Gao Xinmao 北京一得阁墨业有限责任公司与北京传人文化艺术有限公司、高辛茂 侵犯商业秘密纠纷案 Proving “Access” + “Substantial Identical”is Key 证明“接触+实质相同”是关键 13 Practical Tips 一些实用的提示 1. Mark “confidential” on emails and documents containing confidential information 在含有保密信息的邮件和文件上标记保密标记 2. Encrypt confidential documents 对保密文件进行加密 3. Lock computers when leaving desks 在离开座位前对电脑加锁 4. Clean desks, and lock cabinets and drawers after working hours 在下班前清理办公桌并将保密文件锁入文件柜和抽屉 5. Shred papers containing confidential information 粉碎含有保密信息的纸张 6. Clean/erase white boards in conference rooms after meetings 会议后擦除黑板上的信息 7. Verify identities of callers 确认来电人的身份 8. Escort visitors 陪同来访者 14 Practical tips 一些实用的提示 9. Check information to be disclosed before attending a seminar or trade show 在参加研讨会或商业展会之前检查需要公开的信息是否含有保密信息 10.Sign a confidentiality agreement before delivery a sample 递送样品前签订保密协议 11.Do not discuss sensitive information with co-workers outside of company localities 不要在公司外场合,如班车上讨论敏感信息 12. Do not discuss work-related sensitive information with friends and acquaintances 不要与公司外的朋友或熟人讨论与公司业务有关的敏感信息 13.Go through approval procedures before disclosure of trade secret 经过许可程序审核后再公开商业秘密 15 Thank You! 谢谢! For More Information, Please Contact: 如有任何问题,请与我联系: Helen Cheng/程芳 Partner/合伙人律师 Phone/电话: +86 21 6061 3058 Mobile/手机: +86 186 2180 1088 Fax/传真: +86 21 6061 3555 Email/电子邮件: helencheng


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