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勤学 敏思八年级英语练习(2) 班级 姓名 一、单项选择1.I _ the day before yesterday . Ive _ for two days. A. arrived ,come back B. reached,returned C. got,returned back D. arrived, been back2. His mother has lived in this town _ ten years ago . A. in B. for C. since D. after 3.The nearest museum is 20 metres _ here. A. far from B. away from C. far away from D. off from4.Therere so many trees on _ side of the road. A. each B. every C. all D. both5.- _ will you finish the job ? - In half an hour. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How fast6._ weather it is ! A. How hot B. What a hot C. How a hot D. What hot7. Dont get on the bus _ it stops. A. when  B. after   C. until  D. if8. How long have you _ English? A. learnt  B. get to learn   C. to learn  D. learning9.In the past, you _ to me. A. are kind to   B. was kind to  C. were kind to  D. have been kind10.The city _ a lot in the past five years. A. changed  B. have changed  C. has changed  D. was changed 11. - What do you think of this film? - Exciting. This is the most exciting film I_. A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. See12. -_do you know him? - Not very well. A. How well B. How C. What D. How much13. Sometimes, people don't realize how important something is _they lose it. For example, many people don't know how important trees are. A. after B. when C. since D. Till14. -_the way, do you think life is better than before _many ways? - Yes. It's much more colourful. A. By; by B. By; in C. In; in D. In; by15. - Have you heard from your uncle_? - Yes. I got a letter from him yesterday. A. recently B. last week C. one day ago D. yesterday二、动词填空16. They_(go) to the shopping center already.17. Mr Green _(not come) back to China yet.18.They _(not see) the film yet.19. My brother _(be)to England twice.20. I_(know) the boy since 1993.21. If it _( be ) fine, we may go and see the bridge.22. Mr Green _ ( teach) English in a middle school for ten years.23. He _ ( begin ) to teach here in 1994.24. _ you ever _ ( make) a ship?25In the past, there _ ( be ) few people _ ( live) here. But now over 10 thousand people _ ( live ) here.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空26. Eddie_ (live) with Millie since he was born.27. There_ (be) great changes in Gaoyou recently.28. I _ (make) a lot of friends since I_(come) to this school.29. Do you have the same_ (feel) with me?30. It's_ (luck) for him to lose the game.31. Do you think it was a_ (please) trip?32. The air in mountain areas is _ (fresh) than that in big cities.33. The little boy used to_ (cry) when he was a baby.34. The government took a lot of _ (act) to reduce the water pollution.35. Tom knows Lucy very_ (good).四、完形填空Garbage can be useful垃圾利用 Many large cities are not so beautiful. There is a lot of trash(垃圾)in the streets. _36_, some of them can be useful. If people want to _37_ the problem, they should do it right now. They must work _38_ of making use of garbage. In this way, some good things will not be thrown away _39_ waste. When a car _40_ too old, it may not run any more. But the metal thar car was made of is _41_ good. We can use it to make something else. When a bottle is _42_ ,it is thrown away. But bottle glass can be made into sand and used to _43_ streets. Garbage from _44_ can be changed into fertilizer(肥料). It is cheap and _45_. Garbage can also be used to make _46_ blocks. These blocks are _47_ with concrete(混凝土) to form(形成) special bricks. Now, more and more machines are designed _48_ that. Some day, people will watch films in a beautiful _49_ which is built out of garbage. Besides, in the future, buildings, roads, and cities maybe made _50_ garbage. But so far, building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dream.( )36. A. When B. So C. However D. Besides( )37. A. solve B. forget C. make D. remember( )38. A. roads B. problems C. shows D. ways( )39. A. for B. as C. in D. to( )40. A. gets B.grows C. starts D. runs( )41. A. also B. st


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