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,Routine Business Transcations 常规商业交易,A typical business transaction 一笔典型的商业交易(上),buyer and supplier,G Wood & Sons,Electrical Supplies Ltd,opens an electronic goods store in Bristol,an electronic application supplier in Bermingham,request for quotation,要求报价,Dear Mr Thomas Thanks for your time on telephone this morning. As I explained, we have recently opened an electrical goods store on Castle Street, Bristol, and have received several inquiries for these domestic appliances: Swanson Electric Kettles, 2 litre Cosiwarm Electric Blankets, single-bed size Regency Electric Toasters Marlborough Kitchen Wall Clocks I was glad to hear from you that all these items are available in stock for immediate delivery. Please let me have your price and terms for payment two months from date of invoicing. If prices and terms are satisfactory, we would place a first order for 10 of each of these items. The matter is of some urgency and I look forward to your prompt reply. Yours sincerely Gordon Wood Manager,上述货物都有现货,all these items are available in stock for immediate delivery. be available in stock: 存货充足 for immediate delivery: 可及时发货,交易日期,date of invoicing invoicing 开发票,下订单,place an order,useful expressions,Ive seen your website and am interested in your range of _ .,I understand you are manufacturers of (dealers in) _ and should like to receive your current catalogue.,During a recent visit to _ Exhibition I saw a sample of your _.,_ mentioned that you are manufacturers of _.,useful expressions,When replying, please also include delivery details.,Please also state whether you can supply the goods from stock as we need them urgently.,If you can supply suitable goods, we may place regular orders for large quantities.,enquiries and replies,简要清晰地说明你需要什么 - quotation, general information, catalogue, price list or samples。 如果是第一次联系供货商,尽量说明从哪里获得对方信息 如果你事先为准备购买的货物设定价格下限,不要提及。否则供货商可能会将报价提高到你给出的限价。 大多数供货商在回复时会说明付款方式,一般不必询问。,supplier's quotation,供货商报价,报价是指依据所报出的条件进行供货的承诺。,bid,quote,estimate,tender,proposal,QUOTATION,Dear Mr Wood QUOTATION NUMBER E542 Thank you for your enquiry of 15 November. I am pleased to quote as follows: Swanson Electric Kettles, 2 litre 25.00 each Cosiwarm Electric Blankets, single-bed size 24.50 each There are current catalogue prices, and we should allow you a trade discount of 33.33%。 Prices include packing and delivery to your premises. It is our usual practice to ask all new customers for trade references. Please let us have the names and addresses of two suppliers with whom you have had regular dealings. Subject to satisfactory replies, we shall be glad to supply the goods and to allow you the two months' credit requested. As there may be other items in which you are interested, I enclose copies of our current catalogue and price list. I look forward to working with you.,该价格已包含包装及运输费用,trade discount,An amount or rate by which the catalog, list, or retail price of an item is reduced when sold to a reseller. The trade discount reflects the reseller's profit margin(利润率) and usually varies directly with the quantity of the item purchased. 商业折扣 ,该价格已包含包装及运输费用,Prices include packing and delivery to your premises. delivery to one's premise: 送到某人仓库,交易证明,trade references Please let us have the names and addresses of two suppliers with whom you have had regular dealings.,如果对方能提供满意的回复,subject to. based on the premises of .,贵方将有两个月赊购期限,allow two months' credit If you are given credit, you are allowed to pay for goods or services several weeks or months after you have received them. 赊购,TRADE TERMS 贸易术语,22,贸易术语(Trade Terms),又称价格条件(Price Terms)、价格术语 用简短的英文字母来标明商品的价格构成和买卖双方各自承担的责任、费用和风险以及货物所有权转移的界限的专门用语,运费,freight,保险,insurance,交货地点,place of delivery,清关,clear the customs,TRADE TERMS,http:/www.iccwbo.org/,International Commercial Terms 国际贸易术语解释通则,INCOTERMS 2000的结构,Incoterms® 2010的结构,以下三种术语,都是在装运港交货,其风险的划分,都以装运船舷为界。这三种贸易术语的主要区别是买卖双方各自承担的责任和费用不同。,quotations and estimates,对询价信表示感谢 提供价格、折扣和付款条件等详细信息 明确说明报价包含的内容,如包装、运输及保险等 注明报价有效期 承诺交货日期 表达希望对方接受报价,2,SAMPLE,Thank you for your email. I am pleased to learn about the inquiries you have received for our raincoats. Our AQUATITE range is particularly suitable for warm climates. During the past year we have supplied this range to dealers in several tropical countries. We have already received repeat orders from many of those dealers. This range is popular not only because of its light weight but also because the material used has been specially treated to prevent excessive condensation on the inside surface.,致谢,谈论产品受 欢迎程度,追加订单 产品质量 有保障,We are pleased to quote as follows: 100 AQUATITE coats mens medium 17.50 ea 1,750.00 100 AQUATITE coats mens small 16.80 ea 1,680.00 100 AQUATITE coats womens medium 16.00 ea 1,600.00 100 AQUATITE coats womens small 15.40 ea 1,540.00 6,570.00 Less 33.33% trade discount


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