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八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open同步练习 (新版)冀教版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open同步练习 (新版)冀教版

Unit 3 Animals are our friendsLesson 15 The zoo is open同步练习 根据汉语意思填空1. B_ is the tallest grass in the world.2. Its too d_ to play in the street. You can play at the square.3. Today is Sunday and we dont have c_.4. You can go t_ the entrance and walk inside the zoo.5. She told us a f_ story and we all laughed and laughed. 介词填空1. They arrived _ the zoo after us.2. Here are some donuts _ you, Danny. You can eat them.3. The giraffes neck is very long. What does it look _?4. You can eat bread instead _ donuts today.5. Danny, you cant feed animals _ donuts! 英汉互译1. 李明,快醒醒。 Li Ming, _ _ quickly.2. 为什么在动物园不能投喂动物? Why not _ _ in the zoo?3. 明天参观动物园怎么样? How _ _ the zoo tomorrow?4. 她请我给她照张像。 She asked me _ _ photos for her.5. 黑龙江没有竹子。 _ _ _ bamboos in Heilongjiang 句型转换1. Have you _ (see) the sign on the wall?2. Rabbits like _ (eat) grass and carrots.3. He has a good memory and he _ (remember) things very quickly.4. _ (feed) animals at the zoo is wrong. You cant do it again.5. What makes her _ (think) this animal likes donuts? 阅读理解从 Many people like to keep dogs as their pets. But do you know dogs were wild animals long, long ago The _1_ wild dogs were trained by _2_ in Europe about 10,000 years ago. These first “dogs” were not like _3_ we have now. They might have been small wolves. These dogs often came near human to _4_ food. Some of the young dogs were adopted (收养) by people. Human found the _5_ were a help to them in many ways. The dogs helped them to hunt. They could smell and hear danger _6_ people could. They helped people keep _7_ on cold nights. So it was _8_ to raise the dogs. Now, there are many different kinds of dogs _9_ they may look quite different from each other. Dog trainers think there are more than 400 different types in the world. The number keeps increasing with new kinds. Since those early days, human and dogs have always been together. We should _10_ them because they are really our friends.1. A. first B. lateC. last D. whole2. A. wolves B. catsC. humans D. students3. A. where B. whatC. when D. which4. A. steal B. wasteC. make D. serve5. A. rabbitsB. foxesC. wolvesD. dogs6. A. whenB. afterC. before D. as soon as7. A. cool B. warmC. hot D. cold8. A. hardB. uselessC. easilyD. useful9. A. so B. andC. from D. although10. A. hurtB. killC. protect D. see答案和解析 根据汉语意思填空1. Bamboo 2. dangerous 3. classes 4. through 5. funny 介词填空 1. at 2. for 3. like 4. of 5. with 英汉互译1. seen 2. eating 3. remembers 4. Feeding 5. think 句型转换1. wake up 2. feed animals 3. about visiting 4. to take 5. There are no从15 ACBAD 610 CBDBC洗手,那还不简单。但是,并非每个人都知道正确的洗手方法。我们在数名家长中调查时发现,大多数家长都会叮嘱孩子常洗手,但对于正确的洗手方法和洗手时间的长短,并不太了解。很多家长这样理解洗手:饭前便后要洗手、每次用流动水冲洗等。5


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