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audio & optical control of the monitoring systemWithin the micro system, there should be a set of alarming equipment for emergencies to ensure of the safety and remind operators of taking in-time measures. However, so far as some important parameter or systematic parts are concerned, these equipments are in shortage or ignorance. Given the case, the following methods should be taken into consideration: data collected by the computer, after treatment, digital filtering wave and mark conversion by the computer, can be compared with the given value of the parameter at its upper and lower limits. If they are higher than the upper limit value (or lower than the lower limit value), an alarm should be carried out, otherwise, it would be the normal sample value for display and control. In the control system, the examined parameter, after sampling by means of A/D, is fed into micro-computer. Followed by the treatment of data, it will not only be sent for display but also accept alarming treatment, so that working staff are able to take corresponding measures in time. At the same time, the comparison between the examined parameter and the given value will contribute to the automatic adjustment according to the deviation of them. At present, automatic control technology has become an indispensable technical measure in the course of industrial production. With the advancement of science and technology, and the expansion of productive scale, it will be involved in production more widely and play a more and more important role, developing as a symbol in such broad fields of automatic control technology as in energy, military affairs, production, etc. The automation of production process is one without direct human involvement. By means of controlling equipment (that is, the so called automatic devices), the producing course will go on according to preset operation laws. However, this set of controlling process need monitoring instruments and transmitters to practice measuring and signal conversion to the parameters in the course. In addition to displaying devices applied to indicate and record the parameter, adjusters and calculators are also needed for its mathematic calculation, implementers and coordinators for the implementation of orders in the system, so that the operation can be performed in the process of the production according to the requirements. The design in question aims at carrying out monitoring to this automatic production process. Through the set of parts, audio and optical alarms will take place when the parameter goes beyond the limits or troubles occur in the course of automatic production, along with the display of trouble site. Further more, with the help of the audio and optical parts, the automatic state in the course of the production can even be transformed into manual state, so as to help the operators identify the trouble sites and causes in time, reduce the time in failure and make the production quickly restore to the normal process. TF devices could be classified into nine types according to various parts. Namely they are convertion types(TFZ)、energy source types(TFY)、supplement types(TFF)、computation types(TFS)、control types(TFK)、given value types(TFG)、display types(TFX)、operation types(TFC)、adjustment types(TFT), among which, the display types and the operation types are commonly called “devices” while the others named “parts”. What this design focuses is the TFK parts, mainly including alarm, high value selection, low value selection, range between the upper and lower limits, speed limit, follow-up comparison, manual-automatic switching, audio and optical control and monitoring, etc. By the adoption of input and output parts, TF devices fulfill the connection with the delivered signals on site, thus the accomplishment of accepting or sending out the standard current signals at 010mA or 420mA. Various substandard signals (such as frequency, impulse, amount for turn-on and off, etc.) have to be introduced into the system for utilization by means of relevant devices, while the contact signals within the machine adopt d.c. voltage signals at 010V. The TF device supplies power in two ways: one is the concentrated power supply with machine boxes and the other is the concentrated power supply through operation machines. The former collects the regulated electrical sources at various size on the highest layer of the machine box and the power supply is delivered to different boxes with the help of common wires, or to the relevant devices and operators on site or at the operating table through external terminals. The concentrated power supply 2 at the operation table can meet the demand of the table device. The d c steady power source is of a couple of types, such as +24V、+15V、-15V、+5V, etc. among which, the designed monitoring system parts adopt +15V、+5V and -15V. As to the accuracy of the functional parts, most are at ±0.5% except those for un-isolated transmission units, w


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