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Lesson 27: The dove and the Olive Branch,Warming up,Do you know the story of the dove and the olive branch?,Adam and Eve,The garden of Eden,Driven out of the garden of Eden,Noahs ship,The dove and the olive branch,New words,dove n. 鸽子 olive n. 橄榄 Adam 亚当 Eve夏娃 Eden n. 伊甸园 God n. 上帝 flood n. 洪水 Noah 诺亚 peaceful adj. 和平的 raise v. 饲养 symbol n. 象征;符号,Listening Task: Listen to the tape and decide the following statements are true or false.,1. Noah is a good man. 2. Noah and his family in the Great Flood for a hundred days. 3. Since then, people use a picture of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth to show their love for peace. Keys:1.T 2.F 3.T,Reading Task: Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:,1.Did God think there are too many bad people in the world? 2.What did Noah do to escape the Great Flood? KEYS: 1.Yes, he did. 2.He made a large wooden ship and floated with his family in the Great Flood for a hundred and fifty days.,Language notes:,1. Do you know the story of the dove and the olive branch?,branch branches,hold out the olive branch 伸出橄榄枝,表示准备 讲和,2. After Adam and Eve are driven out of the Garden of Eden,they have their daughters and sons, and their daughters and sons have their own daughters and sons and so on. 在亚当和夏娃被赶出伊甸园后,他们有了自己的儿子和女儿,他们的儿子和女儿又生了自己的儿子和女儿,如此延续下去。 1) “be+动词的过去分词”为被动语态,表示主语是动作的承受者。如: English is spoken by many people. 英语被许多人讲。/许多人讲英语。 The work will be finished by us tomorrow. 我们将明天完成这项工作。,2) own自己的。如: This book is my own.这本书是我自己的。 可用作动词,意为“拥有,有”。如: We dont own our flatwe rent it.我们自己没有房子-这是我们租的。,【注意】: owner名词,主人,所有人。如: Are you the owner of that bike? 你是那辆自行车的主人吗? 3) and so on“等等”,用于列举事物。如: I like apples, oranges, pears and so on. 我喜欢吃苹果、橘子、梨等。 My brothers are interested in art, music, books, and so on. 我哥哥对艺术、音乐、书籍等感兴趣。,3. There are too many bad people in the world. 世界上坏人太多了。 too many“太多”,后接可数名词的复数,表数量。如: Therere too many people in the hall. 大厅里有太多的人。 【试比较】:too much“太多”,也表数量,后接不可数名词。如: We have too much homework to do. 我们有太多的作业要做。 【注意】:much too“太”,后接形容词或副词,much用在too前用来加强语气。如: Youre much too kind to me. 你对我太好了。,4. They must die in the Great Flood, all except Noah, because he is a good man. 他们必须在洪水中死亡,所有的人必须死,除了诺亚之外,因为他是个好人。 except除外 Everybody except Tom was able to answer. 除了汤姆以外,大家都能回答。(不包括汤姆在内) 注意:besides表示“除以外,还有”,有“加”的意味,except表示“从整体中除去”,有“减”的意味。如: They all went to the Great Wall except John last time. This time theyll all go there besides him. 上次除约翰没去长城,他们都去了。这次除他去以外,他们也都将去那里。,Every one of us, _ him, went to the park. I usually go to school by bike _ on rainy day. She is a good girl _ her weak health condition. _ his carelessness, he is a good student.,except,except,except for,Except for,5. Noah makes a large wooden ship and floats with his family in the Great Flood for a hundred and fifty days. 诺亚造了一艘大船,和他的家人在洪水中漂浮了150天。 基数词用hundred, thousand, million, billion表示确切的数目时,不能加s。如:six thousand; 但在表示不确切的数目时,要用复数形式+of结构,意为“数以记的,成的”。如: Thousands of people had to leave their hometown during the war on Iraq.在伊拉克战争中,数以千记的人们被迫离开了家园。,6. In the evening the dove comes back with a green olive branch in its mouth, showing that land is near and the danger is over. 晚上鸽子回来了,嘴里叼着橄榄枝,表明陆地就在附近,危险过去了。 with a long olive branch in its mouth介词短语作伴随状语。如: Id like Chinese tea with nothing in it.我喜欢里面什么也不加的中国清茶。 The mooncakes with nuts in them are very delicious. 里面有坚果仁的月饼很好吃。,7. In the evening the dove comes back with a green olive branch in its mouth, showing that land is near and the danger is over.,with a green olive branch in its mouth是介词with的复 合结构,作伴随状语。 showing that land is nearer and danger is over是v-ing形 式短语,作结果状语。 land is near and the danger is over是两个宾语从句。,over adv. “完了,结束” be over,Class is over at twelve oclock. = Class ends at twelve oclock.,8. Since then, people think both the dove and the olive branch mean a peaceful land and a peaceful life. 从那时起,人们认为鸽子和橄榄枝意味着和平的土地和和平的生活。 since自以来 She has been collecting stamps since 1990. 她自1990年以来一直在集邮。 【注意】:1)“since+时间点”常与现在完成时连用。如: I have studied French since I came here. 自从来这儿我就学习法语了。 2)“It is +时间段+since”指“自从已经多长时间了”。如: It is three years since she came here. 她来这儿已经三年了。,9. They use a picture of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth to show their love for peace.,with an olive branch in its mouth是介词with 的复合结 构,作dove的后置定语。 to show their love for peace是不定式短语,作目的状 语。,10. I would love to raise doves and plant an olive tree. 我愿意饲养鸽子并且种一棵橄榄树。 raise举起,提高,增加,提出,抚养,种植,引起 Danny is strong enough to raise the stone. 丹尼很强壮,能举起这块石头。 She raised her voice. 她提高了嗓门。 They raised wheat in this field last year. 去年他们在这块地里种了小麦。,Lets do it,In a small group, discuss whether or not you think the story of Noah is real? Why or why not? In Chinese culture, there are also famous stories about making peace. Tell one of these stories to your class. Then, write it out.,


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