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植物生理学复习题(review of plant physiology)

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植物生理学复习题(review of plant physiology)

植物生理学复习题(Review of Plant Physiology)Chapter 1 water physiology of plants (emphasis)Water potential: the difference between the chemical potential of aqueous solution and the chemical potential of pure water divided by the partial molar volume of water.Apoplastic pathway: the movement of water through the cell walls, cell spaces, etc. without cytoplasm, with little resistance and rapid movement. In thePlastid pathway: the movement of water from the cytoplasm of one cell through the plasmodesmata to the cytoplasm of another cell, forming a cytoplasmic continuum that moves at a slower rate. In theOsmosis: water from the water system through the semipermeable membrane to the system moving phenomenon of low water potential.Root pressure: the pressure produced by water potential entering the middle column due to the gradient of water potential. In theTranspiration: a phenomenon in which water is released from the body through the surface of the plant (mainly leaves) in a gaseous state.Cohesion Theory: the water has great cohesive force to resist the tension, guaranteed by the leaf Zhigen column to explain the reason for the rise of the continuous water theory. In theCritical period of water: a period in which plants are particularly sensitive to water deficit.1., the plant cells were placed in pure water and 1mol/L sucrose solution. What were the changes of osmotic potential, pressure potential, water potential and cell volume of the cells?Answer: in pure water, each index increases; in the cane sugar, each index reduces.4. how does moisture enter the root canal? How does water transport to leaves?Answer: there are three ways to enter the root in the catheter:Apoplastic pathway: the movement of water through cell walls, cell spaces, etc. without cytoplasm, with little resistance and rapid movement. In theTransmembrane pathway: the movement of water from one cell to another through the plasma membrane two times and through the vacuole membrane. In thePlastid pathway: the movement of water from one cell's cytoplasm through plasmodesmata to the cytoplasm of another cell, forming a cytoplasmic continuum that moves at a slower rate.These three pathways work together to absorb moisture from the roots. The driving force of root water uptake is root pressure and transpiration tension.The mode of transport to the leaves: transpiration is the main driving force of moisture rise, causing water to rise in the stem and reach the blade. The water in the pipe must form a continuous column of water. The reason is: the cohesion of water molecules, enough to resist the tension, guaranteed by the leaf Zhigen water continuously, so that the water rising.5. why do stomata in plant leaves open under light and turn off in dark conditions? In theAnswer: the cell walls of guard cells are flexible, and the volume of cells can reversibly increase 40100%. In the guard cell wall thickness, uneven distribution. Dicotyledonous plants are kidney shaped guard cells, wall thickness, wall thin wall, easy to be extended, water outward, open stomata; Gramineae guard cell is a dumbbell, two middle thick and thin, absorbent, lateral enlargement, the stomatal opening. The guard cell chloroplast formation of sucrose in the light, accumulated in the vacuole, reduced osmotic potential, and swelling, stomatal opening; in dark conditions, respiration, organic matter consumption, increase the osmotic potential and water loss, stomatal closure.The second chapter: mineral nutrition of plants (emphasis)Mineral nutrition: the uptake, translocation, and assimilation of minerals by plantsSolution culture: the method of growing plants in a solution containing all or part of the nutrient elements.Ion channel: a pore formed by a channel protein in a cell membrane that controls the passage of ions through the cell membrane.Carrier: an inner membrane protein that forms an invisible pathway and transfers material through changes in its conformation.One way transport vehicle that catalyzes the transport of molecules or ions in a single direction across the plasma membrane along an electrochemical potential gradient.Co transporter: the carrier combines with the H outside the plasma membrane and combines with another molecule or ion to transport in the same direction.Reverse carrier: a transporter that combines H with the outer membrane of the plasma membrane and combines with molecules or ions on the inside of the plasma membrane,The two are transported in the opposite direction.Ion pump: the membrane intrinsic protein is the ATP enzyme on the plasma membrane. It releases energy through the activation of ATP and drives the ion reverse chemical potential gradient to transport across the membrane.Biological nitrogen fixation: the process in which certain microorganisms fix the free nitrogen in the air into nitrogen compounds.Critical concentration:


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