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考试复习重点资料(最新版)考试复习重点资料(最新版) 封封 面面 第1页 资料见第二页资料见第二页 公共管理学案例分析: 福特基金会的产生、发展及其在中国 Fifty years ago, Henry Ford and his son Edsel, placed a modest amount of their vast wealth into a charitable foundation。That was the common practice then and is now for wealthy Americans The once modestfoundationhasgrownintothelargestgeneralpurpose charitable organization in the worldThe Ford Foundation has given away more than six billion dollarsIt's money has touched every aspect of American life,touched the arts,science and even public radio Warren Kozak has this report A Symphony orchestra in the Midwest; an inner-city building project, Africa's chronic food shortagesThese varied activities have one thing in common:all have received money from the Ford Foundation. Just off New York's Forty-second Street,in the shadow of the United Nations, a modern building with a huge glass wall serves as the world headquarters of the Ford Foundation Besides giving away money, the Foundation has always attracted some of the country's best minds. “Well,I should tell you that I do not join any organization,including Ford Foundation,unless it can satisfy two criteria. Former Secretary of Defense,World Bank President, and Ford Board member,Robert McNamara “One,I insist that it be an organization I feel some capability of contributing to. And,secondly,I insist it be an organization that can contribute to me,that can stimulate my interest,enlarge my under standing of the worldI should say that it has been,I think the most interesting association of my life.“ At the Foundation's headquarters , a staff of more than three hundred people studies data from all over the world,spots trends and writes recommendationsIn the large board room,the directors argue the merits of individual requests and eventually decide Who will get what part of the one hundred and twenty-five million dollars that goes out every yearIf you think giving away that kind of money is easy,you're wrong. There is no question that today's Ford Foundation with a four and a half billion-dollar endowment is a force of it's ownBut it wasn't always that wayYou see,back in 1936,there were just a few large foundations When Henry and Edsel started their small project Their original contribution was only twenty-five thousand dollars and its main function was to help local Charities in MichiganThen in 1943,son Edsel died unexpectedly,fo110wed four years later by his fatherAnd the family lawyers had a huge problem on their handsAt the of their deaths,the Ford Motor Company was not a public corporation These two men owned most of the stock and for tax reasons,a great deal of it had to be disposed of and quickly There was only one local recipient of the windfall. So in the late forties , the sleepy Michigan charity became almost overnight,the largest foundation in the world。 The Third World development programs also continue to take a lot of heat from time to time。Millions of do11ars have been poured into what seems to be a bottomless pitSome problems have been solved only to find new ones taking their placeRobert McNamara defends Ford'sinvolvement thereHe thinks Foundations offer something that no one else is able to do because without their re-search the government's foreign aid Would be wasted It's insane to put as much money invest as much money , per yearwithasinadequatean intellectual foundation of how to maximize the efficiency Of those investmentsAnd Africa is a perfect illustration Of the problemTens of billions of dollars are being invested in Africatoday They need moreBut despite that investment ,the GNP growth per capitainthe countries of sub-Saharian Africa has been negative , on average , for a decade The food production per capita has been negative,per capita,for over a decade。Why? Who knows? Nobody knowsAnd government's are too large;they're too rigid;they're too inflexible;they're too insensitive,really,unable to move as rapidly,and in some ways , as radically as necessary to find the answer to the question This year the Ford Foundation will receive about nine thousand formal requests for money. All of the letters and forms will be looked at; some will be studied more closely; and about twelve hundred lucky projects will receive anywhere from a thousand dollars to several million to help along the way. Im Warren Kozak in Washington. 福特基金在中国 一关注高校贫困生福特基金“提高高校贫困生个人能力” 2003 年 9 月 25 日上午,在热烈掌声中,福特基金“提高高校贫困生个人 能力”项目中期总结交流会在广西师范学院大学生活动中心第三会议室举行。 来 自国家教育部、云南、贵州、广西三省教育厅以及福特基金会、环发所项目执行 组、参与项目的三省 8 所高校领导、项目负责人出席了会议,会议就如何提高高 校贫困生个人能力进行了广泛的交流和深入地探讨。我院副院长卞成林、学生工 作处、院团委有关领导、老师及福特基金项目各子项目负责人参加了会议。 会议的开场别出心裁,首先以游戏的方式让来自各地的与会者相互认识, 拉 近距离,消除了陌生感。在自我介绍之后,与会者分四组讨论福特基金在各高校 运作的情况。 与会代表深入浅出的阐述了各高校项目工作中取得的经验和存在的 问题。整个交流会热烈活泼,充满着团队精神。 “一对一”会谈,有“唇枪舌战” 的精彩发言; “专家视角”的演说,不时地响起热烈的掌声;著名经济学家茅于 轼在参加和听取了项目组的讨论后以其独到的经济学视角, 用通俗的语言举例分 析了福特基金在支持教育事业、促进教育事业发展方面的积极作用。国家教育部 学生司张浩明处长在讲话中介绍了我国目前的高校学生和贫困生现状, 高度评价 福特基金在支持教育事业、促进教育事业发展方面发挥的重要作用。自治区教育 厅黄副厅长就广西的项目工作发言, 向福特基金项目官员全面介绍了广西实施项 目的进展


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