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名 词 性 从 句,名词: 名词的 性质: 从: 句:,book; friend; Kate This is . is interesting I bought today. likes the book. 从属,服从,不独立 句子,动词表现为时态形式,同位语,宾语,主语,表语,The book,a book,the book,My friend,Kate,如果不是由news, story, question, garden这样的名词充当主语/宾语/表语/同位语,而是由一个句子替代了这个本该由名词充当的成分时,会怎样?,主语 _ is true. 宾语 I believe _. 表语 That is _. 同位语 (对前面名词内容进行解释) I accepted _ _. Theyll visit _ _.,What he talked about,The news,his story,what he told me,what he asked me,his question.,that all of us should attend the meeting tomorrow,his opinion,a beautiful backyard garden of Beijing,Huairou,为什么有时用what而有时用that? 有没有规律呢?,从句,从句,从句,从句,名词性从句,,,引导名词性从句的引导词,在从句中作主、宾、表语,在从句中作状语,在从句中不充当从句的任何成分,比较:引导定语从句的引导词,I dont know what we should buy. I believe that you are an honest boy. What we can do now is to work hard. That the earth is round was not accepted 400 years ago. The problem is what should be built up at the centre of the city. His reason for his absence is that his mother got badly ill last week.,为什么有时用what而有时用that?,_,_,_,_,_ _,_ _,首先要能识别名词性从句:,答案是:从句本身缺少sth,用what替代; 从句本身不缺成分,只陈述事实观点,用that引导,名词性从句解题三部曲,着眼点在于表现为有时态形式的动词(动词时态) 根据有时态动词来确定主句。查看主句是否缺少本该由名词充当的成分。* 如果本该由名词充当的成分,却由一个句子来代替(其中一定有一个表现为时态形式的动词),把它定为名词性从句。然后根据主句所缺名词性成分,明确其为何种类型名词性从句。* 最后根据该类型从句本身所缺成分,确定适当连结代词(副词),并放在从句句首。*,主语 _ is true. 宾语 I believe _. 表语 That is _. 同位语 (对前面名词内容进行解释) I accepted _ _.,What he talked about,The news,his story,what he told me,what he asked me,his question.,that all of us should attend the meeting tomorrow,his opinion,从句,从句,从句,从句,名词性从句,重温名词性从句解题三部曲,连接代词/副词,用法特点:与一般疑问句的提问词一样,谁的 哪一个 怎么样 为什么 在/去什么地方 在什么时侯 感叹“多么!” 因为,Whose which how why where When What/that (同感叹句一样) because,名词性从句,的健康问题,That,_ _,is a big problem,_ China has the largest population in the world,It,避免名词性从句头重脚轻摔跟头,名词性从句,的健康问题,That,_ _,is very likely,_ our class team will win the school basketball match,It,避免名词性从句头重脚轻摔跟头,名词性从句,的健康问题,that,_ we should take physical exercise every day,it,避免名词性从句大腹便便有碍观瞻,very important,the problem,I think,名词性从句,的健康问题,that,_ _ _,_ our class have a picnic on the weekend,it,避免名词性从句大腹便便有碍观瞻,I think a good suggestion.,名词性从句,的健康问题,避免名词性从句翻肠倒肚痛苦不堪,Can you tell me what _ reading now? Nobody can understand what _ really interested in.,are,you,is,he, ,名词性从句的心病:最怕有人传闲话,_ _.,People believe,the news,that the economic crisis will be over soon.,is believed,(by people),It,名词性从句的心病:最怕有人传闲话,_ _.,Someone reported,the car accident,that a running had broken into a shop.,was reported,(by someone),It,名词性从句的心病:减肥爱美省略that,当that引导一个宾语从句时,that可以省略 I think you can do it well by yourself. We believe China will have a good future. They suggest the school sport meet should be put off until this Friday.,that_,that_,that_ _,特殊的名词性从句,I have some doubt _ he really told us the truth. We have no doubt _ China will meet new challenges in developing economy.,whether,that,whether,that,名词性从句和定语从句的区别,名词性从句:主句中缺少一个本该被名词充当的成分,结果被一个句子给代替了。 定语从句:主句中不缺成分,只是有个名词(或代词)没有说清楚,需要加以限定说明(到底是哪一个)。,We are discussing,the news,you told us just now.,the news,that / which,We are discussing,the news,_ our class won the first prize.,that,定语从句与主/宾/表从句的关系,I like the book that you bought in the bookstore last week. I like all that you have done.,I like what you bought in the bookstore last week. I like what you have done.,区别在于主句是否缺成分:不缺-定从;缺-名从,联系在于某种等式关系:名词(代词)+定从=名从,定语从句与同位语从句的区别在于:,He has just got the news that you told me yesterday. He has broken the promise that he made last month. 限定具体哪一个,He got the news that the Chinese team had won the match. He broke the promise that he would invite me to dinner tonight. 解释什么内容,主句中的名词(代词) 可否还原到从句中: 能还原定语从句; 不能还原-名词性从句,that不同省略:定语从句与名词性从句中,在限定性定语从句中,that代替从句的宾语时,可省略。 I like the present (that) Mother bought last week. He knows the man (that) the leader praised just now.,名词性从句中,that 引导宾语从句时,可以省略。 I think (that) the book is interesting. We believe (that) Beijing will succeed in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.,名词性从句和定语从句的联系 名词/代词+定语从句=名词性从句,Id like to look at _ you bought last week. Id like to look at _


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