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Unit 5 The Water Problem Whats the World to Do about Water? Humanitys Top 10 Problems What will be the top 10 problems of humanity for the next 50 years? 2 2019年10月24 日 Humanitys Top 10 Problems 3 2019年10月24 日 EnergyWater Humanitys Top 10 Problems 4 2019年10月24 日 FoodEnvironment Humanitys Top 10 Problems 5 2019年10月24 日 PovertyTerrorism and War Humanitys Top 10 Problems 6 2019年10月24 日 Disease Education Humanitys Top 10 Problems 7 2019年10月24 日 Democracy Population Humanitys Top 10 Problems Energy Water Food Environment Poverty Terrorism In 1996, Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of a new form of carbon, buckminsterfullerene, also known as buckyballs; An advocate of nanotechnology and its applications; Upon Smalley's death, the US Senate passed a resolution to honor Smalley, crediting him as the “Father of Nanotechnology.“ Humanitys Top 10 Problems Energy Water Food Environment Poverty Terrorism agriculture 3. the earth; fresh water 12 2019年10月24 日 添加页脚 Opener Today, according to UNICEF, at least 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation, while 1.1 billion people live without clean drinking water period. Water is the key component in all of our daily lives no matter where we live, not only for human use, but for energy, industry, agriculture, and livestock. Now if you look at the earth, youll notice that over 75% of our blue planet is water. The problem is only 3% of that water is fresh water. 13 2019年10月24 日 添加页脚 Man-made Water Pollution Industrial wastewater Daily life sewage Pesticide and fertilizer pollution 14 2019年10月24 日 添加页脚 Water Protection Are there good ways to protect water? For government: To establish the urban sewage treatment system. To restructure the industries. To strengthen the planning and management of water resources. To control the agricultural pollution. 15 2019年10月24 日 添加页脚 For business: To reduce water consumption. To buy equipment of sewage treatment. Do not discharge sewage into water. To establish the water recycling system. Water Protection Are there good ways to protect water? For individuals: Dont use cleaners which cause pollution. Do not throw garbage into river or sea. Tell the people around to protect water. 16 2019年10月24 日 添加页脚 Water Saving Do you have good ways to save water? Turn off the water tap when you leave. Wash clothes manually instead of using washing machines. Collect the raining water when raining. Do not play water for fun. Choose the equipment labeled “water saving”. Reduce the times having a bath. 17 2019年10月24 日 添加页脚 Whats the World to Do about Water? Reading protect from loss or destruction 节约使用;保护 e.g. To conserve energy, most families in this apartment building do not turn on the air-conditioners except in extreme weather. 为了节约能源,这幢楼大多数人家若非高温一般不开空调。 Para. 1 conservation n. e.g. Water conservation tops the list of our urgent tasks. 节水是我们工作的重中之重。 to ones liking: 中意,称心 e.g. “We do our best to ensure that the food we serve is always to your liking,” said the owner of the restaurant to us. “我们尽力提供你们满意的菜肴,”饭店老板对我们说。 Para. 1 Understanding the Text S One night, I didnt turn off the water fast enough to her liking. (Para.1) | A) One night, she wasn't pleased with the way I turned off the water, because she thought I didnt do it fast enough. B) One night, I didnt turn off the water as fast as she did; it seemed that she liked doing it herself. 一天晚上,女儿认为我关龙头动作不够快,不乐意了。 Para. 1 That statement still rings in my ears today, not only because of her precociousness but also because she was exactly right. We need to conserve our resources to buy ourselves time so scientists can find new solutions to our problems. And this is especially true for water. ring in ones ears: make one feel that one can still hear sth. 犹言在耳 e.g. She went to bed with the song still ringing in her ears. 她上床睡觉,歌声仍萦绕在耳。 resource: n. (usu. pl.) 资源 e.g. Land resources in this small island country are extremely scarce. 这个弹丸岛国的土地资源极为稀少。 Para. 2 Source: the place where a stream or river starts a person, place, thing or activity from which one gets sth. e.g. Over 40 per cent of British adults use television as their major source of information about the arts. 40 %以上的英国成年人把电视当作获取艺术文化信息的主要 途径。 Resource: (usu. pl.) sth. that can be used for support or help sth. that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth e.g. Some families don't have the resources to feed themselves properly. 有些家庭无力维持生活。 Para. 2 源头 来源 财力,物力 资源 Understanding the Text S We need to conserve our resources to buy ourselves time so scientists can find new solutions to our problems. (Para. 2) 2 A) We should conserve our resources. If we do so the money we save will be used to find new solutions to our problems. B) We should conserve our resources. If we do so the resources will probably last long enough for scientists to find new solutions to our problems. 我们必须节约资源,争取时间,使科学家来得及找到解决问 题的新方法。 Pa


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