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HotEssay论文网(hotessay.cn)-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心留学paper写作-离婚咨询According to Divorce Care, an organization dedicated to providing counseling sessions for divorced people, divorce is commonly perceived by the mainstream as a painful, stressful and confusing phase of life (Divorce Care, 2017). People who are going through a divorce may be influenced in profound ways that would cause more serious and lasting mental health issues. This makes it necessary for intervention, or at least company. Divorce Care provides its members counseling sessions with the experts in the field. During the short meeting, a video is played to the group of participants, to help guide them through this difficult period of life. It turns out that a support group with a specific focus can be very effective in diverting the attention of the participants into things more constructive to their future lives. What people need the most from these counseling activities may not be expert opinions, but simply some company from people who are suffering from the same experience as they are. A mental preparation from Divorce Care for the potential participants is also found in prominent positions on their webpage. This preparation deals with the nervousness and doubt in peoples mind on whether they should participate or not. The benefits of the meeting are introduced, including the acquiring of helpful information to recover from a divorce, the opportunity to talk to real listeners, and the sense of belonging to a larger crowd. Moreover, Divorce Care also provides the children from these divorced families a playground and safe environment to play in, with games, music, and activities organized for them. Although this is not the main focus of the counseling, it does add to the incentive for divorced parents to participate.据专门为离婚人士提供咨询服务的组织“离婚关怀”(Divorce Care)表示,离婚通常被主流社会视为人生中痛苦、压力和困惑的阶段(Divorce Care, 2017)。正在经历离婚的人可能会受到深远的影响,从而导致更严重、更持久的精神健康问题。这使得有必要进行干预,或者至少是陪伴。“离婚关怀”组织为其成员提供咨询服务,咨询的对象是该领域的专家。在简短的会议期间,会播放一段视频给与会者,帮助他们度过这段艰难的人生时期。事实证明,一个有特定关注点的支持小组可以非常有效地将参与者的注意力转移到对他们未来生活更有建设性的事情上。人们从这些咨询活动中最需要的可能不是专家的意见,而只是一些与他们有着相同经历的人的陪伴。在他们网页的显著位置,还发现了为潜在的参与者提供离婚护理的心理准备。这种准备处理的是人们对是否应该参与的紧张和怀疑。会议的好处介绍,包括获得有用的信息,从离婚中恢复,有机会与真正的听众交谈,和感觉属于一个更大的群体。此外,离婚关怀还为这些离异家庭的孩子提供了一个游乐场和安全的环境,让他们在里面玩游戏、听音乐、参加活动。虽然这不是咨询的主要重点,但它确实增加了离异父母参与的动机。The “Healing” section on the Divorce Care webpage (2017) discusses the process of recover from a divorce more specifically. Several important aspects of healing are addressed, including a support team, daily encouragement, foundation for healing session, personal study, and a bookstore. The major purpose of a support team and daily email encouragement is to reestablish connection with the society. Main married people become rather “institutionalized” to married life, and a sudden change through divorce may completely drive them out of their comfort zone. Therefore, support and prevention against negative feelings are important. The most effective way to do so is by reestablishing previous social connections, and new ones, to fill in the blank created by the divorce. Diversion of attention is another effective measure of divorce intervention. This is done by personal study and reorientation of focus on other aspects of life. While different people may have different ways to relax the mind from pressure, the reading and exercises provided by Divorce Care may be an effect approach for some. Other diversions include the shift of attention on the career, adopting a pet, more investment on the children, etc. Most of the divorced adults should be perfectly capable for finding the most suitable distractions on their own. The highly personalized nature of effective distractions may diminish the need for external intervention, but Divorce Care does provide the right directions by outlining the healing process.离婚护理网页(2017)的“治愈”部分更具体地讨论了从离婚中恢复的过程。讨论了治疗的几个重要方面,包括支持团队、日常鼓励、治疗会议的基础、个人学习和书店。支持团队和日常邮件鼓励的主要目的是重建与社会的联系。大多数已婚人士对婚姻生活变得相当“制度化”,离婚带来的突然变化可能会让他们完全离开自己的舒适区。因此,支持和预防消极情绪是很重要的。最有效的方法是重建以前的社会关系,以及新的社会关系,以填补离婚造成的空白。转移注意力是另一种有效的离婚干预措施。这是通过个人学习和重新定位生活的其他方面来实现的。虽然不同的人可能有不同的方法来缓解压力,离婚护理提供的阅读和练习可能是一个有效的方法。其他的娱乐方式包括将注意力转移到事业上、收养宠物、在孩子身上投入更多等等。大多数离异的成年人完全有能力自己寻找最合适的消遣。有效的分散注意力的高度个性化的本质可能会减少外部干预的需要,但是离婚护理的确通过概述治疗过程提供了正确的方向。A list of seminar topics is provided by Divorce Care, which gives people a change to look into what a real counseling session may feel like. The seminar begins with the question of “What is happening to me (Divorce Care, 2017)?” This helps the participants to identify the nature of this obstacle in their lives. The next steps require the participants to directly face their anger, depression, and loneliness. This may be a step to mitigate the fact that many people choose to be in denial of the reality as a form of self-protection. Their inability to feel the pain would only drive them further into depression and isolation. Therefore, they need to summon the courage to confront the negative emotions before overcoming them. The ne


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