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New Words and Phrases 短语活用 句型应用 Words and Phrases 1. 保持心态平衡 2. 腿瘸得厉害 3. 表露出来 4. 协调步伐 5. 出发 6. 确定步速 7. 适应 8. 带病上班 9. 即便天气恶劣 10. 准时到办公室 keep ones balance be severely crippled let on coordinate ones steps start out set the pace adjust to sth./sb. go to work sick despite nasty weather make it to the office Back课文导入预习写作 N H C E 随 笔 短语活用 句型应用 Words and Phrases 11. 引以为荣的事 12. 紧紧抓住扶手 13. 没有冰雪 14. 办公楼的地下室 15. 对······感到惊奇 16. 承受屈辱和压力 17. 毫无怨言 18. 同情的对象 19. 流露出对······的羡 慕 20. 用于判断人的标准 a matter of pride cling to the handrail be free of ice the basement of the office building be amazed at subject oneself to shame and stress without complaint an object of pity show envy of. standards by which to judge people Back课文导入预习写作 N H C E 随 笔 English Equivalents of Chinese 31. 务必要······ 32. 因琐事而抱怨 33. 嫉妒别人 34. 找回心理平衡 see to it that complain about trifles be envious of others regain ones balance of mind 短语活用 句型应用 Back课文导入预习写作 N H C E 随 笔 Sentences 我从未把你告诉我的话讲出去过。 I never let on about what you told me. 这些轮胎出厂前要经过各种严格的检测。 These tyres are subjected to various rigorous tests before leaving the factory. 她的实验为未来的研究树立了榜样。 Her experiments set the pace for future research. 河上的冰四月才化。 The river is never free of ice till April. 为什么你不请几天假? Why dont you take a few days leave? 他决意要使他的儿子们对政治产生更大的 兴趣。 He would see to it that his sons took a livelier interest in politics. Application of Words 说实在的 forget it 没关系,别再提了 fight it out 一决雌雄, 彻底解决 get it 拿到手,接到 quit it 美俚死 As luck would have it 碰巧地,幸运地 fail to/make it to/the arranged place/make up an excuse for sth. 移向, 走向 勉强了解 和解, 化妆, 虚构 补偿 to make for to make out to make up to make up for 他为自己没能按时到达 约定地点编造了一个借 口。 Back He made up an excuse for his failure to make it to the arranged place on time. 知 识 链 接 活 学 活 用意 群 提 示 句型应用 词组互译 课文导入预习写作 N H C E 随 笔 Back 依附依靠坚持 to cling to 她依然抱定希望:她 跑丢的宠物狗会回来 的。 短 语 应 用 ones missing pet dog / come back She still clings to the hope that her missing pet dog will come back. 短 语 逆 译 意 群 提 示 新视野新视野 短短 语语 应应 用用 N H C E rumors about sb./cling to the belief/stick to ones words 坚持, 遵循, 忠于(某人) 粘附, 坚持, 追随, 拥护 坚持, 固执于 坚持, 坚决要求 to stick to to adhere to to persist in to insist on 尽管有很多关于他的传 言,但她仍坚信他是一 个信守诺言的人。 Back Despite a lot of rumors about him, she still clings to the belief that he is a man who always sticks to his words. 知 识 链 接 活 学 活 用意 群 提 示 句型应用 词组互译 课文导入预习写作 N H C E 随 笔 Back 没有······的免于······ 的 free of 人们希望生活在一个 完全没有战争和暴力 的世界里。 短 语 应 用 long to / a world entirely free of / war and violence People long to live in a world entirely free of war and violence. 短 语 逆 译 意 群 提 示 新视野新视野 短短 语语 应应 用用 N H C E be too free with ones tongue/suffer embarrassment 免除······的 对······大方随便 免费地, 无偿地 释放某人 free from sth. free with sth. for free set free 她常常因为自己说话太 随便而受窘。 Back She often suffers embarrassment over being too free with her tongue. 知 识 链 接 活 学 活 用意 群 提 示 句型应用 词组互译 课文导入预习写作 N H C E 随 笔 Back 对······感到惊奇 to be amazed at 她在求职面试中镇定 自若,这令我大为惊 讶。 短 语 应 用 短 语 逆 译 意 群 提 示 in the job interview / ones calmness I was greatly amazed at her calmness in the job interview. 新视野新视野 短短 语语 应应 用用 N H C E Back 使服从使遭受 to subject to failure in the College Entrance Examination / subject sb. to sth. / mental pain His failure in the College Entrance Examination subjected him to great mental pain. 高考落榜使他遭受了 巨大的心灵创伤。 短 语 应 用 短 语 逆 译 意 群 提 示 新视野新视野 短短 语语 应应 用用 N H C E subject sb/sth to sth(L21) 1) (often pass.) to expose to something:使受到, 使 遭到 She was repeatedly subjected to torture. 她常遭拷打。 As a test the metal was subjected to great heat. 该金属曾置于高温下试验。 2) fml or lit 使服从, 使隶属 subject another's will to one's own 使别人的意志服从己意 be subject to 1) owe obedience to 受制于的 All citizens are subject to the laws of the land. 所有公民都受本国的法律约束。 2) be prone to 受的;很可能导致或受到 的 The trains are subject to delays when there is fog. 有雾的天气火车常会误点。 The prices are subject to change. 价格可能有变动。 3) conditionally upon 须经的 The treaty is subject to ratification. 该条约须经批准。 Back 使从事于, 参加 to engage in 令他高兴的是,参加 网络学习使他受益匪 浅。 to ones delight / ones engagement in sth. / bring sb. great benefits To his delight, his engagement in online learning has brought him great benefits. 短 语 应 用 短 语 逆 译 意 群 提 示 新视野新视野 短短 语语 应应 用用 N H C E Back 务必做到 to see (to it) that 截止日期在临近,请 务必如期寄出订货单 。 the deadline / draw nearer / see to it that / as scheduled / the order for the goods With the deadline drawing nearer, please see to it that the order for the goods is sent out as scheduled. 短 语 应 用 短 语 逆 译 意 群 提 示 新视野新视野 短短 语语 应应 用用 N H C E be scheduled to/set off/see to it that 注意, 安排, 处理 为某人送行 识破, 看穿 to see about to see off to see through 他们定于明天动身,请 务必在十点钟前赶到机 场为他们送行。 Back They are scheduled to set off tomorrow. Please see to it that you arrive at the airport before 10 to see them off. 知 识 链 接 活 学 活 用意 群 提 示 句型应用 词组互译 课文


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