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牛津版 高中英语 电子课本 模块十 M10U2

Population movement in the USAIn this edition of American Living, we are looking at some population trends in the USA.Aging in the sunOlder Americans are on the move. Throughout the Midwest and the Northeast, people aged 60 and over are packing their bags and heading south along the freeway to states like Florida. For some of these people the move is permanent, but for others it is only for a few months of the year.For decades, Florida has been attracting older people. In fact, according to the national population survey conducted recently, Florida is home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older. This group makes up over 17 percent of the states population. The national average is only about 12.7 percent, so it is not surprising that Florida is known as the oldest place in the USA.The question is, though, why are so many people retiring and spending their pensions in Florida? People give a variety of reasons, from wanting better health care to looking for communities of older people. Most agree, however, that they like the climate in Florida, which, apart from a few hurricanes, is warmer than in other places.“Younger people might like snow and cold, but for people my age, such weather is very tough; snow can turn into ice, which is easy to slip on. we prefer staying comfortable, and thats why moving somewhere warmer makers sense,” says, Edna, a 78-year-old woman living in Florida.Most US citizens retire around the age of 62, and the trend seems to be for them to move to warmer places. Florida is popular choice for these people because of the pleasant climate and the low cost of living there. As the number of older Americans moving there increases, more changes are made to cater to them. For example, ambulances respond faster now, and many houses have bathrooms designed for older owners, with things like easy-to-use bathtubs that reduce the risk of slips and falls. Such adaptations are making Florida even more attractive to older people. “My Wife and have come to Florida every winter for years, but now we want to buy a house here because the community understands the needs of older people. I can play bingo here, plant my herb garden and watch seagulls at the beach. Also, I know that we will get good medicine care and will be surrounded by friends our age,” 68-year-old David says.Bright lights, big citiesRecently, there has been a boom in population movements, and according to the national population survey, 12.5 percent of the population moves each year. Many of these more mobile people are moving to large cities; of these, most are young adults, who are flexible and can adapt to new places and situations well.“Where are all the young people?” asks Frank Smith, owner of the Oceania Inn in a small Midwestern town. “Twenty years ago, young people moved here and locals stayed after graduation. Now, young people even my own flesh and blood-move away.” Across the USA, people are noticing the same thing: young people are electing to live in cities.Young mobile adults give many different reasons for swapping their home towns for big cities. Some are looking for a good job, while some others seek exciting and fun things to do. The one thing that is clear, however, is that young people are speaking with one voice: “To the cities!”Daniel,27, explains, “cities are more exciting. The rent is high, but it is a great place to meet people and find entertainment. Cities have theatres, museums, and big sporting events, but small towns have none of these. Maybe I will move to a small town when I get married, but for now, I want to have fun.”Angela, 21, adds, “Id love to stay in the community where I grew up, but there are no good jobs. I have to go where the big companies are, because I want to be a successful accountant, not a clerk or a waitress. Thats why I will move to Los Angeles when I graduate from university.”The wandering RomanyNo group is associated more with moving and travelling than be Romany, who have been wandering around Europe and Asia for nearly 1,000 years. This article explains the history of the Romany and some of the reasons for their movement.Asian originsThe Romany are thought to have first come from India. Over the centuries, they spilt into different groups with different names, spreading into many countries, mostly in Europe. They also developed their own language, of which there are now approximately sixty varieties. The Romany have never written down their history, so it is hard to clarify their origins or exact history. It is also difficult to be precise about how many Romany people there are, though the Council of Europe has suggested a number of about 9.8 million.A travelling cultureMany people often refer to the Romany as “travelers”. In English-speaking countries, they are often called Gypsies” because of the belief that they first came from Egypt. However, today it is not considered polite to use this


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