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HotEssay论文网(hotessay.cn)-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心美国paper写作-全美超模大赛Americans Next Top Model is a worldwide famous reality show. Each season, it provides contestants the opportunity to compete for the title of “Top Model”, and a well-paid contract with prominent fashion brands. Fashion celebrity Tyra Banks is the executive producer and the host of the show. In this essay, Episode 3 from Season 20 will be analyzed. Having been on for twenty seasons, the show had already developed certain patterns that were the best received by the audience. In Season 20, male and female models were paired up and featured in the same shots. In addition, they had to participate in challenges of different themes each episode, getting scores from the challenge performance, the photo shooting and audience, and scores from social media. The three scores were combined at the end of each episode, to determine which contestants could go through to the next round. The main purpose of the show was to entertain the audience, obviously, and also to discover raw talent that would shine in the future runway business. To demonstrate this purpose, the director applied extensive ethos and pathos rhetorical strategies in the show. Based on the analysis of one single episode, it can be concluded that the show is effective in creating dramatic effects out of real-time shooting, through excellent creativity, perspective switches, pauses, editing and pacing techniques.美国的下一个超模是世界著名的真人秀。每一季,它为选手们提供了竞争“顶级模特”的机会,并为他们提供了与著名时装品牌签订的高薪合同。时尚名人泰拉·班克斯是该节目的执行制片人和主持人。在这篇文章中,我们将分析20季的第三集。这个节目已经播了20季了,已经形成了一些观众最喜欢的模式。在第20季中,男模和女模被配对,并出现在相同的镜头中。此外,每一集他们都要参与不同主题的挑战,从挑战表现、照片拍摄和观众中获取分数,从社交媒体中获取分数。在每一集结束时,这三个分数被合并在一起,以决定哪些参赛者可以进入下一轮。很明显,这个节目的主要目的是娱乐观众,同时也为了发掘未来t台秀行业的新秀。为了证明这一目的,导演在剧中运用了广泛的气质和感伤的修辞策略。通过对某一集的分析,我们可以得出这样的结论:该剧通过出色的创意、视角转换、停顿、剪辑和节奏技术,在实时拍摄的基础上创造出了富有戏剧性的效果。Since the winner of the show was to enter the professional modeling business, the show must demonstrate professionality. There were several professional elements added to the episode. Firstly, this episode invited Paul Marciano, the CEO of GUESS, and Jessica Hart, a successful model herself, to view and comment on the challenge session. The two of them offered professional comments and opinions along the way, making the show both entertaining and informative. The host and producer of the show, Tyra Banks, is another famous figure in the fashion industry. Their professionality created a comparison with the lack of professional background of the contestants and models. These experts from the industry contributed directly to the credibility of the show. Even if some of the guest names were not known by the audience, they were able to form a perception through the behaviors of the contestants. For example, when Paul Marciano was introduced, the scene was immediately followed by the excited responses from the contestants.由于节目的获胜者是进入专业模特行业,所以节目必须展示专业性。这一集增加了一些专业元素。首先,这一集请到了GUESS的CEO Paul Marciano和成功的模特Jessica Hart来观看和评论挑战环节。他们两个一路上提供了专业的评论和意见,使节目既有趣又有益。该节目的主持人和制作人泰拉·班克斯(Tyra Banks)是时尚界的另一位名人。她们的专业性与参赛选手和模特缺乏专业背景形成了对比。这些业内专家直接为节目的可信度做出了贡献。即使有些嘉宾的名字观众不知道,他们也能通过选手的行为形成一种感知。例如,当保罗·马西亚诺被介绍出场时,选手们的兴奋反应紧随其后。A fair scoring system in a competition show is also the crucial factor for its success. The “judge + challenge + audience” mode showed the professional nature of the show as well, taking in feedback from both the experts and the public. The final award of the season was huge for the contestants: a cover photo on the Nylon magazine, a contract with NEXT Models, and a $100,000 commercial contract with GUESS. The size of the award also added to the ethos rhetoric of the show indirectly. There were also smaller awards set for single episodes, for example, the “Tyra Suite” and the GUESS closet treat in episode 3. Repeated emphases on the importance and desirability of the award were made to the audience, creating motivation for them to keep watching. In addition, the show was neatly edited, with no sloppy shots. Almost every scene served a purpose. The professional competition and the personal interactions of the contestants were integrated well.比赛中公平的评分系统也是比赛成功的关键因素。“评委+挑战+观众”的模式也体现了节目的专业性,从专家和公众的反馈中获取信息。本季的最后一个奖项对参赛者来说意义重大:尼龙杂志的封面照片,与NEXT模特公司的合同,以及与GUESS公司价值10万美元的商业合同。奖项的规模也间接地增加了该剧的气质。单集也有小奖项,比如第三集的“Tyra Suite”和“GUESS closet treat”。反复强调奖项的重要性和可取性,为观众创造动力,让他们继续观看。此外,该节目编辑得很工整,没有马虎的镜头。几乎每一场戏都有其目的。专业比赛与选手的个人互动融合良好。Another critical factor for the success of a variety show is to show the audience the most authentic natures of the characters, instead of fake people or acting. The pathos rhetoric of the show generated the sense of authenticity for the audience, by demonstrating not only the professional, but also the personal sides of the contestants. Short video bios and interviews of all contestants were inserted into the episode, building connection with the audience, generating personal feelings. Things were added, such as where the contestants were from, their previous working experiences and


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