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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Is this your pencil测试题(C卷) 人教新目标版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Is this your pencil测试题(C卷) 人教新目标版

Unit2 Is this your pencil?第卷 听力部分(15分).听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1Is that your computer?2This is my key.3What's your telephone number?4It is his watch.5Is this your backpack?1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听句子, 选择正确答语(5分)What's her telephone number?6A.I'm Joy. BIt's 555­7523. CThat's a map.What's your name?7A.No. BI'm Mary CIt's red.What's that in English?8A.It's a pencil. BYes. CThank you.Is this your watch?9A.It's a key. BYes, it is. CNo, it is.How do you spell “case”?10A.Yes. BIt's a case. CC­A­S­E.听对话, 判断正(T)误(F)(5分)W:Good afternoon!M:Good afternoon!I lost my hat.W:What color is it?M:It's black.W:OK.What's your name?M:My name is Lim Hunt.W:How do you spell it?M:L­I­M, Lim.H­U­N­T, Hunt.W:How old are you?M:14.W:What's your telephone number?M:2886342.W:OK.11The boy's first name is Lim. 12The boy's last name is Hunt. 13His hat is white. 14He is 15. 15His telephone number is 2886342. 第卷 笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16What's this in English?_.AIt is sharpener BIt's a penCYes, it's a pencil DNo, it's a pen17This is an _.The color is white.Abook BpencilCUFO Deraser 18Is that your quilt?_.It's her quilt.AYes, it is BYes, that isCNo, it isn't DNo, that isn't19This is Jane's telephone number.You can _ her.Acall BmeetCthank Dspell20This is a _.His ruler and pens are in it.Awatch BringCbaseball Dpencil case21Is this your baseball _ the lost and found box?Aat BofCin Dto22How do you spell your name?_.AMy name is Bill BI'm BillCBill DB­I­L­L23This is _ pencil and that is _ eraser.Aa;a Ban;anCa;an Dan;a24Please _ Mr. Brown _ 495­3539.Acall;to Btelephone;to Ccall;at Dtelephone;for25_.Do you know his name?_, I don't know.ASorry;Excuse me BHello;YesCExcuse me;Sorry DHi;Er.完形填空(10分)Look at the lost and found case._26_ that?It's _27_ eraser.I think (想) it's his _28_.And I lost a _29_ of _30_.I must write(写) a notice.If (如果) _31_ find the keys, please _32_ me _33_ 555­6741._34_ name is Maggie White._35_ you!26A.What BIt'sCWhat's DThis27A.the BaCan D/28A.case BeraserCkeys Dquilt29A.gold BsetCnice Dgood30A.eraser BcasesCkeys Dquilt31A. I ByouChe Dshe32A.call BmeetCfound Dsee33A.in BonCat D to34A.My BHisCHer DYour35A.See BThankCMeet DThanks.阅读理解(20分)AFoundThing:WatchColor:BlackName:CindyTelephone number:359­5934LostI'm Linda.I lost a yellow ring.Please call Bill or me.My phone number is 485­3982.Bill's telephone number is 683­5912FoundIs this your jacket?It's a red jacket.And an ID card is in it.My name is Mike.My telephone number is 239­5178.36.Cindy found a(n)_Awatch BringCjacket DID card37_ lost a ring.ACindy BLindaCBill DMike38What's Mike's telephone number?A359­5934. B485­3982.C239­5178. D683­5912.39What color is the jacket?ABlack. BWhite.CYellow. DRed.40Which of the following is TRUE?ABill lost an ID card.BThe watch is yellow.CMike found a jacket and an ID card.DCindy's telephone number is 683­5912.B读下面的寻物启事和招领启事, 回答下列问题。LostMy school ID card.My name is Mike.Please call 266­8990.FoundNew watch.Is this your red watch?Please call Ann Reed at 653­7866.41.Is Mike a student?_42What's Mike's telephone number?_43Is Ann the owner (主人) of the watch?_44What color is the watch?_45What's Ann's family name?_.词汇(5分)根据句意及汉语提示, 完成句子。46Look!That's her _ _(电子游戏机)47Tony found _ _ _ _(一串钥匙)48Please _ _(给玛丽打电话) at 145­7098.49_ _(劳驾), what's this in English?50That is _ _ _ _(我的学生证).句型转换(10分)51It is my watch.(改为一般疑问句)_this_watch?52N­O­T­E­B­O­O­K.(根据答语写出问句)_ _you spell it?53Is that your baseball?(作出否定回答)No, _ _.54It is my_pencil.(对画线部分提问)_is_?55What's the English for this?(改为同义句)What's this _ _?.补全对话(10分)ASpell it, please FHow are youBAnd you GSorry, I can'tCExcuse me


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