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高中英语《uint14 careers lesson1》课件 北师大版必修5

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高中英语《uint14 careers lesson1》课件 北师大版必修5

Unit 14 Careers Lesson 1 Your Choice,Choose some adjectives from the Key Words to describe the following persons.,careful, cheerful, creative, reliable, confident, generous, helpful, modest, motivated, organized, patient, practical,careful,patient,helpful,hard-working,doctor,creative,flexible,designer,emotional,politician,strong,confident,manager,logical,reliable,organized,volunteer,motivated,cheerful,generous,Choose 3 adjectives from the Key words that describe you best.,Voice your opinion,Read the questionnaire on Page 22. Decide what you would do in these situations.,If most of your answers were: a: You are helpful / patient / generous. Your ideal job is one in which you work with people helping, training or curing them, e.g. doctor, nurse, teacher, social worker.,b: You are reliable / organised / logical / careful. You are good at practical things. You are a good person to work with figures, computers, machines, plants or animals. c: You are emotional / creative / flexible. You are imaginative and creative and you would be good as a journalist, designer or artist of some kind.,d: You are strong / confident / motivated. You are a natural leader and would be a good manager of other people in a business. e: If your answers were mixed, you are probably suited to a job in which you can use your different skills and abilities. For example, as manager of a computer company you would use your practical abilities (b) and leadership abilities (d).,1. Does the description fit your personality? 2. Would you like to do the kind of jobs that the key suggests for you?,Discussion,重点单词,chemistchemistry receptionistreceive receiptreception insuranceinsure summarysummarize guidance guide casualcasually choosechoice consult-consultation-consultative-consultant,重点短语,have problems doing sth. 做某事有困难 work for 效力于 give aids to 帮助 set an example 树立榜样 run across 遇上 be stuck on 受困于 take charge of 管理 offer to do 主动提出做 on the phone,consult sb about sth 就某事请教某人 rather than 而不是 spend time doing 花时间做,Keys,词语辨析 salaries income pay Wages prize reward Awards,2. consult had consulted (2) consultant (3)Consultations 归纳:consult sb (about sth) 向某人请教某事 consult (sth) with sb 与某人商量某事,You can consult dictionaries when you meet some new words. consult :查阅= look up Look up the word in the dictionary.,3. quarrel (1) are always quarrelling over/ about (2) quarrelling with (3) quarrel with 归纳:quarrel with sb 与某人争吵 quarrel with sth 抱怨,反对 quarrel about/ over sth 为而争吵,4. 管理,接管 收费 ( sb $ for sth) 控告( sb with sth) 充电 charge 50 yuan for a cup of coffee I have arranged Tom to take charge of Under the charge of children,5. have no difficulty finding 6. run 的短语 (1)running out (2)ran across (3) ran away 区分:run out 和run out of Sth run out Sb run out of sth,7. where to put When to leave how to fix/mend,及时检测,reward charge income guidance casual quarrelling consulted wages receptionists insurance,rather than sets an example to takes charge of ran across has problems,补充练习,meeting pretending anything on from meeting how doing before waiting,called had given yours will get impatiently to meet,Summary,The writer came across a friend who was so free that he always insisted on following others. This time he intended to come with the writer to the dentist for reading. The writer got to know from the fortune-teller that one of his relations was coming and he would get a surprise from a woman. It turned out that the relation was his sister and the woman was his wife.,


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