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中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 唐代茶诗的文化价值探寻 姓名:成亚林 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国古代文学 指导教师:罗漫 20070525 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 茶是上天给予中国最独特的礼物,不只提供茶饮及药用,甚至迸出灿烂辉煌 的茶文化与茶文学。唐代是茶文化发展的第一座高峰,在唐代文人的推动下,茶 成为了一门艺术、一种文化,更是一份独特的美学;中唐以后茶诗大增,特别是 专意咏茶之诗歌始兴于唐,这些咏茶诗的出现为诗苑又新添了一个创作题材。本 论文即以唐代茶诗作为研究对象,藉由深究作品之丰富内容,系统分析唐代饮茶 生活的文化内蕴,尤其是文人茶饮的生活美学与茶道思想,以及唐代茶诗的艺术 价值,并探讨其形成的文化背景。 论文共分五部分。 第一部分, 引言介绍学界之相关研究现状,说明本文的研究意图及研究重 点。同时简要回顾唐以前之茶诗,并对唐代茶诗丰富多样的创作题材与艺术表现 作一概述,以明其确有可观之处。 第二部分, 唐代茶诗形成之文化背景考察茶诗成熟大兴于唐代产生的文化 背景性成因。就外缘因素而言,茶业之蓬勃、僧道之提倡、 茶经之诞生等各项 利于茶业发展的因素相互激励鼓荡,使得唐代茶风炽盛。诗人既是社会的一份子, 其作品无可避免地要反映社会生活的面貌。就内缘因素而论,茶之醒脑清思、涤 烦消忧、以新为贵、轻细小巧等特性,正符合中唐以后文人特殊的心理需求,并 与中唐以后的诗风相印证。以上之种种便构成了唐代茶诗成熟大兴的主因。 第三部分, 唐代茶诗之文化内涵呈现从文化的角度来研究唐代茶诗的内涵, 检视其中所反映的生活美学,并阐明饮茶对唐代文人的深层意义。透过此章之探 讨,发现唐代文人把解渴醒脑的饮茶活动提升为充满美感情趣的品茗艺术,尤其 对中晚唐文人而言,茶代表一种闲适的生活方式,唐代茶诗可说是文人追求闲适 人生的副产品,亦可从中窥知中唐以后文人生命情调和生活型态之转变。另一方 面,本章还由思想层面来探讨唐代茶诗中所透显出的人文精神茶道思想。以 茶怡情、和谐平静、崇尚自然、悲天悯人、茶禅一味等茶道思想是茶与儒、禅、 道关系的会通,这正反映出唐代调和融汇三家思想的社会思潮。 第四部分, 唐代茶诗之艺术分析运用理论分析法,借镜中国古典文学批评, 唐代茶诗的文化价值探寻 II 并参考专家学者对唐诗的相关评论,整体性地分析唐代茶诗地艺术表现。从整体 上来看,唐代茶诗的艺术表现具有以下共性:雅化生活的诗歌情趣、不拘一格的 诗体运用、直叙晓畅的诗歌语言、理性内省的诗歌精神及清幽闲适的诗歌意境。 不仅具体而微地反映着中晚唐的诗歌风貌,也下开了宋诗取材生活化、以文为诗、 理性思辨的先河。 第五部分, 结论综合各章论述对唐代茶诗的文化价值作一总体性评价。 关键词:唐代 茶诗 茶文化 饮茶生活 茶道 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III Abstract Tea is the most unique gift which is bestowed by god. Not only is it used for drinking and pharmacyc , but also spurts out brilliant tea culture and tea literature. Pushed ahead by the man of letters in Tang Dynasty, tea had become a subject of art, a kind of tea culture , as well as a special aesthetics, as a result, Tang Dynasty is the first peak during the development of tea culture. It is during the Mid- Tang that Tea Poems really increased rapidly, especially the poems focused on singing tea sprang up. A new subject of writing was added to the poem field due to the appearance of these poems. Focusing on the tea poems together with their abundant contents in Tang Dynasty, this paper aims to analyse the cultural connotation of Tang s life for tea drinking, and the life aesthetics of tea drinking for those man of letters in particular. Furthermore, we will discuss the value of those tea poems and inquire into the culture background in which it formed as well. This paper contains five parts. Part I, The Introduction. To present an introduction of the research , followed by justifying research motivations, contents of literature review, and the research methodology is stated, and to give tea poetry of Tang Dynasty a brief skim to clarify that it is worth to pay a close attention. Part II, “Tea Tang Dynasty poem formed cultural background“, the use of historical research. inspected tea flourished in mature poems of the Tang Dynasty cultural background causes. On the outer edge of factors, the tea industry booming, the Historical's advocate, “tea“ was born to various tea industry development in mutual encouragement inspired, making tea Flourishing Tang Dynasty. Poet is a member of society, their work will inevitably have to reflect the social life. On the inner edge factors concerned, tea is characterized by a sober mind, eliminate headaches for your new, small compact light. Tang is in line with the literati after special psychological needs, and with the subsequent Tang poetry style correspond. These constitute a Tang Dynasty poem tea main reason for the rise of maturity. Part III, The Presentation of Tea Poems Cultural connotation in Tang Dynasty. To study the poetry of the Tang Dynasty tea connotation from the cultural perspective. Views of which reflected the art of living, and explained to the Tang Dynasty scholar tea the deep meaning. Through this chapter study found the Tang Dynasty scholar put thirst Xingnao of tea is full of activities to enhance the aesthetic taste of tea art In The Research On Cultural value of Tea Poetry of Tang Dynasty IV particular, the Middle literati, tea represents a leisurely way of life. Tea Tang Dynasty poem can be said to be the leisurely pursuit of civilian life products, will be able to readers to know which Tang later literati and the mood changes of life style. The other hand, the chapter also by the intellectual level to discuss the Tang dynasty poem by tea revealing the human spirit - - Way thinking, found his true ideology is the main Confucian thinking, and a combination of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism from furniture, is a reflection of the Tang Dynasty harmonic blending of the three ideological trends in society. Part IV, “Tang Tea Poetry Art Analysis“, using theoretical analysis, and use the classical Chinese literary criticism, Experts and scholars reference to the comment Tang, a piecemeal approach to the analysis of the Tang Dynasty poem tea art performance. On the whole, the poetry of the Tang Dynasty tea artistic expression have the following in common : AGB life of poetry in life and Apart from the above verse use of direct Syrian Fluent language of poetry, Rational introspective poetry and the spirit of the beautiful poetry languorous mood. Not only meticulously r


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