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鄂南高中  华师一附中  黄冈中学  黄石二中荆州中学  孝感高中    襄阳四中  襄阳五中2017届高三第一次联考英语试题第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A The Nobel Prize Winners in LiteratureRabindranath Tagore( 1913)Prize motivation: "because of his deep sensitive, fresh and beautiful poetry, with perfect skill, he has made his poetic thought, expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West"William Faulkner (1949)Prize motivation: "for his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel"Ernest Miller Hemingway(1954)Prize motivation: "for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea"John Steinbeck (1962)Prize motivation: "for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception"Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill(1953)Prize motivation: "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant speech skills in defending noble human values"Claude Simon (1985)Prize motivation: "who in his novel combines the poet's and the painter's creativeness with a deepened awareness of time in the description of the human condition"Mo Yan (2012)Prize motivation: “he, with dreamlike realism, combines folk tales, history and the contemporary".Bob Dylan (2016)Prize motivation: "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition"21. Which writer won Nobel Prize for his poetry?   A. William Faulkner.   B. Bob Dylan.      C. Rabindranath Tagore.   D. Claude Simon.22. Which writer won Noble Prize for his specific work instead of his lifelong achievements?   A. Ernest Hemingway.  B. John Steinbeck.  C. William Faulkner.      D. Winston Churchill.23. Whose works will you turn to if you are interested in a song writing Nobel Prize winner?   A. Mo Yans.         B. Bob Dyluns.     C. Claude Simons.    D. Rabindranath Tagores.24. Who described real life experience in his historic works?   A. John Steinbeck.     B. Mo Yan.        C. Ernest Hemingway.    D. Winston Churchill.BTo my Charlie on his wedding dayI know you think these notes are silly. I have watched you wear a long face over the years when I give them to you. But understand that sometimes I want to tell you something and I want to get it just right. Putting it down on paper helps me do that. I wish I had been a better writer. I wish I had gone to college. If I had, I think I would have studied English and maybe my vocabulary would have improved. So many times I feel I am using the same words over and over. Like a woman wearing the same dress every day. So boring! What I want to say to you, Charley, is you are marrying a wonderful girl. I think of Catherine in many ways like I think of Roberta. Like a daughter. She is sweet and patient. You should be the same with her, Charley.  Here is what you are going to find out about marriage: you have to work at it together. And you have to love three things. You have to love1) Each other.2) Your children (when you have some).3) Your marriage. What I mean by that last one is, there may be times that you fight, and sometimes you and Catherine wont even like each other. But those are the times you have to love your marriage. Its like a third party. Look at your wedding photos. Look at any memories youve made. And if you believe in those memories, they will pull you back together.  Im very proud of you today, Charley. I am putting this in your tuxedo pocket because I know how you lose things.  I love you every day! Mom 25. Why did the mother write the letter to Charlie?   A. To congratulate her son.     B. To give him some advice.  C. To show her pity.      D. To talk things through.26. What kind of feeling is mainly revealed in the letter?   A. Regret.       B. Pride.     C. Care.         D. Complaint.27. What is implied about Charley in the letter?   A. He is forgetful.  B. He is patient.   C. He is boring.     D. He is worried.CMy daughter went to see The Wild One recently and she commented that Marlon Brando was wearing jeans so long ago. Of course he helped set the trend, so that got me thinking about the link between films and trends in fashion. Fashion and films have gone hand in hand for long. The Wild One is a good example: it appeared in 1954, starring Brando. Dressed in a black leather motorcycle jacket, leather cap and jeans, he created a look which is still considered “cool” today. Everyone from Madonna to middle-aged men is seen wearing the classic leather motorcycle jacket. Another strong influence on fashion trends was Breakfast at Tiffanys, starring Audrey Hepburn. Sh


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