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适用于新目标岳阳版九年级中考专版 15-16 · 第 37 期 Self-assessment 言 警 句 · 2015 年 12 月 25 日 编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 81041508刘老师 印 刷:北京世纪华彩印务有限责任公司地址: 北京大兴区 2015-2016 学年度 总第 683 期 2015 年 12 月 25 日 37 适用于新目标岳阳版九年级中考专版 指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远(中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳(教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 刘道义(人教社英语教材主编)特约主编: 李俊和(北京四中英语特级教师) 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F)广告许可证号: 220101010014227网址: 一张 4K4 定价: 0.8 元。 词 汇 检 测 玉. 根据句意填写单词。 1. It is well known that Christmas is on _ 25th every year. 2. It s good to eat some _ every day, such as apples, oranges and so on. 3. He was _ with his work recently and had no time to relax. 4. This coat is big for me. Do you have a _ one? 5. Of all the school _, I like math best. 域. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 6. It s not _ (容易的) for you to deal with the task. 7. He tried his best to make his children give up bad _(习惯). 8. She looked up at the sky, hoping to find some _(星星) in it. 9. China is a great country with a long _ (历史). 10. You can t go out to play unless you _ (完成) your homework. 芋. 从方框中选择适当的词, 并用其适当形式 填空, 每词限用一次。 tomato, use, nine, health, relax 11. September is the _ month of the year. 12. Nowadays, computers are _ tools for people to study and work with. 13. She expects to have a (n) _ holiday next weekend. 14. I think that swimming is a good way to keep _. 15. Mary s mother is going to buy some _ for dinner tonight. 郁. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 16. If you are hungry, you can have some _(bread), John. 17. How beautiful the shirt you wear _ (look)! 18. She often _(buy) things at the supermarket near her home. 19. There re about thirty _ (woman) teachers in this school. 20. It took him an hour to answer all the _ (question) in the test. 吁. 选择下列短语填空, 每个短语限用一次。 for sure, from.to., how old, think about, how about 21. Thank you for youradviceand I ll _ it carefully. 22. _goingswimmingthis afternoon? That s a good idea. 23. No one knows _ what really happened to him. 24. Howmanykilometersbytrainisit _ Beijing _ Shanghai? 25. _ were you when you began going to primary school? 句 子 检 测 玉. 根据汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。 1. 你能把那块橡皮递给我吗? 没问题。给你。 Could you pass the eraser to me? No problem. _ _ _. 2. 祝你在这里过得愉快! I hope you _ _ _ _ here! 3. 玛丽不想变瘦。 Mary doesn t _ _ _ thin. 4. 这个学校下周将会有一个艺术节。 There is going to be an _ _ in this school. 5. 你明天早饭吃什么? Whatwillyouhave_ tomorrow? . 按要求转换句型。每空一词。 6. She has to clean up her room every day. (改 为否定句) She _ _ to clean up her room every day. 7. Let s go to the movies tonight. (改为反意疑 问句) Let s go to the movies tonight, _ _? 8. This sweater is about 100 dollars. (对画线部 分提问) _ _ is this sweater? 9. Kate doesn t like physics because it s very difficult. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Kate like physics? 10. I don t like reading books, but my sister likes reading books. (改为同义句) I don t like reading books, _ my sister _. 语 法 检 测 选择最佳答案。 ()1. John has _ volleyball and he often plays _ volleyball when he is free. A. /; /B. /; a C. a; / ()2. The shirt _ white is on sale and it sells _ a low price. A. with; onB. in; at C. with; at ()3. Mom, why not cook some _ and _ for lunch? Good idea! A. chicken; riceB. chickens; rice C. chicken; rices ()4. Does your brother like eating fish? _. It s his favorite food. A. Yes, he isB. No, he isn t C. Yes, he does ()5. _ the pair of shoes you wear expensive, Judy? No. Fifty dollars _ enough for it. A. Is; isB. Is; are C. Are; is ()6. _ mother is ill now, so she can t take them to the park this weekend. A. Danny and Tim B. Danny s and Tim C. Danny and Tim s 交 际 运 用 仔细阅读对话, 在空白处填写适当的句子, 使 对话意思连贯正确。 A: Good morning, Miss! (1)_? B: Yes, please. I d like a pair of leather shoes (皮鞋). A: We have two colors for you to choose from, brown and black. (2)_? B: I prefer brown to black. A: (3)_? I think it fits you well. B: I agree. The style of this pair of shoes also suits me, I think. A: What size do you wear, Miss? B: Size 7. May I try it on? A: Of course. . B: Oh, I m afraid it s a little small for me. A: Here s another pair in Size 8. (4)_ _? B: Yes, I do. It s pretty good. (5)_ _? A: It s only seventy dollars. B: I ll take it. 综 合 检 测 阅读填空 根据下列短文内容, 在文中空 格处填上一个恰当的词, 使短文完整、 通顺。 阅读填空 根据下列短文内容, 在文中空格处 填上一个恰当的词, 使短文完整、 通顺。 True friends are hard to find. Often you thought you could believe in someone, but later he or she may let you (1)_. A true friend is sometimes a person who will (2)_ be there for you. Through good times or(3) _ times, they will stand by your side. They will not let you alone when things get difficult. They will accept you instead (4)_ trying to change you. True friends will be honest and you can always believe in them.(5)_ you talk to someone who you


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