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(教育精品)unit 2 b read and write

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(教育精品)unit 2 b read and write

,Unit 2 My favourite season B Read and write,Guess,what season is it?,Guessing game,Its warm. Its windy and rainy. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. We can fly kites.,spring,Which season is it?,warm,winter,cold,Its cold and windy. We can make a snowman.,Which season is it?,What season is it?,summer,It is hot. Its sunny. We can go swimming in the river.,hot,Its cool and cloudy. Leaves fall and fall. Theyre yellow. We can go for a walk in the park.,autumn,cool,What season is it?,Seasons,Wow! Beautiful!,Frog: Oh, I like spring. Its warm. There are green trees. I want to fly a kite.,Which season is it?,Seasons,I like . Its . There is/are. I want to /I can .,make a snowman,pick apples,go on a picnic,plant flowers,go swimming,make a snowman,pick apples,go on a picnic,plant flowers,go swimming,Which season do you like best?,I like best, because (its/there is/are/I can.),Pair Work,WHY?,Which season does Robin like best?,GUESS,叶子纷纷落下。,I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.,Wow! I want to paint a picture, too!,I like summer, but I cant swim.,I like winter because I can play in the snow.,Look at the green trees and pink flowers.,The weather is hot, hot, hot!,What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall!,There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere.,Robin likes them all!,Read and tick.,1. The last ”fall” means_.,autumn,cool,pretty,cute,2. Which season does Robin like?,Spring.,All the four seasons.,Summer.,Autumn.,最后的,Look at the green trees and pink flowers.,The weather is hot, hot, hot!,What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall!,There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere.,I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.,I like summer, but I cant swim.,Wow! I want to paint a picture, too!,I like winter because I can play in the snow.,Robin likes them all!,I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.,Wow! I want to paint a picture, too!,I like summer, but I cant swim.,I like winter because I can play in the snow.,Look at the green trees and pink flowers.,The weather is hot, hot, hot!,What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall!,There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere.,Seasons in Longquan,Longquan is a beautiful city. In spring, there are green trees and lovely flowers. We can fly kites in the park. We can pick strawberries, too. In summer, its hot. We can swim in the lake. We can eat ice cream, too. Its cool in fall. We can go on a picnic and pick pears. Sometimes it snows in winter. We can play in the snow and make a snowman. Oh, what colourful seasons!,Write a poem about your favourite season.,My favourite season I like spring best. Spring is warm . Spring is rainy . There are green trees . I can fly kites. It is so nice to fly kites . Spring , spring . I love you!,Write a poem about your favourite season. (写一首小诗:最喜欢的季节。),My favourite season I like best. is . is . There are . I can . It is so nice to . , . I love you!,My favourite season I like spring best. Spring is warm . Spring is rainy . There are green trees . I can fly kites. It is so nice to fly kites . Spring , spring . I love you!,A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。 One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。 Fall is the season of harvest. 秋天是收获的季节。 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?,Useful Proverbs,Spring is green with flowers and songs.,Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.,Lets chant,Summer is hot and the days are long.,Winter is white and the year is gone.,Why为什么,Which哪一个,When何时,What 什么,Where 哪里,w,w真神奇,问出许多大问题。 what,what,问“什么”, when,when问“时间”, where,where,问“哪里”, which,which,“哪一个”, why,why,“为什么”。,记一记,Homework,1.Listen and read P19. (听录音,朗读,请注意语音语调。) 2. Try to talk about “Seasons in Sihui” with friends.(谈论四会的四季。) 3. Read the poem and write poems about other seasons.(读自己写的小诗,试着写一 写另外的季节。),Thank you !,


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