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1 / 17 东华大学东华大学翻硕翻硕 2011-2018 年年英语英语作文题目作文题目 2011 上网 2012 sticking to high moral standards is easier than done。就是要支持这个观点 2013 should students read literary books? 选择型 2014 Chinese tourists have developed a bad reputation。 你同意学者的观点么? 2015 high schools and colleges should carry out self-education to students 你同意学者的观点 么? 2016 awarding prizes to scientists with creative ideals is source of national innovation 你同意学 者的观点么? 2017 what do you think of such role of fathers? 2018 Writing Task 2 题目类别:社会生活消费 提问方式:优缺点 考试题目: More and more people buy a wide range of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker. Do you think this is positive or negative development? 参考范文(Word Count: 353) It is not uncommon to see a variety of household appliance nowadays in every family, ranging from some traditional ones such as television and microwave to some of stylish devices such as vacuum cleaners and stereos. Although these domestic equipment makes our life more convenient and efficient, I would argue that more undesired consequence will arise. The direst consequence is that consumption of these household goods will lead to a throw-away society. Due largely to intense business competition and advance in technology, household appliances are updated at an astonishingly fast pace. A well- functioned television is likely to be cast aside because of a high-definition TV which can give viewers a more thrilling experience and a computer may sink into obscurity with the invention of a portable laptop. The quick update and progress in household products will make people consume in an extravagant way and recycle less, thereby causing many useful domestic goods to end up in landfills. Some problems will also occur in people s health. Many household goods are quite users-friendly, which means that we can handle them with ease and therefore render it unnecessary to rack our brains or make some physical effort when operating them. In this way, we will do less family chores; instead, chances are that we will lead a sedentary lifestyle, sitting in front of the TV screen and waiting for the rice cooker to prepare our meals. As these bad habits 2 / 17 develop, more calories will build up and we are more prone to some diseases such as obesity and heart attack. The obsession with purchasing and replacing household goods, indeed, indicates that there are some advantages. If we live in a modern and automatic home, our living standard is definitely improved.Theconveniencebroughtbydomesticappliancescanalsofreeusfrom time-consuming family trivia which bothers most of housewives, thereby giving people more time to do something they think valuable. In conclusion, it is better for us to steer clear of this consuming habit because of more potential problems and we are supposed to think twice before deciding whether to purchase household appliances or not. 3 / 17 Writing Task 2 题目类别:社会类 提问方式:观点类 考试题目: Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about dress, while others think the working quality is the most important. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 参考范文(Word Count: 266) Dressing style of employees is creating a controversy debate these days. Few organizations are concerned about dressing code while others are opposing it and confessing as efficiency of work should be considered than their look. I believe, appropriate looking appearance of workers is important, nevertheless, quality of work also plays a crucial role. Many famous organizations assign a remarkable budget to the clothes and uniforms of their members. According to their annual estimate indices, their success directly is in relation with members appearance. Moreover, those indices show that people have tendency more to that organization have attraction in the appearance. It seems that appropriate dresses and good looking in work place not only increase the success, but also, they make there more beautiful and it may lead to better performance of the members. On the other hand, other organizations value the efficiency of their employees, more. In their belief, the performance of each one is in prior of their looking. For example, employees in many companies wear a very simple uniform, however the mentioned companies program many professional courses to enhance the employees ability. Personally, I believe the question depends on the organization activities. I mean the ones are directly working with people, like shopping centers and department stores, hospitals, and so on, value the appearance more. People expect the beauty and they have to answer to this request in the best manner. In contrast with this the organizations, which work with people indirectly, tend to focus on the performance. Employees of companies, workshops and so on have to improve their ability, not to dress smartly. 4 / 17 5 / 17 TASK 2 题目: People are now surrounded by advertising. This both affects what people think is important and has a negative impact on peoples lives. 题目类别:观点类 题材类


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