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编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 81041508刘老师1 印 刷:北京世纪华彩印务有限责任公司地址: 北京大兴区本期定价 0.8 元。 指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远 (中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳 (教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 何锋 (牛津教材主编)总编审: 杨银建 (湖南省高中教研员) 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F)广告许可证号: 220101010014227网址: 2015 年 6 月 26 日 2015-2016 学年度总第 657 期 1 高一 同步辅导版 适用于译林牛津湖南版 适用于译林牛津湖 南版高一 同步辅导版 · 第 1 期 Class Assessments 提高篇 基础篇 High school is a term used in parts of the English- speaking world to describe institutions1 which provide all or part of secondary education, but not always the highest years of basic education, which can be called “secondary college”or other terms, depending on the nation or region. The precise stage of schooling provided by a high school differs from country to country, and may vary within the same jurisdiction2. Australia In Australia, the term “high school” refers to secondary school, from Year 7 or Year 8 through Year 12, varying from state to state. High school immediately follows primary school; therefore, a Year 7 Australian high school student is sometimes as young as 11. Canada In Canada, “high school” generally refers to a school comprising3grades nine through twelve, but thiscan vary betweenprovincesandschool districts. Each province and territory4of Canada has its own education system, with some provinces having“JuniorHigh” ,whilstothershave post- grade ten secondary school, sometimes known as “Senior High” . Germany Germanyhasatripartiteschoolsystem consistingofHauptschule,Realschuleand Gymnasium but with many variants5. Hauptschule, which ends at grade 9(age 15/16 years), and Realschule, that ends at grade 10(also age 16 years), are often followed by vocational education or the attendance6of a technical college. The German equivalent of the high school is the grades 10 to 12(age 16 to 18 years) of Gymnasium. Traditionally, the high school grades were the grades 11 to 13 (age 17 to 19 years). Notes 1. institutionn.机构, 学校 2. jurisdictionn.管辖权 3. comprisevt.构成, 包含 4. territoryn.领域, 范围 5. variantn.不同 6. attendancen.出席 (本报编辑部摘编自: http:/en.wikipedia.org) Nowadays,the Native Americansrefer to theposterity淤 of the people who used to live in North America before the Europeans arrived there in the 15th century. Every year, thirty Native American high school students get a taste of college life when they arrive at the UniversityofCalifornia,Riverside(UCR)forthe Gathering of the Tribes, the longest- running program of its kind in Southern California. The eight- day event, which began at UCR in 2005, invites Native American students to experience life in a residence hall 于 and the classroom, and provides all the information about studying in the university. “We want them to see that the university is an exciting place, and encourage them to do well in high school and consider going to college,”said Cliff Trafzer, professor of history and the Rupert Costo Chair in American Indian Affairs at UCR. “We need future American Indian leaders going to college.” Throughout the week students will attend classes in video production and creative writing, join in various exerciseandrecreationactivities,andhearfrom motivational盂speakers, career counselors, and advisors on how to apply for admission榆to college and financial aid. A majority of the students come from Southern California, but in the past there were others from Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Arizona and Alaska, said Joshua Gonzales, director of Native American Stud ent Programs at UCR. “More than 90 percent of these students do go on to some forms of college,” Gonzales said. Gathering of the Tribes is supported by Native American Student Programs and the Native American Education Program, a UCR chancellor s plan intended to encourage American Indian students and parents to go on with higher education. (本报编辑部摘编自: http:/ucrtoday.ucr.edu) Notes posterity n. 后代 residence hall学生宿舍 motivational adj. 激励人的 admission n. 准许进入 Task Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Gathering of the Tribes of UCR Target TheNativeAmericanhighschool students Aim To 1_ the Native Americans to study hard in high school and continue their education in 2_. Activities 3_ life in a residence hall and theclassroominUCRandlearn information about studying in UCR. 4_ 90% of the students who joined in the Tribes didn t stop 5_ after high school. (参考答案见下期) Native American High School Students Experience University Life 为了鼓励美洲印第安人接受高等教育,美国加州 大学河滨分校每年都会为美洲印第安高中学生举办大学体验活动。 High Schools in Different Countries 2015-2016 上学期编辑计划 本学期内容包括模块 一和模块二,共六个单元, 每个单元配三期报纸。期中 和 期 末 各 一 套 检 测 题 ; 21- 26 期为假期版。一期 报纸对应一期解析。详细 编 辑计 划 及对 应 解 析 期 数如下: 期 数 单 元 解析 期数 1 Module 1 Unit 1(I) 2 Module 1 Unit 1(II) 3 Module 1 Unit 1 阶段测试 4 Module 1 Unit 2(I) 5 Module 1 Unit 2(II) 6 Module 1 Unit 2 阶段测试 7 Module 1 Unit 3(I) 8 Module 1 Unit 3(II) 9 Module 1 Unit 3 阶段测试 10 期中测试 11 Module 2 Unit 1(I) 12 Module 2 Unit 1(II) 13 Module 2 Unit 1 阶段测试 14 Module 2 Unit 2(I) 15 Module 2 Unit 2(II) 16 Module 2 Unit 2 阶段测试 17 Module 2 Unit 3(I)


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