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unit05,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Extended Exercises,Checkpoint,Agenda,UNIT GOALS,1. Find out about an interesting holiday 2. Describe a holiday or celebration 3. Explain holiday traditions 4. Write about a holiday or a tradition,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lead-in,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,1-Lead-in,Lead-in,Sitcom: I Want a Large Wedding,Exercise A,Exercise B,1-Exercise A,Exercise A,Match the person with his or her ideas about wedding according to what you hear.,A. a large wedding B. a small wedding C. an outdoor wedding D. an indoor wedding E. contemporary music F. traditional music,Bob wants 2. Cheryl wants,1-Exercise B,Exercise B,T F 1. Bob and Cheryl are planning their honeymoon. 2. They ask Marie for her opinions. 3. Cheryl has a lot of relatives who want to come to the wedding. 4. Marie thinks getting married indoors is romantic. 5. Marie suggests two cakes and two kinds of music. ,Check whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).,1-Listening,Listening,Part 1 A Korean Holiday,Part 2 Find Out About a Holiday,Part 3 What Is the Occasion?,Part 4 Holiday Celebration,New Words,Phrases and Expressions,Proper Names,1-Part-1,Part 1 A Korean Holiday,Listen to a conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,MAYA: Wow! That dress Su-min is wearing is spectacular. 1._? MIN-JIN: Chuseok. The dress is called a hanbok. MAYA: Did you say “Chuseok”? Whats that a holiday? MIN-JIN: Thats right. 2._. It takes place in September or October each year.,MAYA: Oh yeah? What does everybody do? MIN-JIN: 3._. The airports and train stations are mobbed with passengers, and the roads are impossible. It takes hours to get anywhere. MAYA: Every countrys got at least one holiday like that!,What was the occasion,Its a Korean harvest celebration,We get together with our relatives,1-Part-2,Part 2 Find Out About a Holiday,Listen to the conversation and then answer the following questions.,1. What is the holiday mentioned in the conversation? _ 2. What kind of holiday is it? _ 3. How do people celebrate it? _,Easter.,Its a religious holiday.,They usually eat a large meal together.,1-Part-3,Part 3 What Is the Occasion?,Listen to the passage and check whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).,T F 1. He spent 10 days in Tahiti for honeymoon. 2. He got married in September. 3. They have been friends since childhood and the bride threw the banquet to her. 4. They are talking about a luxurious wedding. ,1-Part 4,Part 4 Holiday Celebration,Passage 1 Wedding Ring,Passage 2 Descriptions of Holidays,Passage 3 Thanksgiving Day,1-4-Passage-1,Passage 1 Wedding Ring,Listen to the passage and circle the letter that best completes each sentence.,1. Ancient Egyptian grooms gave their brides _. A. money to buy a ring B. money shaped like a ring C. a ring for every finger 2. A wedding ring is a symbol of _. A. eternity B. a circle C. love without end 3. Most people wear their wedding rings _. A. on the both hands B. on the fourth finger C. close to their hearts 4. A ring that fits too loosely symbolizes _ to some people. A. a perfect fit B. jealousy C. not enough care,1-4-Passage-2,Passage 2 Descriptions of Holidays,Listen carefully to the descriptions of holidays. Write the type of holidays and what people do to celebrate them.,religious,wear costumes, have a parade,historical,dance in the streets, eat all kinds of food, military parades, fireworks,seasonal,wear new clothes, clean every corner of their house, make traditional food, give gifts,1-4-Passage-3,Passage 3 Thanksgiving Day,Listen to the passage and check whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).,T F 1. People celebrate Thanksgiving Day on Thursday. 2. Americans spend a lot of time preparing special food on Thanksgiving Day. 3. Thanksgiving Day is a religious holiday. 4. People usually return from gatherings on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.,1-New Words,New Words, bouquet n. 花束 bride n. 新娘 carelessness n. 不关心 eternity n. 永恒 groom n. 新郎 jealousy n. 妒忌 joyous adj. 充满快乐的,使人高兴的 lunar adj. 阴历的 military adj. 军队的 observance n. ( 对节日的)纪念,庆祝 reunion n. 聚会 solemn adj. 庄严的,隆重的 unbelievable adj. 难以置信的 vein n. 血管,静脉,1-Phrases and Expressions,Phrases and Expressions,get together with 与相聚,团聚 remind somebody of 提醒某人 shopping season 购物季节,1-Proper Names,Proper Names,Bastille Day 巴士底狱日(7月14日,法国国庆日) Catholic 天


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