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,Unit 3 Computers Period 1 Warming up,Heavy! Difficult! Hard! Tired!,keyboard,mouse,monitor,screen,speaker,host computer,camera,What do they have in common?,an abacus,a calculator,a desktop,a notebook computer a laptop,digital camera,a robot,(What do they have in common?),I think that In my opinion I believe that Whats your reason? Why do you think so?,1.They can be used for calculating. 2.They can deal with maths problems. 3.They are our friends. 4.They are useful and helpful.,Discussion,work for us in Mars(火星),Whats next?,carry things,work in wars (战斗),仿真机器人,entertainment 娱乐,What do you think will be the next development?,CD - DVD-ROM -DVD RW,CRT monitor,LCD monitor,CPU,hard disc,chips /motherboard,some hardware:,使用阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)的显示器,Liquid Crystal Display,keyboard,mouse,modem,scanner,printer,speaker,floppy disc/disk,USB flash disc,CD/VCD/DVD,MP3 player,MP4 player,Memory:(存储器),移动硬盘,USB Flash disc,1 TB 固态硬盘,T 硬盘,Hard disc:,Core 2 Duo,酷睿2 : 4核,龙芯8核,cpu:,other useful words and expressions about computer:,Network网络 Virus 病毒 Download 下载 Up load 上传 Program 程序 Website 站点 Hacker 黑客,Home page 主页 Password 密码 Desk top 桌面 User name 用户名 Click 点击 Software 软件 Hardware 硬件,Home page 主页,Reading: Who am I?,Skimming: Read and answer these questions:,2. Who was the first person to invent the earliest computer? 3. Who was the next important person to design computers?,Charles Babbage,Alan Turing,1. Who am I?,A computer.,timeline,1642: 1822: 1936: 1940s: 1960s: 1970s: Now:,Scanning:,The computer began as a calculating machine.,the Analytical Machine was built by Charles Babbage.,The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.,Computer had grown as large as a room.,Computers were used in officers and homes.,Computers connect people all over the world together.,the first family of computers was connected to each other,The history of computers,the second generation (1956-1963),the third generation (1964-1971),the fourth generation (1971- ),The first generation (1945-1956),The development of computers:,Calculating machine,Analytical machine,Universal machine,Artificial intelligence,Computer,Internet,计算器,分析机,万能机,通用机器,人工智能,calculating,analytical,universal,mathematical problems,Medical operations,Memory,Transistors,Applications,Communication,Trade,Intensive reading: Underline the phrases &sentences that you think are important,Star sentences:,P1 L2 I _instructions from cards with holes. P1 5 Earlier I was not very big, but then I became _ . P1 L6 However, people thought I was _ until they _ I had “artificial intelligence.”,我执行穿孔卡的指令,早些时候我并不是很大,但是后来我变得非常大,可是,人们认为我头脑简单, 直到发现我有人工智能时, 他们才不那么想了。,followed,huge,simple-minded,discovered,P1 L8 As the years have _, I have been made smaller and smaller. P2 L1 There were _ when my size was _changed. P2 L3 But I was always so lonely _ there by myself, until in the early 1960s,they gave me a family _ by a network.,随着岁月的流逝, 我被做得越来越小了.,有段时期我的体积完全变了,但是我总是孤孤单单地站在那里,直到60年代初, 人们才 给了我一个用网络连接的家庭。,gone by,times,totally,standing,connected,Advantages and disadvantages of the computers.,Discussion,advantages we can communicate with friends listen to the music see films & watch news play games do shopping save a lot of time do a lot of useful things,Disadvantages Some people especially the teenagers abandon (沉迷于) themselves to the computer games and chatting on the Internet. As a result, they have little time to study . Some people use the computer wrongly.,Homework,Review the text Recite Para one Finish Ex. 1/2 on Page 20.,


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