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unit 1 cultural relics综合训练(教师版)

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unit 1 cultural relics综合训练(教师版)

Unit 1 Cultural relics综合训练(教师版)一.词汇1.词形变化1).value_ (adj.有价值的 ) _(adj.无价的)_ (adj.无价值的) 2). amaze _ (n.) _(adj. 令人吃惊的) _(adj.感到吃惊的)3).survive_(n.事)_ (n. 人) 4).wood _(adj.) 5). explode _(n.) _(adj.) 6) design _ (n. 人) 7). reception _ (v.) _(n.人) 8) rare_ (adv.) 9). decorate _ (n.事) _(n.人) 10).belong _ (n.) 11) enter _(n.) 12) evidence_(adj.) 13) formal_(反义词) 14) art _(n.人) valuable, invaluable, valueless; amazement, amazing, amazed; survival, survivor; wooden explosion, explosive; designer; receive, receiver; rarely; decoration, decorator; belongings; entrance; removal; evident; informal artist2. 用所给的词的适当形式填空1) The price of the _ (wood) beds is reasonable. wooden2) I have _ (rare) seen such a beautiful present. rarely3) To my surprise, Jack and Rose were _ (secret) married last week. secretly4) I got a very friendly _ (receive) when I arrived there. reception5) He is _ at the _ news. (amaze) amazed, amazing3.单词拼写1) Dont (设想) that you can succeed without hard work. fancy2) There was no (证据) that they had stolen the car. evidence3) You can see that the edition is well d_ and all the articles are well written. designed4) Wed better r_the box out of the room; it takes too much room. remove5) There is no _(怀疑) that China is the largest developing country. doubt4.写出下列短语,并用其适当形式填空。1)寻找 _ 2)属于_ 3)作为报答 _ 4)处于交战状态 _5)少于 _ 6)拆开 _7)高度评价;看重_ 8)充当,担任_9) 在A中寻找B_ 10) 除了_11) 世界上得伟大奇观_ 12) 用奇特的风格_13) 从中选择_ 14) 为设计的_15) 毫无疑问_ 16) 正值的时期_1. His boss _him though he himself didnt think he had done anything special. 2. The two countries have been _for many years. People there are suffering a lot. 3. He gave me his watch and _I gave him my book.4. There are _80 students in our class.5. He has little education, as a result, he _ a waiter in a small hotel.In search of; belong to; in return; at war; less than; take apart; think highly of; serve as; search A for B; apart from , great wonders of the world, in the fancy style, select from, design. for, there is no doubt that., this is a time when thought highly of; at war; in return; less than; serves as六单项选择。1. Only a few soldiers _ the battle. A. survived B. remained C. survived in D. remained in 2. The Amber Room was also a treasure _ with gold and jewels. A. decorates B. decorated C. decorating D. was decorated3. -If you like these books, you can _ one from them and keep it.A. remove B. carry C. leave D. select4. If you want to be a creative writer, you have to form your own _ of writing. A. manners B. style C. type D. ability5. Though he is a murderer, he should receive a fair _. How can you put him in prison in a rush? A. experiment B. trial C. doubt D. test6. The parents are _ their son who has been away from home for days.A. in search of B. to search C. searching D. searched for 7. I thought _of those who are searching for the Amber Room. A. stronglyB. possibly C. loudly D. highly8. Do you know whom this bird _ ? A. belong to B. belongs to C. is belonged to D. is belonging to9. She helps me with English, and I help her with math_. A. for return B. as return C. in return D. to return 10. _ the watch and see if you can find out whats wrong with it.A. Pack up B. Break down C. Dig out D. Take apart11. Frederick William ,_ the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.A. whom B. to which C. to whom D. to who12. The old lady had three sons,_ treated her well, _made her very sad.A. none of whom; which B. neither of them; whichC. none of them; it D. no one of whom; as13. The lecture was called off five minutes before it was supposed to start,_made the audience angry.Awhat Bthat Cwhen Dwhich14. The boy, _ father is a policeman, is my classmate.A. his


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