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2018年秋九年级英语全册 unit 11 sad movies make me cry测试卷 (新版)人教新目标版

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2018年秋九年级英语全册 unit 11 sad movies make me cry测试卷 (新版)人教新目标版

Unit 11过关测试. 单项选择。(2×1020)( )1. How do you like rock music?I don't like it at all.It often me crazy.A. lets B. drivesC. asks D. orders( )2. Which bag do you like better, the black one or the yellow one?. I like the blue one.A. Either B. NeitherC. None D. All( )3. Only I wasn't invited, so I felt .A. left out B. left forC. left off D. left away( )4. If we continue to , we will succeed.A. give up B. pull togetherC. look through D. work out( )5. The boy doesn't want to his parents , so he works harder than before.A. make; happy B. let; downC. let; glad D. put; up( )6. The man didn't feel well.He didn't feel like anything.A. eat B. eatingC. to eat D. ate( )7. The boy missed scoring the goal.He was afraid that the coach might the team.A. kick him off B. kick off himC. take him off D. take off him( )8. Tina doesn't like the restaurant because the music there makes her .A. to sleep B. sleepingC. slept D. sleepy( )9. A doctor was to examine the king.Then he said that there was nothing wrong with the king.A. called in B. called onC. called up D. called back( )10. Teachers ask us to remember that careful we are, mistakes we will make.A. the more; the fewerB. the fewer; the moreC. the more; the moreD. the less; the fewer. 完形填空。(3×1030)Do you ever watch old movies? Maybe you will see one with Carole Lombard.She was a famous 11 in the 1930s.She died when she was only 34. In her 12life she made 70 movies!Lombard's real name was Jane Alice Peters.In 1921, she was playing baseball in the 13near her home.A movie director 14 her and decided to put her in a movie.She was only 13 at the time.The movie was one of the last silent movies.She acted so well that she 15 the hearts of some people.At 16, she left school to act.In 1925, she had an agreement with a 16 studio, 20th Century Fox.The studio gave 17 a new name, and she acted in several films.Then, at age 18, she was in a bad car accident.The accident left scars(伤疤) on her face.The studio broke the agreement, but she did not 18.She continued to act.It was Paramount Studio that made Lombard a 19.She made many movies for the studio.She also married two of their stars.Lombard was married to actor William Powell for only 23 months.20 seven years later, she married the great love of her life, actor Clark Gable.It was a great Hollywood love story.( )11. A. nurse B. actressC. doctor D. teacher( )12. A. short B. lazyC. long D. humorous( )13. A. kitchen B. classroomC. cinema D. street( )14. A. forgot B. sawC. hurt D. pushed( )15. A. broke B. avoidedC. won D. treated( )16. A. dance B. filmC. music D. school( )17. A. me B. itC. her D. him( )18. A. give up B. have a tryC. make sure D. lift up( )19. A. scientist B. writerC. driver D. star( )20. A. But B. BeforeC. Since D. As. 任务型阅读。(4×520)What could you do with an extra(额外的) ten hours every week? How could you create more time in your day?Here are some ways to create more time in your day.Get up earlierGet up fifteen minutes earlier.Getting up just a bit earlier can give you some breathing space.Perhaps it'll give you time to sit down and enjoy your breakfast.Maybe you can use that fifteen minutes a day to read through a book or part of magazines.Create a planAt the start of your workday, make a plan.Write down three important tasks you want to achieve that day quickly.Put a big star next to the most important.Now, before you get into the busy work, start on the most important task and see it through to the end.Surprisingly few people take the time to plan their workday, and end up turning around their wheels on a number of unimportant tasks without really achieving anything big.Finish work on timeFinally, one of the best ways to make more time in your life is to finish your work on time! If you work for an employer(雇主), try to leave the office on timeat least two days each week.If you work for yourself, you need to be even more self­disciplined(自律)!根据短文内容,简要回答问题。21. How many suggestions does the writer give us? 22. What can getting up just a bit earlier give you? 23. When should you make a plan? 24. What should you do to the most important task?


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