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.周末重难点 外研版(三起)六年级英语下册期末测试题笔试部分(60分)一、 读一读,判断画线部分读音是否相同(×或)。(5分)1. ( ) A. station B. question 2. ( ) A. song B. long3. ( ) A. slowly B. fry4. ( ) A. picture B. future5. ( ) A. weather B. meter二 、读一读,选出不同类的词。(10分)1. ( ) A. east B. west C. province 2. ( ) A. China B. Asia C. Europe3. ( ) A. sad B. happy C. face 4. ( ) A. ostrich B. penguin C. shark5. ( ) A. actor B. professor C. moon三 、选择正确的词填空(序号)。(12分) A. happy B. nervous C. worried D. surprised E. proud F. angry 四、读一读,选一选。(8分) 1. ( )_ is Tibet? -Its in the west of China.A. Who B. What C. Where 2. ( ) I _ surprised. A. am B. is C. are 3. ( ) Where would you like to _ this winter vacation?A. go B. do C. does 4. ( )What kind of animal are whales?-Theyre _.A. fish B. reptiles C. mammals 5. ( ) -How _ is the giraffe ? Its 6 meters.A. tall B. old C. fast 6. ( ) -Why is Mei Lanfang _? -Because he sang many Beijing operas.A. famous B. born C. Chinese7. ( ) -Where will you _ in the future? -Ill live on the moon.A. do B. be C. live 8.( ) What will you do in _ future? A. a B. the C. / 五、选择正确的答句(填序号)。(10分)( ) Where is Beijing? A. They speak French.( ) Whats Australia famous for? B. Ill be President.( ) What kind of animal are crocodiles? C. Im happy.( ) How are you? D. This is Qi Baishi.( ) Why is Andersen famous? E. She was born in 1880.( ) When was Helen Keller born? F. Theyre reptiles.( ) Whos this? G. He wrote many stories.( ) What will you be in the future? H. Japan.( ) Where would you like to go? I. Koalas and kangaroos.( ) What language do they speak in France. 六、读一读,根据对话内容判断对错(T或F)。(10分)Larrys Life in the FutureA: Where will you live in the future, Larry?L: I will live in Beijing.A: What will you eat in the future?L: I will just eat a food pill for breakfast, lunch and dinner.A: What will you be in the future?L: I will be President.A: What will you do when you are President?L: There will be no pollution, and there will be peace on earth.1. Larry will be President in the future. ( )2. Larry will live on the sun in the future. ( )3. Larry will eat pills for lunch in the future. ( )4. Larry will stop a lot of pollution in future. ( )七、介绍一位你喜欢的人。(5分)_ 六年级下册期末复习选择专项 ( )1.Who gave flowers _ you ?A.to B.for C.about ( )2.This book _interesting. A.look B.looking C.looks( )3.Sam _to China last year.A.come B.came C.comes( )4.Russia _the first animal into space.A.sent B.send C.sents ( ) 5.he put the basket _the bike.A.in B.on C. for ( ) 6.Daming is back in China _his family.A.with B.at C. In ( ) 7.Its for _basketball.A.play B.played C.playing ( ) 8.It _great.A.look B.looking C.looks ( ) 9.Hes riding his bike, but its _to rain. A.starting B.start C.starts ( ) 10. Yesterday ,America _a man into space.A.sent B.send C.sending ( ) 11. My mother and I saw my father _TV. A.in B.at C.on D.into ( ) 12. I want to meet _and shake _hand. A.his, him B.him,him C.his, his D.him, his ( ) 13.Last week he _his spaceship. A.made B.make C.makes D.making ( ) 14. Shenzhou V flew into space _Yang Liwei. A


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