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英语人教版本九年级全册unit 4 section a(1a-1c)

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英语人教版本九年级全册unit 4 section a(1a-1c)

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,Section A 1a-1c,湖南省常德市汉寿县株木山中学 王 维,九年级英语(人教2013版),Warming up,long hair,What does he/she look like?,tall,Appearance(外貌),What is he/she like?,funny,friendly,Personality(个性),Presentation,thin,short,heavy,curly hair,quiet,shy,clever/smart,serious,He Jiong is a host now.,He Jiong used to be a teacher.,He Jiong,now,in the past,a host,a teacher,But he was a teacher in the past.,Sun Li,now,She has short hair now .,Sun Li used to have long hair.,in the past,But she had long hair in the past.,“used to”用法种种,1.used to 意为“过去经常/以前常常/曾经”, 暗示现在已不存在。该短语可用于各种人称,其后接_。 2. 具体说来, used to be表示过去的经常性_, 其后常接_或者_而used to do则表示过去的习惯性_。,动词原形,状态,形容词,名词,动作,3.used to 的否定形式为_。 4. used to 用于疑问句时, 要借助助动词_, 将其放在_ 之前, 即Did +主语 + use to +动原+其它。,didn't use to,did,主语,“used to”用法种种,Exercises 当堂检测,考考你能得多少分?,1. She used to play the piano. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ play the piano. 2. He used to be funny. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答或否定回答) _he _ _ be funny? -Yes, he _. / - No, he _.,3. Tom used to play computer games after class(对划线部分提问) What _ Tom _ _do after class?,didn't use to,Did use to,did,didn't,did use to, 改写句子。, 根据所给汉语提示完成英语句子。 1. My aunt _(以前是 个记者), but now she is a teacher. 2. Tom _(过去常踢足球) after class. 3. Mary _(以前内向) but now she_ (很外向).,used to be a reporter,used to play soccer,used to be quiet,is outgoing,Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What did his friends use to look like?,1b,Listening,Bob,Mario,Amy,Tina,1. Mario used to be _. He used to wear _. 2. Amy used to be _. She used to have _ hair. 3. Tina used to have _and _ hair.,1b,Listening,short,glasses,tall,short,red,curly,Use “used to” and “but now” to describe changes in our life. (变化).,Speaking,TV,now,TV used to be.than people. but now people are.than TV.,so big!,so big!,People used to .for communication. but now people use.for communication.,in the past,now,Communication,交流,Students used to . to school. but now students .to school.,in the past,now,Go to school,Guessing Game,Activity,Who is he?,Guess,in the past,He used to be short and thin in the past. But now he is very tall and strong and good at playing basketball.,now,Guess,Who is he?,He used to be shy and quiet in the past. But now he is a pop singer and good at writing music he is very popular among teenagers.,in the past,now,Guess,Who is she?,She used to wear glasses and be a little shy in the past. But now she is a famous host(主持人) in China , and is good at speaking English. She is also the president(董事长) of Sun Media Group(阳光传媒).,now,In the past,拓展延伸,Make a survey(作调查) and give a report(作报告). 请运用下面的句型, 询问至少一名同学在外貌、个性及兴趣爱好方面的变化,然后根据采访结果作一个报告。,Student A: Hello, did you use to be.? Student B: Yes,/No Student A: Did you use to have.? Student B: Yes,/No Student A: Did you use to wear/play/like. ? Student B: Yes,/No Student A: Do you wear/play/like. now? Student B: Yes,/No Student A: Thank you. Student B: Youre welcome.,小组展示,Give a report like this(报告模板):,Hello, everyone. . is my friend . He /She used to be., but now/and now he/she is. He/She used to have., but now/and now he/she has. He/She used to wear / play / like.,but now/and now he/she wears / plays / likes. People sure change.,Life is full of uncertainty. We should cherish what we have had. To be true to yourself, believe in yourself, whenever or wherever, I am who I am.,生活充满不确定性。,我们应该珍惜,我们所拥有的。,做最真实的自己,,相信自己,,不论何时何地,,我,就是我。,Homework, Review the key structure “used to” Try to use “.used to., but now.”to talk about people's changes. Do exercises in your workbook.,


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