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四年级下册英语试题-18-19期末测试卷 鲁科版(五四学制)(三起)(无答案)

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四年级下册英语试题-18-19期末测试卷 鲁科版(五四学制)(三起)(无答案)

学校 班级 姓名 考号2018-2019学年第二学期期末考试四年级英语试题(时间:30分钟,总分:100分)1、 选出不同类的一项。(10分)() 1. A.China B. Britain C. live()2. A. potato B.cake C. tomato()3. A. flower B. wash C. listen()4. A.bus B.fast C. plane()5. A. famous B.great C. cinema二、划线部分读音相同的打,不同的一项打×。(10分)() 1. A. meal B. clean C. bread()2. A. drink B.driver C.draw()3. A. JuneB. music C. bus()4. A.these B.soup C. please()5. A. waitB.train C.rain三、选择所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1、 I live _ ( on / in ) London.2、 Can you _(clean / cleaning)the windows?3、 Id like some rice and _(potatos / potatoes ).4、 Sometime she _(go / goes )to the cinema.5、 Im going to _( swimming / swim) in the sea.四、单项选择题。(30分)()1. Is she from the U.S.?-_. A. No,she is B. No,she doesnt C. Yes,she is()2. _ are you going back to Canada?-By plane. A. How B. Where C. What()3. Can you clean the floor ? _ A. Yes, I am. B. No.I cant. C. Yes, I do.()4. _?Yes, wed like a birthday cake.A. What would you like B. Do you like something C. Can I help you()5. _ are the trousers?_ one hundred yuan.A. How much,TheyreB. How many,Its C. How much,Its( )6. _ Peter often play the violin?Yes, he does. He plays it very _. A. Do, well B. Does, well C. Does, good()7. Would you like something _? Yes.Id like some pear juice. A. to drink B. drink C. Drinking()8. Are you going to_? _. Im going to Mount Taishan. A. travel, Yes,I do B. traveling, Yes, I am C. travel, Yes, I am()9.Excuse me.Do you have erasers?_A. Yes,we have B. No,we dont C. Sorry,we dont()10. What do you want_?I want to eat_. A. to eat, noodles B.to drink, noodle C. eat ,noodles5、 连词成句并翻译(注意书写和标点符号)(15分)1. are on do What going to Mount Taishan you?_( )2. this How shirt much is?_( )3. washing dishes the Shes ._( )4. like you Would soup some?_( )5. do you at What do the weekend?( )6、 根据问句写出答语,并将序号写在题前括号内。(10分) ()1. Wheres he from? A.He usually plays football.()2.What does Danny do at the weekend? B. Hes from the U.S.()3.Where are you going this summer? C. Id like a toy,please.()4. What are you doing? D.Im going to Hai nan.()5.Can I help you? E.Im watering the flowers.7、 阅读短文,判断正确的写(T),错误的写(F)。(15分)Li Ming and Tomare good friends. They often play together. At the weekend, Li Ming often visits his grandparents. Sometimes he learns Kung fu. Tom often does housework at the weekend. Sometimes he goes to the library. This weekend,theyre going to the museum on Saturday morning. Theyre going to learn English on Sunday afternoon.They will have a good time !( )1、Li Ming often visits his friends at the weekend.( )2、Tom often does housework at the weekend.( )3、Theyre going to the museum on Saturday morning. ( )4、Li Ming sometimes goes to the library. ( )5、They will be very happy this weekend!所谓压力是在动态的环境条件下,个人面对种种机遇、规定以及追求的不确定性所造成的一种心理负担。压力既可以带来正面激励效果也可以造成负面影响。过于严厉的管制和规章制度、不负责任的上级、模糊不清的沟通渠道,不愉快的工作环境都会产生工作压力。


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