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牛津译林版 7A Unit3 错题集(含答案)

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牛津译林版 7A Unit3 错题集(含答案)

7A Unit3 Welcome to our school1 英汉互译1. 每一门学科的名字 _2. 观摩其中的两节课 _3. 在开放日 _ 4. 她最喜欢的科目 _5. 去其中的一个图书馆 _ 6. 开许多会 _7. 领我的好朋友参观 _ 8. 在学校门口会见我的同学_9. 住在学校附近 _ 10. 在你回来的路上 _11. 向图书馆借书_ 2 单选1. ( ) I was born(出生) _ Beijing _ 8th October. A. in, in B. on, on C. on, in D. in, on2. ( ) Lets meet _ the school gate _ 2:30. OK? A. at, at B. at, in C. in, at D. in, in3. ( ) My mother was ill, _ I have to look after her. A. but B. because C. so D. or4. ( ) We begin _ our first lesson at _ every day. A. to have, 8 clock B. to have, 8 oclock C. have, 8 clock D. have, 8 oclock5. ( ) -Which subject _ you like _? -English. A. do, favorite B. do, best C. are, favorite D. are, best6. ( ) -Whats the date today, Lily? -_. A. Its Tuesday. B. Its October 10. C. Yes, its October 10. D. No, its Monday.7. ( ) The _ meeting begins _ 2 oclock A. parents, in B. parents, at C. parents, at D. parents, at8. ( ) In our school, _ 54 classes. Do you know? A. have B. has C. there is D. there are9. ( ) In class, my art teacher likes to stand _ the classroom and my Maths teacher often stands _ the teachers desk. A. in front of, in front of B. in the front of, in front of C. in front of, in the front of D. in the front of, in the front of10. ( ) -Lets go fishing. -_. A. Yes, please B. Great C. Thats all right D. Thank you11. ( ) The boy _ glasses is my cousin. A. wear B. with C. put on D. in12. ( ) There are 30 classrooms _ my school. Mine is _ the ground floor. A. on, at B. in, in C. in, on D. of, in13. ( ) I cant see whats on the blackboard. The boy _ me is too tall. A. after B. in front of C. behind D. next to 14. ( ) There _ an art room and a computer room in our school. A. be B. have C. is D. are 15. ( ) -_ is your English teacher? -The woman _ a red dress. A. Who, on B. Which, wears C. What, wears D. Who, in16. ( ) Its good to see _ and friends again. A. all the teachers B. the all teachers C. my all teachers D. all my teacher (Reading II 完成) 17. ( ) _ are middle school students. A. He, I and you B. I, you and he C. You, I and he D. You, he and I18. ( ) _ the blackboard, Wu Dong. Dont look out of the window. A. Look for B. Look after C. Look at D. Look over19. ( ) These are _ books. Please give _ to _. A. my, them, me B. their, it, them C. her, them, hers D. his, it, him 20. ( ) Mr Smith usually goes to work _ car. But sometimes he takes a bus. A. in B. by C. takes D. on21. ( ) Its a long way _ my home _ the school. A. from, to B. before, after C. from, in D. between, to22. ( ) It _ my mother half an hour _ to the shopping mall. A. spends, walking B. takes, to walk C. spends, to walk D. takes, walking23. ( ) Do you have _ homework to do every day? A. a lot B. much C. many D. lots24. ( ) They _ have a school library. A. doesnt B. dont C. arent D. are dont25. ( ) My mum is ill. I _ look after her at home. A. get to B. come to C. have to D. near to26. ( ) Tommys fathers friends _ nice _ Tommy. A. all are, to B. all are, with C. are all, to D. are all, with27. ( ) Thank you for _ me around your school. Its beautiful and modern. A. showing B. to show C. shows D. show28. ( ) My friends and I often _ after school. A. walk to home B. walks home C. walking home D. walk home29. ( ) Lucy often goes to work _. A. in a car B. by a car C. on car D. with a car30. ( ) -Thank you for your help! -_. A. All right B. Not at all C. Thats right D. No, thanks3 用所给词的适当


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