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致用大学英语读写译教程,Reading Writing & Translation ENGLISH IN USE,1,目录 contents,College Life,Multiple Cultures,Life and Study,The Key to Success,Wisdom of Life,Olympic Spirit,Graceful Life,A Taste of Literature,UNIT 1 College Life,目录 Contents,Part I Pre-class Task,Part III Exploring,Part IV Extended Reading,Part V Kaleidoscope,Part VI Supplementary,Part II Intensive Reading,正文 . UNIT 1,College Life,Part IV Self-testing,UNIT 1,College Life,Make a brief introduction about your hometown, family, experience, hobbies, etc.,2. In your opinion, how is college life different from high school life?,How will you spend your time in college? What do you think is the most important thing in your college life? Show your reasons. What makes you choose your college or your major?,Warm-up & Brainstorming I,Key Words Preview II,UNIT 1,College Life,_ 1. debate,_ 2. barrier,_ 3. surround,_ 4. occasionally,_ 5. involve,_ 6. access,_ 7. regulation,_ 8. emerge,a. a way of entering or reaching a place b. to make sb. take part in sth. c. a discussion in which people state different opinions about a subject d. a problem, rule or situation that prevents sb. from doing sth., or that makes sth. impossible e. sometimes but not often f. to come out of a dark, enclosed or hidden place g. to be all around sb./sth. h. an official rule made by a government or some other authority,A,B,Key Words Preview II,c,d,g,e,b,a,h,f,Warm-up & Brainstorming I,UNIT 1,College Life,Key Words Preview II,5. Poverty and the heavy burden of Gordon's family didn't become _ to his pursuit of knowledge.,1. We are _by the enemy and we must find a way out. 2. The only _ to the farmhouse is across the fields. 3. He was fined for breaking traffic _. 4. At the morning meeting, the committee passed the law with little _.,6. The job _ travelling abroad for three months each year.,Warm-up & Brainstorming I,surrounded,access,regulations,debate,barriers,involves,TEXT I,How Is College Life Different from High School Life?,Jennifer Klein & Alicia LaPolla,College really is the best time of your life. It is a time to get involved in everything your college or university will have to offer. When you reach your 30s, you will likely look back at your college experience and wish you really could do it all over again. College is a time when the “cool kids“ disappear. Welcome to college, where you are now considered an adult.,UNIT 1,College Life,TEXT II,TEXT I,How Is College Life Different from High School Life?,Jennifer Klein & Alicia LaPolla,Get used to saying “Professor“ or “Dr.“. Your teachers are no longer Mr. or Ms. Brown, but Professor or Dr. Brown, and guess what? You are expected to have an opinion! You are no longer a passive learner who just sits and listens to a teacher, occasionally writes a paper, and takes a test in which you are expected to simply review what you have learned or been told by the teacher. You will not be provided with notes; rather, you are expected to figure out on your own what is important.,High School vs. College: The Learning Environment,UNIT 1,College Life,TEXT II,TEXT I,How Is College Life Different from High School Life?,(Professors are available during their office hours for help if what's important is ever unclear.) In college your professors are expecting you to voice your thoughts, and disagreeing with the professor's opinion is considered an interesting debate, not impolite behavior. Class participation and providing your own perspective and analysis are key to success in the college learning environment.,UNIT 1,College Life,Jennifer Klein & Alicia LaPolla,TEXT II,TEXT I,How Is College Life Different from High School Life?,If you are from anywhere other than a big city, most of your friends are probably a lot like you. You may not all share the same personality , but the things you consider “normal” are probably the same. Your parents are probably a lot like your friends parents. They probably even share the same tax bracket. You go to the same type of restaurants as your friends.,High School vs. College: Culture,UNIT 1,College Life,Jennifer Klein & Alicia LaPolla,TEXT II,TEXT I,How Is College Life Different from High School Life?,You and your friends probably share similar ideas of what is fun to do on a Friday night. Until you get to college, it rarely occurs to you that life could be any differentuntil you find yourself surrounded by hundreds of students just like you, with very different stories. You quickly learn that “normal” simply doesn't exist. One of the best things about going to college is the opportunity to interact with a wide variety of cultures. Students from the other side of the world and the other side of the country will likely both be living on your dorm floor. Take advantage of this amazing multicultural environment that you might never have access to again.,UNIT 1,


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