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山东省临朐县沂山风景区七年级英语下册 一般过去时讲解(新版)外研版

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山东省临朐县沂山风景区七年级英语下册 一般过去时讲解(新版)外研版

一般过去时,一般过去时,表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。,乖巧的规则动词过去式,I clean my room every day.,I cleaned my room yesterday.,Last week, last year,in 2008,a moment ago,just now ,the other day,一般过去时,乖巧的规则动词过去式,1. 动词原形加ed,work,ed,clean,ed,help,ed,2. ” e”结尾的动词,只要加d,love,d,dance,d,move,d,3. “辅音+y”结尾的动词必须将y改成i,再加ed,cry,cried,study,studied,carry,carried,一般过去时,乖巧的规则动词过去式,4. “单元音+单辅音”结尾,该音节又重读的动词,只需要重复词尾辅音字母再加ed即可,stop,stopped,drop,dropped,beg,begged,一般过去时,过去式加 -ed 的读音 1、在清辅音后,读清辅音 / t / 。 worked / kt / helped / pt / passed / st / washed / t / watched / t t / 2、在浊辅音和元音后,读浊辅音 / d / 。 played / eid / carried / id / answered / d / lived / vd / used / zd / called / ld / 3、在 / t, d / 音后面, 读 / id / 。 wanted / tid / needed / did /,叛逆的不规则动词过去式,一般过去时,哼!休想给我贴上ed的标签!,一般过去时,叛逆的不规则动词过去式,一般过去时,be 动词的过去式,一般过去时,I _tired yesterday.,It _ cold yesterday.,You _ late yesterday.,He _ sick at that time.,We_ busy last time.,They_ in their office yesterday.,was,was,were,was,were,were,一般过去时,一般动词否定句/疑问句,否定句:主语+didnt+原形动词,She watched Tv last night.,She didnt watch Tv last night.,疑问句:将did 至于句首,动词变回原形,Mary walked to school.,Did Mary walk to school?,Yes, she did.,No, she didnt.,一般过去时,be动词否定句/疑问句,否定句:只要在was 或were 后面加no就搞定!,I was busy.,I was not(wasnt) busy.,You were in class yesterday.,You were not (werent )in class yesterday.,疑问句:将was 或were 放句首,主语紧随其后!,You were busy yesterday.,Were you busy yesterday?,Yes, I was. No, I was not.(wasnt),用括号里动词的适当形式填空。 1. Last night he _ (arrive) just in time for the show. 2. Mary _ (marry) Thomas yesterday. 3. Tom _ (show) us where to sit at the meeting yesterday. 4. Last summer we _ (visit) Uncle Jack. 5. It _ (rain) almost every day last month. 6. John _ (like) to play piano when he was in secondary school. 7. Betty _ (work) hard all last year. 8. We _ (change) the color of our uniforms last Christmas.,arrived,married,showed,visited,rained,liked,worked,changed,语法练习,用括号内动词的正确形式填空: 1. We _ (go) to school at half past six every morning. 2. Where _ (be) Wu Dong? I _ (not know). He _ (be) here five minutes ago. 3. The speaker _ (not give) us the talk the day after tomorrow. 4. _ you _ (do) morning exercises every day? 5. John _ (watch) the basketball match this Sunday. 6. _ you _ (speak) at the meeting next Saturday? 7. It _ (be) Sunday yesterday. My parents and I _ (be ) in the park. .,go,is,dont know,was,wont give,Do,do,will watch,Will,speak,was,were,语法练习,11. They _ (not watch) TV just now. 12. They _ (carry) water for Grandpa Liu three days ago. 14. _ your friends _ (have) a good time in the park that day? 16. _ Mary _ (study) at the No. 1 Middle School the year before last? 17. His parents _ (not go) out for a walk after supper yesterday. 18. Where _ (be) Mei Fang last night?,didnt watch,carried,Did,have,Did,study,didnt go,was,语法练习,仿照示例,把下列各句变成疑问句,然后做出简略回答。 He came by ferry. (yes) - Did he come by ferry? Yes, he did. Walter enjoyed himself at your party. (yes) 2. The cat died last night. (no) 3. Judy studied hard before the exams. (no),Did Walter enjoy himself at your party? Yes, he did.,Did the cat die last night? No, it didnt.,Did Judy study hard before the exams? No, she didnt.,语法练习,


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