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www.ocscf.org Paper写作范文-美国大学的行政管理本篇paper写作范文主要讨论了美国大学的行政管理。美国各大学的行政管理架构虽然各有特色,但其基本管理模式还是有相似性。其管理架构一般分别是由立法机构、行政机构和司法机构组成,三方相互协作、相互牵制共同管理大学的建设与发展。The United States is a federal country with highly developed technology and education. Although the federal government of the United States has the ministry of education, its management function and role is very limited. There is no complete national education management system in the United States. The morrill act of 1862 established the responsibility of the state government in the form of legislation. In the United States, state governments usually manage and coordinate various universities in their regions through organizations such as education coordination committee, but the relationship between state governments and universities is not between leaders and led. The constitution of the United States legally endows each state with the legislative power and management power of education, and each state can make its own education development strategy and education goal according to the actual situation, allocate funds to the universities within its jurisdiction and supervise the education quality.In recent years, out of the recognition of the importance of higher education, the federal government of the United States is skillfully using a set of adjustment mechanism to integrate the higher education policies of the federal government into universities, so as to promote the participation of universities in national construction and scientific research by establishing some relations with universities. The main ways of regulation are as follows: to make the education responsibility of state government clear through legislation; To entrust universities to manage national laboratories and major scientific research projects in the form of "contract", so as to make university scientific research develop in the direction needed by the country; Improve the enrollment rate of higher education, ensure the quality of teaching, and give the right of education to the educated; Increase funding for research and introduce competition to ensure that federal funding for research and development is used effectively. At the same time, the reform and development of higher education in each state were supported by economic means. The United States federal government has established a number of research funds and various types of student scholarships, through the research project grants to support the university scientific research work, through the scholarship to guide young people to the federal government required professional talent. Public universities in the United States are mainly funded by education grants from the state governments and self-raised funds from the schools, part of which comes from tuition fees, while scientific research funds are mainly controlled by professors from colleges and universities, and the schools mainly provide financial management services of scientific research funds.Through the field investigation and exchange of many universities such as Maryland in the United States, we know that although the administrative structures of American universities have their own characteristics, their basic management modes are still similar. Generally, its management structure is composed of legislative body, administrative body and judicial body. The three parties have their own division of labor to coordinate and contain the construction and development of the university.The organizational framework of American universities is composed of the university board of directors, the university council, the dean's committee and the President's advisory committee. The university board is the most important. In the organization of American universities, there is also a very special management mode - university system, that is, several or more universities in the state form a university consortium, and the presidents of the universities in the consortium form the board of directors of the university system. The chairman of the board of directors of the university system is usually a well-known scholar or social figure. The board of directors of the university system is an institution with certain administrative authority, which has decision-making power over the financial budget, strategic development, appointment of principals, investment of large projects, tuition standard formulation, and coordination of standards and issues among universities within the system. The university of Maryland is the flagship university of the university consortium system in Maryland.The chairman of the board of public universities is appointed by the state government. Other members include representatives of the public, presidents, alumni, public figures, non-faculty members and students. The university board of trustees is responsible for addressing strategic, budgetary, and managerial policy issues or decisions that will have a significant impact on the university, su


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