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problems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders can't do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the party's ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the party's advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of party committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the party's governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Processing to improve as a guide to the country. "" What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. "This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaoping's mass. Deng also put people "support does not support", "agreed not to agree", "happy happy", "promise not to promise" as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that "created and developed in the long struggle of the party's mass line, is to realize the party's ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route", can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the party's leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party四季花城3#、7#楼工程分项工程检验批划分及检验样本抽样方案一、 编制依据1、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB 50300-2001)2、建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范(GB 50242-2002)3、建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范(GB 50303-2002)4、工程建设标准强制性条文(房屋建筑部分)5、施工图纸二、 工程简介工程名称:四季花城3#、7#楼建筑面积:6000建设单位:宣城徽商房地产开发公司施工单位:安徽敬亭建设发展有限公司监理单位:苏州联信工程管理咨询公司结构类型:框架层数:六层三、 检验批划分根据本工程特点,盛宇湖畔18#楼砖基与主体结构为一个施工段施工,检验批划分见下表:表1序号分项检验批部位检验批数量抽样样本检查项目基础分部1土方开挖土方开挖基槽土方开挖1标高、表面平整度2土方回填土方回填基槽土方回填13模板模板安装基础柱基基础柱及基础底板3*2截面内部尺寸轴线位移、截面尺寸、层高垂直度、表面平整度模板拆除4钢筋钢筋加工柱基基础柱及基础底板3*2钢筋安装重点在梁与节点并用图象保存钢筋连接、安装5混凝土混凝土原材料、配合比基础柱基基础柱及基础底板3*2试块留置、原材料称量的偏差、砼养护混凝土施工6现浇结构现浇结构及外观尺寸基础柱基基础柱及基础底板3查轴线位移、垂直度、表面平整度、截面尺寸小计6个分项23表2序号分项检验批检验批数部位抽样样本检查项目主体分部1模板模板安装每层2个2*82*832储藏层一层二层三层四层五层六层阁楼层柱结构层共分8个层次截面内部尺寸轴线位移、截面尺寸、层高垂直度、表面平整度模板拆除每层2个2钢筋钢筋加工每层2个2*82*832每层钢筋安装重点在梁与节点每层结构梁板用图象保存钢筋连接、安装每层2个一层结构二层结构三层结构四层结构五层结构六层结构阁楼层结构坡屋面结构柱,梁、板结构3混凝土混凝土原材料、配合比每层2个2*82*832试块留置、原材料称量的偏差、砼养护混凝土施工每层2个4现浇结构现浇结构及外观尺寸每层2个2*816每层查轴线位移、垂直度、表面平整度、截面尺寸5砖砌体填充墙体每层1个1*88储藏层一层二层三层四层五层六层,阁楼层砖砌体一、三、六层垂直度、平整度以及水平灰缝厚度与平直二、四、五水平灰缝的砂浆饱满度小计5个分项表3序号分项检验批部位检验批数量屋面分部1找平层平屋面找层屋顶平屋面12保温层屋面、平台、露台、雨蓬屋顶屋面13防水层屋面、平台、露台、雨蓬屋顶平屋面14细部构结屋面、平台、露台、雨蓬屋顶屋面15瓦屋面坡屋面屋顶坡屋面1小计5个分项5表4序号分项检验批部位检验批数量节能分部1内墙保温内墙保温16层62屋面保温层屋面保温


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