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期末作业考核英语教学法 满分100分I. Fill in the blanks.(每题1分,共38分)1. For both native speakers and non-native speakers, fluency includes accuracy (1), fluency (2), appropriacy (3) and aesthetics (4). Fluency is a general term for good speaking ability _ (5). 2. For different level accuracy means different things which go from grammar (6) correctness (7) to pragmatic (8) appropriateness (9).3. In studying the relation between fluency and accuracy, there is one point to be sure, that is, fluency does not _neglect_ (10) accuracy at all.4. Humans acquire language by understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible (11) _ input(12) in the interactive (13) process.5. Engaging learners in meaningful (14) interaction in the second or foreign language classroom is essential and involves the processes of both acquiring (15) and conscious (16) studying.(17).6. In Krashens theory, adults have two distinctive ways of developing competence in second or foreign language learning, that is, acquisition (18) and learning (19).7. Andersons theory is that of the acquisition of cognitive skills, on simple interpretation, ranging from _controlled _ (20) _ practice _ (21) to_ automatic _ (22) _ process _ (23) .8. Teachers should provide _ good _ (24) _ input _ (25) to prepare the learners with their storage of language information and _ interactive _ (26) _ process _ (27) for learners to communicate and to control their production. Teachers role is not limited as an imparter; instead teachers should be _ communicator _ (28) with learners too.9. Between input and output, there is, usually, a period of _ silence _ (29) .10. Learning by doing encourages students to _ experience (30) the language, which is a process of _ acquisition_ (31) that leads to high level of proficiency.11. There are two ways to improve studentsoral production. One is to practice speaking based on _ structure _ (32) and the other is based on _ topic _ (33) and _ function _ (34).12. There are two kinds of speaking activities. One is _ factual _ (35)_ information _ (36) exchange; the other is personal (37) idea (38) exchange. II. Explain the following terms。(每题5分,共30分)1. Grammar Translation MethodGrammar Translation Method is a language teaching method in which translation and grammar studies are the main teaching and learning activities. The approach came from the traditional way of how Latin and Greek being taught in Europe before 19th century, which continued to be used in modern languages teaching such as French, German and English in the 19th century and is still used in many countries today in modified forms. 2. IntonationIntonation means the rise and fall in voice tones like musical notes, from high to low, or from low to high. Such upward and downward movement of the voice creates the melody of the language. 3. Systematic teaching and unplanned teachingUnplanned teaching are the moments when a student asks about a word or phrase or when the teacher feels a word or phrases deserves some attention. Such moments are called impromptu moments that are valuable and can be extended in teaching.4. Background informationBackground information includes cultural information, factual information and previous experience.5. Organization and styleSome students writing is messy. They mention more than one main idea in one paragraph, or they mention the same idea again in other paragraphs. Also, they fail to give a topic sentence with supporting examples. Such students are also poor in structure accuracy. To be clear in formulation and organization is a weak point for many learners. Written is different from speech. Some learners write a composition as if they were chatting with friends or acquaintances. Their writing is like a transcript of their talking. Even for writing, there are formal and informal styles. 6. Validity and reliabilityValidity refers to “the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure or can be used successfully for purpose for which it is intended” Reliability is “a measure of the degree to which a test gives consistent results. A test is said to be reliable if it gives the same results when it is given on different occasions or when it is used by different people”III. Open questions.(共32分,第1小题10分、第2、第3小题每题11分)1. What errors do Chinese learners often make in their speaking and writing? How can you as a teacher deal with learner errors?(10分)Answer: Fluency is regarded as an important skill in English learning and speaking, but the understanding of it seems to be vague in our mind. This part tries to describe what is fluency in terms of native speakers and non-native speakers. Surely students will make mistakes in their speaking practice. How teachers deal with students mistakes and e


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