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用户界面设计实验报告 学 号:姓 名:穆建龙班级名称:11 计科指导教师:程鹏实验日期:序号版本号修订内容教师评语Ex1Ex2Ex3Ex4矮化砧嫁接的苹果树树冠体积小于乔化砧嫁接的苹果树树冠体积,矮化砧苹果树单株产量低于乔化砧苹果树,所以,栽植矮化苹果树必须根据不同的矮化砧木和不同类型的短枝型品种适当加大栽培密度I目 录Experiment 1: Evaluation Practices1Experiment 2: Design a graphic user interface3Experiment 3: Error Messages GUI6Experiment 4: Help Document6Experiment 1: Evaluation Practices1.1 Evalute an ATMTake the money on the ATM, will pop up as below picture, prompt the user for the next step operation, 2)When the user clicks the continue button will pop up a new page. Will display the contents of the user made as shown in the figure below:3) Interface of the other options is similar with "withdrawing funds". After click there will be a corresponding specific functionMy Opinion about the web sites: No.CriteriaImportanceGoalActual mostleast  12345TimeTime1Time to learn2Speed of performancelowmodhighvery highlowmodhighvery high3Rate of errors by users4Subjective satisfaction5Retention over timeUse the blank provided to answer the questions. Answer the questions on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is a strong no, 5 is a strong yes, and 3 is neutral. If the question does not apply, use a 0. No.CriteriaScore noneutralyes 12345N/A6Is the terminology consistent?7Is the terminology appropriate?8Is the terminology in the user's vocabulary?9Are the instructions consistent?10Do the instructions accurately describe the task?11Do the display layouts simplify the tasks?12Are the error messages helpful?13Is it easy to correct errors?14Is the online help consistent and useful?No.Comment 15What specific suggestions do you have to improve this interface?16What specific things did you like about this interface?1.2Evalute a cell phone1)My telephone is Lenovo/联想.1) 2)I like the phone app store that anyone who wants to software can be downloaded in the app store, and there are a lot of useful software,Such as 2) 3)The curriculum is one of my favorite software. The software will be different every day, of course, made of different color background. And feral this feature3) My Opinion about the web sites:No.CriteriaImportanceGoalActual mostleast  12345TimeTime1Time to learn2Speed of performancelowmodhighvery highlowmodhighvery high3Rate of errors by users4Subjective satisfaction5Retention over timeUse the blank provided to answer the questions. Answer the questions on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is a strong no, 5 is a strong yes, and 3 is neutral. If the question does not apply, use a 0. No.CriteriaScore noneutralyes 12345N/A6Is the terminology consistent?7Is the terminology appropriate?8Is the terminology in the user's vocabulary?9Are the instructions consistent?10Do the instructions accurately describe the task?11Do the display layouts simplify the tasks?12Are the error messages helpful?13Is it easy to correct errors?14Is the online help consistent and useful?No.Comment 15What specific suggestions do you have to improve this interface?16What specific things did you like about this interface?Experiment 2: Design a graphic user interface Now, you can use the usability measurement to design a graphic user interface .First, you must select a system to finish sessions or tasks for users, so users requirements must be analyzed to define all functions you want to realize. Second, you must draw a graphic UI using the software tools, such as Microsoft visual studio, or Visio, or others. All functions must be appeared in this GUI include a m


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