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人文英语4-Unit7 Self-test-国开04016-参考资料

  • 卖家[上传人]:电大****团队
  • 文档编号:90636438
  • 上传时间:2019-06-14
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:20.12KB
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    • 1、人文英语4-Unit7 Self-test-国开04016-参考资料请认真阅读一下说明然后下载:学校每学期有可能都要更换题库!请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!本文档的说明:下载完本文档后,请用WORD或WPS打开,然后按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案,预祝您取得好成绩金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题 may i speak to prof . li please? _.A. Im afraid youve got the wrong number B. Theres no Prof. Li C. No, you cant 正确答案是:Im afraid youve got the wrong number第2题 here you are, sir. _.A. Yes, Im here B. Yes, here we are C. Thank you very much 正确答案是:Thank you very much第3题 so sorry to trouble you. _.A. I dont think

      2、 so B. Its your fault C. Its a pleasure 正确答案是:Its a pleasure第4题 would you like a tea? _.A. I like green tea B. Yes, please C. Yes, I prefer coffee 正确答案是:Yes, please第5题 what does your english teacher look like? _.A. She likes singing B. She looks much like her mother C. She looks sad 正确答案是:She looks much like her mother第6题 two days is not enough for him to finish the work. he needs _ day.A. a third B. the other C. other 正确答案是:a third第7题 the red flower goes from one to _ in the class.A. the other

      3、B. others C. another 正确答案是:another第8题 the computer system _suddenly while he was searching for information on the internet.A. broke up B. broke down C. broke out 正确答案是:broke down第9题 theres lots of fruit _ the tree. our little cat is also in the tree.A. in B. on C. at 正确答案是:on第10题 how can he _ if he is not _?A. hear; listening B. be listening; heard C. listen; hearing 正确答案是:hear; listening第11题 the film brought the hours back to me _ i was taken good care of in that remote village.A. that B. when

      4、C. where 正确答案是:when第12题 -did the medicine make you feel better?-no. the more _, _ i feel.A. medicine I take; and the worse B. medicine I take; the worse C. I take medicine; the worse 正确答案是:medicine I take; the worse第13题 it is not until you have lost your health _ you know its value.A. that B. when C. until 正确答案是:that第14题 its high time that he settled down in the country and _ a new life.A. starting B. started C. start 正确答案是:started第15题 have you ever visited the summer palace, _ there are many be

      5、autiful halls, ridges and a huge lake?A. which B. that C. where 正确答案是:where第16题 选择题 Respondent: Binhai Peoples HospitalAddress: No 7, Binhai Road, Binhai CityThe following answer is given to Zhang Huas claim for personal-injury compensation by the Binhai Peoples Hospital:1. The respondent does not have a direct contractual relationship with Zhang Hua. Zhang Hua had an oral contract to remove the high-voltage meter cabinet with Binhai No. 2 Construction Installation Company on June 10, 2008. He w

      6、as assigned by Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company and therefore has no direct contractual relationship with the respondent.2. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua for the following reasons. Firstly, according to PRC laws and relevant judicial interpretations, Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company shall be responsible for any injury employees suffered in the contract performance. Secondly, Zhang Hua seriou

      7、sly violated the operational procedure in removing the high-voltage meter cabinet and failed to pay due attention thereto.3. The respondent shall not be responsible for compensating the injuries of Zhang Hua. According to the General Principles of the Civil Law, any person engaged in highly dangerous operations shall be responsible for compensation. In this case, the respondent entered into a contract with Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company, whereby the source of high danger shif

      8、ted to Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company became the subject of the dangerous operation, and therefore any damages caused in the contract performance by Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company have no connection with the respondent.Therefore, Binhai Peoples Hospital is not liable for compensating Zhang Hua. We hereby request the court to reject the plaintiffs action according to law.To:Binhai City Intermediate Peoples CourtRespondent: Binhai Peoples CourtDate: May 10th, 2011 1. According to the plaintiff, 正确答案是:A should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua.A. Binhai Peoples HospitalB. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation CompanyC. Binhai City Intermediate Peoples Court2. Zhang Hua had an oral contract with 正确答案是:B.A. 2 Construction and Installation CompaniesB. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation CompanyC. Binhai City Intermediate Peoples Court3. The respondent stated 正确

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