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    • 1、 IntroductionHaze is a combination of fog and haze. Because of the deterioration of air quality, haze weather phenomenon increased, aggravating the damage. In china, many areas the haze weather phenomenon into the mist as early warning and forecasting disastrous weather. Collectively referred to as the “haze weather“.In fact, fog and haze is very different from a certain point of view. For example: the presence of fog haze appeared moist air; air is relatively dry, air relative humidity is below

      2、 60%.The cause of its formation is due to a large number of very small particles of dust, soot, salt and evenly floating in the air, so that the effective horizontal visibility to less than 10KM air mixed erosion phenomenon. Diurnal variation of haze is generally not obvious. When there is no big change, air mass is stable, sustained over a long period of time, sometimes 10 days more sustainable.Because of the haze, fog, sand dust storm, blowing sand, dust, smoke and other weather phenomena, is

      3、floating in the air a lot of very fine particles of dust or smoke particles caused the effective horizontal visibility to less than 10KM.Sometimes the meteorological professionals are difficult to distinguish. Must be combined with the weather background, sky conditions, air humidity, color, odor and satellite monitoring of such factors as the comprehensive analysis and judgment, to draw the right conclusions, but the weather phenomenon of fog and haze are sometimes interchangeable.Haze harmful

      4、to human body after inhalation of the human respiratory tract, long- term inhalation of severe cases can lead to death.BackgroundThe haze weather appear in Beijing againThe 28 day, after the National Day holiday in Beijing after the most obvious haze weather, air quality reached again more serious pollution level. Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau staff said, Beijing have been the first to start heavy air pollution emergency plan blue warning.In the afternoon on 27th, Beijing see

      5、 the haze again, Beijing meteorological observatory when release haze yellow warning signal. On 28th, pollution degree gradually increase, air quality and visibility is poor. With the continued calm weather, the pollution degree and the region continued to increase and spread. On the afternoon of the same day, the sky is grey, more air quality reached the serious pollution level.Beijing city environmental protection monitoring center issued a heavy pollution tip says,PM2.5 concentration in each

      6、region of Beijing to maintain the severe pollution level, to remind the public to shorten the time to stay outdoors and to avoid going out.Definition of haze weatherFog is fog, haze is haze. Fog appeared often in autumn and winter. When the cold air is not very strong in the fog, fog is neither the cause of the pollution, also is not the result of pollution. The fog is basically harmless. But not haze. Haze is caused by human factors of pollution. It refers to the sending out to the particles in

      7、 the air. These particles, such as dust particles, after combustion produces all kinds of tiny particles. In fact, the haze weather continued, air quality to drop, isnt this year a new phenomenon. In recent years, every autumn and winter, especially, after the winter of central and eastern regions in China from time to time to meet such a situation, both the weather reason, also have pollution emissions. Causes of haze weatherhorizontal static wind phenomenon At the first increase the horizontal

      8、 direction the phenomenon of static wind. With the rapid development of city construction, the building was built higher, increasing the ground friction coefficient, so that the air flows through the town significantly weakened. Increasing the static wind phenomenon, is not conducive to pollutant extended to outlying City dilution, and easy to accumulate high concentrations of pollution in urban areas. vertical temperature inversionSecond is perpendicular to the direction of the inversion phenom

      9、enon. Inversion layer like a lid covering over the city, the city appeared above the inversion phenomenon than the low altitude temperature higher. Pollutants under normal weather conditions, diffusion from low temperature to high temperature and low altitude, gradually cycle emissions into the atmosphere. But the inversion phenomenon, low temperature is much lower, and pollutant retention, can not be timely discharged out. suspended particles Finally, Increase of suspended particulate matter. In recent years, with the development of industry, motor vehicles increasing, emission of pollutants and the city a large number of suspended solids increased, resulted in reduced visibility, which makes the whole city looks gray.Haze formation and pollutant emissions are closely related, motor vehicle exhaust in the city as well as other carbon source discharge diameter in the fine particles of micron, stays in the atmosphere, when the tempe


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