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    • 1、 I华华 中 科中 科 技技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文文 摘摘 要要 系统科学是上世纪后半世纪人类最伟大的成就之一,也是当今最活跃的科学领域之一。依据系统科学观点,只要符合序对( , )ST R=的均可将被研究对象视为系统。自然,一个大型结构系统例如桥梁、大坝都可视为一个系统,可用系统理论方法对它进行分析和求解。一般大型结构系统几乎都离不开振动问题,此时所涉及到的信号为振动信号。大型结构系统的固有特性,即固有频率、阻尼比和振型,又称模态参数,是分析研究大型结构系统动力特性的依据。模态参数识别(Modal Parameter Identification)是研究大型结构系统动力特性的近代方法,在大型结构系统安全问题日益受到重视的今天,此类模态参数识别研究显得尤为重要。 本文研究提出消除振动信号趋势项的快速积分处理方法。通过无线传感器网络采集到的振动信号(加速度信号)求得积分后的振动信号(速度、位移信号) ,运用多项式拟合的方法消除采样积分中产生的趋势项,利用各阶系数间的关系提高运算速度及精度,并将其离散化以满足无线传感器网络“在线”处理、分析数据的要求。不

      2、仅通过仿真获知采样频率sf 和数据长度n对精度的影响,而且通过有限元建模获得的加速度信号仿真分析和通过无线传感器网络实际采集的加速度信号进行处理,进一步验证和说明了所提方法的有效性。 针对大型结构系统模型参数具有缓慢衰减的特点,本文作者在研究提出基于均值生成时序构造的mvSCGM系统云灰色预测模型基础上,构建残差修正系统云灰色预测模型,记为mvESCGM,并将其应用于大型结构系统模态参数预测。系统模型是系统科学的基本内容,而实践中人们常常很难或不可能从被研究对象获取完备的模型信息,此时被研究对象处于“贫”信息状态,很难或不可能用常用的理论方法满II华华 中 科中 科 技技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文文 意求解系统。此时若用灰色系统理论方法,可望获得良好结果。显然大型结构系统的现时模态参数有别于未来模态参数,预测和预测模型在此是关键。本文研究提出的灰色预测模型理论证明和示例计算表明,所建模型的计算量少,其拟合、预测效果令人满意。 通过分析自由响应特征根实、虚部分布特点,可有效消除随机减量法获得自由响应的噪声模态,获得更为真实的自由响应信号,并据此通过ARMA

      3、法识别大型结构系统模态,记为随机减量去噪-ARMA法。且通过对无线传感器网络实际采集到的振动信号处理,可表明所提出的方法的有效性。识别大型结构系统模态的最终目的是为了判断该系统的健康状况。为精确获知系统的健康状况,本文研究提出大型结构系统衰减由自然衰减和非自然衰减构成机理,由系统预测模型获得自然衰减模态与现时振动信号识别出的模态比较,通过设定值得出系统是否存在非自然衰减,从而判断大型结构系统的健康状况。 模论(Module)是能够把状态空间语言和多项式矩阵语言统一起来的最自然、最透彻的语言。本文阐述的用状态变量表述大型结构系统的行为,对大型结构系统进行模分析,为大型结构系统模态参数识别研究开辟了新的方向。 本文最后总结了研究内容与创新点,并对未来的工作方向进行了展望。 关键词关键词:大型结构系统;振动信号;模态参数识别;系统云灰色预测模型;模论 III华华 中 科中 科 技技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文文 Abstract Systems science is one of the greatest scientific achievements of h

      4、alf after last century, also one of the most active in scientific field of science. Based on systems science point of view, as long as meet ( ,)ST R=s investigated object can be regarded as systems. Certainly, a large structural system such as bridges, dams can be seen as a system, it can be used systems theory to analyze and solve. Almost all large structure systems generally can not do without vibration, so signal here named vibration signal. The inherent characteristics of large structural sy

      5、stems, both natural frequency, damping ratio and mode shapes, also known as modal parameters of large structure is analyzed based on the dynamic behaviors. Modal Parameter identification is modern method to study the dynamic behavior of large structure, safety in large structure of the system more and more attention today, modal Parameter identification is particularly important. This dissertation proposes to eliminate vibration signal trend of rapid integration approach. Wireless sensor network

      6、s collected vibration signals (acceleration signal) obtained by integrating the vibration signals (velocity and displacement signals), the use of polynomial fitting method to eliminate the trend of sampling points generated items, Using the relationship between the coefficient of each order to improve computational speed and accuracy to meet the needs of its discrete wireless sensor network “online“ processing, analysis of data requirements. Informed not only by simulation sampling frequency and

      7、 data length on the accuracy and obtained by finite element modeling and simulation analysis of acceleration signals through the wireless sensor network based on the real actual acceleration signal processing, to further validate and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method . Model parameters for large structure has the characteristics of the slow decay, the study authors proposed structure based on mean-value generation time series forecasting model of grey systems, builds a residual

      8、 correction grey forecasting model, denoted, and its first application large structure in the model parameter forecasting. Systems model is an essential part in contents of systmes science. In practice, it is often very difficult or even IV华华 中 科中 科 技技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文文 impossible to obtain complete model information from investigated object. In such a case, the object is in a situation with “poor” information, and it is very difficult or impossible to solve satisfactorily the proble

      9、ms of a system utilizing traditional theory, whereas it may be expected to get good results if the grey systems theory is adopted. Obviously, the model parameters present of large structure is different from the future, forecasting and forecasting model is the key here. This dissertation proposed the forecasting model of theoretical proof and example calculations show that the model of computation is less, the fitting, forecast satisfactory. By analyzing the free response characteristic roots real and imaginary part of the collocation, can effectively remove the random decrement technique to be free to respond to the noise, get more freedom to respond to the real signal, and thus large structure through the ARMA method for model identification, Noise reduction for the random denoise-ARMA method. And wireless sensor networks on the actual collected vibration signal processing, can prove that the proposed method. Modal parameter identification of large structure systems is in order to


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