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    • 1、 涡流反应器论文:微涡流絮凝技术的实验研究及其应用涡流反应器论文:微涡流絮凝技术的实验研究及其应用【中文摘要】随着人们生活水平的提高和工业的快速发展,人们对供水水质及水量的需求日益提高。但目前大量饮用水水源遭受到不同程度的污染,在常规净水处理工艺条件下,饮用水供需矛盾非常突出。在面临水源水质污染和饮用水水质标准不断提高的双重压力下,积极地探索新技术、新工艺,提高饮用水水质成为供水行业发展的主要方向。本课题通过研究涡流反应器的絮凝机理及其在不同水质下的絮凝效果,研究微涡流澄清技术,研制出新型且节能高效的涡流澄清池,通过试验获取其在不同进水水质情况下的设计参数及其运行效果,并将研究成果应用于一工程实践,取得较好的效果。主要研究内容有:1、模拟涡流澄清池内反应室混凝状态进行烧杯实验,对试验进行投药量指导。2、澄清池内投加涡流反应器与不投加涡流反应器的除浊效果试验对比,探索涡流反应器在絮凝阶段所起的强化效果。3、不同温度及浊度下澄清池处理效果的试验研究。4、涡流澄清池针对微污染水源水处理效果的试验研究。5、微涡流絮凝技术在醴陵铁路水厂的工程应用研究。主要研究成果如下:1、进水浊度20NTU 左

      2、右,水温 12左右情况下。烧杯试验确定聚合氯化铝(PAC)作为本试验混凝药剂,烧杯实验最佳投药量 35mg/L。2、进水流量10m3/h,进水浊度 20NTU 左右,水温分别为 12左右和 28左右时,通过投药 PAC 混凝剂控制出水浊度在 1 左右。不加涡流反应器时投药量 22mg/L 及 28mg/L;第一、第二反应室内投放开孔孔径 35mm 的涡流反应器时投药量 14mg/L 及 18mg/L。可知投加涡流反应器后能节约部分投药量。3、对于微污染水源时,浊度为 21.7NTU:Zeta 电位为-26.68mv;UV254 为 0.0703 cm-1;高锰酸盐指数为 8.16mg/L,进水流量 10m3/h,水温 28左右时,第一、第二反应室内投放开孔孔径35mm 的涡流反应器。(1)投药量 10mg/L,出水浊度 2.81 左右,出水Zeta 电位-10.227 左右,UV254 去除率 27.3%左右,高锰酸盐指数去除率 43.2%左右,絮体等效粒径 0.389mm;(2)投药量 12mg/L,出水浊度0.98 左右,出水 Zeta 电位-3.924 左右,UV254 去除率

      3、33.9%左右,高锰酸盐指数去除率 49.6%左右,絮体等效粒径 0.451mm 左右;(3)投药量 16mg/L,出水浊度 0.41 左右,出水 Zeta 电位-1.667 左右,UV254去除率 39.5%左右,高锰酸盐指数去除率 61.2%左右,絮体等效粒径0.487mm 左右;从试验可知,在一定范围内,涡流澄清池出水浊度及部分有机污染指标随投药量增加有较好去除效果。4、微涡流絮凝技术的工程应用。针对醴陵铁路水厂现有网格反应池存在的易积泥、易堵塞等不足进行了微涡旋混凝工艺改造。改造后沉淀出水浊度降低,从而提高滤池出水水质,同时过滤周期延长(由原来的 24 小时增加到36 小时),冲洗次数减少,反冲洗水量降低,进而节约了水泵动力费用。试验结果以及工程应用表明微涡流絮凝工艺具有抗冲击负荷强,运行费用低,管理方便,运行稳定等优点,具有较好的应用前景。【英文摘要】The safety of drinking water has become one social issue with great importance, traditional disposal process hasnt

      4、 content with the demands of water quality, drinking water polluted more and more serious. Many efforts have been made in studying water treatment technology by scholars and researchers in the world aiming to meet beingsdemands on the drinking water safety.Through the application of the self-designed vortex clarification tank by putting a certain amount of micro-vortex reactor into the tank, and study the effects of micro-vortex reactor in the flocculation areas.The main contexts for the study:1

      5、. A laboratory test was carried out under simulated conditions of coagulation in the reaction chamber of vortex2. Not using micro-vortex reactor and using micro-vortex reactor, research affect of the micro-vortex.3. Different temperature and different turbidity, research the effects of micro-vortex clarification.4. Dispose of slightly polluted water use micro-vortex clarification.5. Application of micro-vortex coagulation process in rebuilding engineering of Liling Railway Water PlantThe main re

      6、search results as following:1. Experiment decide choose PAC as the coagulant of this test and 35mg/l as the optimum amount.2. The rate of inflow is 1m3/h, temperature is 12and 28, and control turbidity of effluent is 1NTU. The quantity of coagulant is 22mg/L and 28mg/L with no vortex reactor, while the quantity of coagulant is 14mg/L and 18mg/L with vortex reactor.3. The rate of inflow is 10m3h, temperature is 28, release by vortex reactor with 35mm aperture. The water inflow quality:turbidity21

      7、.7NTU, Zeta potential-26.68, UV254 0.0703cm-1; KMnO4 is 8.16mg/L. (1) the quantity of coagulant is 10mg/L, turbidity of effluent is 2.81, Zeta potential is -10.227, and UV254 rate of removal is 27.3%, KMnO4 rate of removal is 43.2%, equivalent grain size is 0.389mm.(2) the quantity of coagulant is 12mg/L, turbidity of effluent is 0.98, Zeta potential is -3.924, and UV254 rate of removal is 33.9%, KMnO4 rate of removal is 49.6%, equivalent grain size is 0.451mm.(3) the quantity of coagulant is 16

      8、mg/L, turbidity of effluent is 0.41, Zeta potential is -1.667, and UV254 rate of removal is 39.5%, KMnO4 rate of removal is 61.2%, equivalent grain size is 0.487mm.4. Application of Micro-vortex Coagulation ProcessThe new technology of coagulation-Micro-whirling reactor and its working mechanism which is whirling-coagulation and contact-flocculation are illustrated Also it tells us the application on Rebuilding Engineering of Liling Railway Water Plant. it argues that in comparison to other floc

      9、culation technology, the Micro-vortex flocculation technology deserves widely application for its various advantages, such as its higher coagulation efficiency, shorter reactivity time, the better quality of finished water, lower power consumption, more conveniences in construction and the like.【关键词】涡流反应器 澄清池 浊度 去除率【英文关键词】vortex reactor clarifying basin turbidity rate of removal【目录】微涡流絮凝技术的实验研究及其应用 摘要 3-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 第 1 章 绪论 10-20 1.1 我国水环境状况 10 1.2 饮用水处理 10-17 1.2.1 预处理工艺 11-12 1.2.2 常规处理工艺 12-14 1.2.3 深度处理工艺 14-16 1.2.4 强化混凝技术 16-17 1.3 课题的提出 17 1.4 课题的来源 17 1.5 课题研究目的和内容 17-19 1.5.1 课题研究目的 17-18 1.5.2 课题研究内容 18-19 1.6 研究技术路线 19-20 第 2 章 强化混凝及微涡流、澄清技术文献综述 20-37 2.1 强化混凝技术概论 20-25 2.1.1 混凝技术及其发展 20-21 2.1.2 强化混凝技术 21 2.1.3 强化混凝的作用机理 21-23 2.1.4 强化混凝的影响因素 23-24 2.1.5 强化混凝技术的应用 24-25 2.


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