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    • 1、最新外研版七年级英语上册单元测试题含答案全套Module 1 达标测试卷第卷 笔试部分(100 分)五、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)21_ is your English teacher?Hes twentyeight.AWho BHow CHow much DHow old22_are you from?Im from Changchun.AHow BWhereCWhat DHow old23I am from _.What about you?AChinese BEnglish CJapanese DAmerica24 What about _ for a walk? Good idea.Ato go BGo Cgoing Dgoes25 My names Tom Hanks. Tom is my _ name and Hanks is my _ name.Afirst; last Blast; firstClast; family Dfamily; last26Mr Brown with his children _ in China now.Aare BisCbe

      2、Dam27_Yes, I am.AWhats your name? BWhat are you?CHow are you? DAre you Mike?28_ your name Wang Lin?AIs BAreCAm DBe29He_ Nanjing.Acome from Bis fromCare from Ddoes from30Everyone likes my father because _is friendly.Ahis BhimChe Dhimself31They are in the same school, _ in different classes.Aand Bor Cbut32Everyone _in the classroom now.Aam Bis Care Dbe33(N) _ name is Tom._ is a boy in Class One.AMy; I BHis; HeCHer; She DYour; You34. ,易错题) John and Linda are _.Aboys BstudentCboy Dtwelve years old35

      3、_ is important to remember this.AThis BThat CIt DOne六、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(词数:约 90;建议用时:8 分钟)Look _(36)this girl. Her name is Wang Meimei._(37)is twelve. Wang Ming is her brother. He is _(38) Class Three,Grade Two.Do you know how old he is? He is fourteen years old. He _(39) Wang Meimei are in No.2 Middle School. Their mother _(40)a teacher. She is an _(41) teacher. Their father, Mr Wang, is a teacher,_(42)He is a Chinese teacher in No.1 Middle School. Their students all love them because they l

      4、ove their students. They have(有) a cat._(43) name is Mimi._(44) a nice cat. The cat and Wang Meimei are _(45) friends.36A.at Bon Cto Din37A. He BI CYou DShe38A. on Bwith Cin Dat39A. but Bso Cor Dand40A. am Bis Care Dbe41A. English BChineseCJapanese DEngland42A.to BtooCtwo Deither(也)43A. Its BItCIts Dits44A. Its BTheyreCIts DIt45A. right BoneCwell Dgood七、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)A (词数:约 70;建议用时:5 分钟)My name is Lisa Gibson.I am from America.I am 12 years old.And I am a student in No.2 Middle School in

      5、Beijing.Mrs Wang is my Chinese teacher.My friend is also a student here.Her name is Maria Smith.She is from England.She is 13 years old.Maria and I are new students in No.2 Middle School.We like our Chinese classes.46Who is the writer (作者) of this passage(短文)?AMr Wang. BWang Hong.CLisa Gibson. DMaria Smith.47What is the writers family name?ALisa. BGibson.CSmith. DMaria.48Who is Mrs Wang?AThe writers maths teacher.BThe writers English teacher.CThe writers Chinese teacher.DThe writers student.49Ma

      6、ria Smiths first name is _.AGibson BMariaCSmith DWang50How old is Maria?AEleven. BTwelve.CThirteen. DFourteen.B(词数:约 100;建议用时:5 分钟)Im Mrs Zhou. Im a teacher in No.1 Middle School(第一中学)This is Li Lei. Hes Chinese. He is in Class 2,Grade 7.Hes my student,and my son(儿子)too. Hes twelve.That girl is Jean. Shes American. Shes eleven. And that boy is Jack. Hes English. Hes ten. Theyre in Li Leis class.Im their Chinese teacher. All the students and the teachers have two names:an English name and a Chine

      7、se name. Li Leis English name is Tom. My English name is Mary. Their English teacher Miss Jins English name is Sue. Jeans and Jacks Chinese names are Wei Hua and Zhang Li.51Li Lei is_Aeleven BtwelveCten Dthirteen52Jeans Chinese name is_AWei Hua BZhang Li CLiu Ying DLi Mei53Jack is_AChinese BAmerican CEnglish DFrench54Mrs Zhous English name is_ASally BMaryCJean DSue55Which one is NOT true according to the passage?ALi Lei is Mrs Zhous son.BJean and Jack are in Li Leis class.CMiss Jins English name

      8、 is Sue.DMrs Zhou is an English teacher.C(词数:约 90;建议用时:5 分钟)Tom is from America.He is in Class Ten,Grade Seven.He is 13 years old.His maths teacher is Miss Chen.Lucy is from England.She is 13 years old,too.She likes reading books.She is in Class Three,Grade Seven.Betty is a girl.She is English.She likes dogs.She is 12 years old.She is in Class Ten,Grade Seven,too.She and Tom are classmates.Mark is a boy.He is 14 years old.He is in Class Three,Grade Eight.His English teacher is Mrs Black.56.Who is the oldest(最大的)?ATom. BLucy. CBetty. DMark.57_ likes reading and _ likes dogs.ATom;Lucy BBetty;MarkCTom;Betty DLucy;Betty58Lucy and Betty are _A12 years old B13 years oldCEnglish Din Class Ten59Miss Chen is _AToms English teacher BLucys maths teacherCMarks maths teacher DTom and Bettys maths teacher60Which of the following is RIGHT?ABetty is 13 years old. BMark is from Engl


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