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    • 1、最新人教版七年级英语上册单元测试题全套及答案 9 全Unit 1 标准检测卷笔试部分(100 分)五、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)21Whats this in English? Its _ telephone. Aa Ban Cthe D. /22 Do you know that young man? _ is a Korean (韩国的) film star. AShe BHerCHe DHis 23_ you Miss Read? Yes. My name _ Sue Read.AAre; am BAre; isCIs; are DIs; is24Whats three and five? Its _. Asix BsevenCeight Dnine 25Her name is Tina Green. Green is her _ name. Afirst Blast Cmiddle Dfull 26Spell your _, please. MIKE, Mike. Acolor BphoneCname Dnumber27_ your phone number? I

      2、ts 87667895. AWheres BWhatsCHows DWhat28Hello,Im Gina._AHi, Gina. Im Alan. BGood morning.CYes, I am. DHow are you? 29Are you Tony? _.AYes, he is BYes, I amCYes, Im DNo, he isnt30There is(有) an _ in his telephone number. Azero BthreeCeight Dnine31 The man over there is _ old friend. He is a policeman.AI Bme Cmy Dmine32David is an English boy, but he is _ China now. Aof Bin Con Dat 33 “One one nine”表示_。A火警 B匪警C急救中心 D电话查询34Nice to meet you._AHi! BNice to meet you, too.CHello! DGood morning!35 Mike

      3、_ Betty are our friends.Abut Bor Cand六、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(词数:约 80;建议用时:5 分钟)Good morning, everyone! Im Gina Green. _(36) is my first name. Green is my _(37) name. I am _(38) English girl. Im in China now. My favorite _(39) is red. My telephone _(40) is 6276059. I have a friend. His _(41) is Frank. _(42) is his favorite color. Look! His cup and jacket are blue. _(43) his telephone number? Its 8807532. He and I _(44) in the same (相同的) middle school. Ms. Smith is _(45) English teacher. But my Eng

      4、lish teacher is Ms. White. 36A.Gina BGreen CTina DBrown 37A.first Blast Cmiddle DEnglish 38A.a Ban Cthe D/39A.map Bcup Ccolor Druler 40A.school Bfriend Cjacket Dnumber 41A.key Bpen Cname Dphone 42A.Blue BWhite CRed DYellow 43A.What BWhatsCHow DHows44A.am Bis Care D/ 45A.her Byour Cmy Dhis 七、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)A(词数:约 20;建议用时:4 分钟)NameAgeFavorite(最喜欢的) NumberPhone NumberJim Smith1183987915Nick Miller1365812375Linda Brown1272358016Gina Green105920795846Jim is _ years old.A13 B12 C11 D1047Lindas fa

      5、mily name is _.ASmith BBrown CMiller DGreen48Nicks phone number is _.A3987915 B2358016C5812375 D920795849Ginas favorite number is _.Afive Bsix Cseven Deight50_ is the youngest(最小的) student.AJim BLinda CNick DGinaB (词数:约 50;建议用时:4 分钟)根据以上两位好友的 QQ 聊天记录,选择正确选项。51Mary likes _ best. Ared Bgreen Cblue Dblack52The girls last name is _. AMary BGreen CJim DHand53The boys first name is _. AJim BMary CBlack DGreen54Jims telephone number is _. A8372015 B8733516C8943516 D894201555Mary and Jim are online (在线)

      6、 _. Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the eveningDat nightC(词数:约 20;建议用时:4 分钟)First name:LindaLast name:CooperFather:Colin Cooper Mother:JuneFriend:Amy Nationality(国籍):EnglandTelephone number:2533685根据所给内容判断正(T)误(F)。56Cooper is Lindas family name.57Lindas fathers first names Cooper.58Linda and Amy are friends.59Linda is English.60Lindas telephone number is 2533685.八、补全对话 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。SSally RRoseS: Hello! R: _(61) A. Whats your telephone number? B. Is Sun your last name

      7、? C. Nice to meet you, too. D. My name is Rose. E. Whats your name? F. Whats your ID number? G. Hello! S: Whats your name? R: _(62) S: Nice to meet you. R: _(63) Whats your name? S: My name is Sally. R: _(64) S: No, my last name isnt Sun. Black is my last name. R: Really? Its so interesting (有趣的). _(65)S: My telephone number is 55577996. R: Bye! S: Bye! 九、词汇运用(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)A) 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。66I have _(四) cups in my home.67It is a _(宜人的) day today.68Two and _(零) is two.69Belle, Grace and Du

      8、oduo are good _ (朋友). 70Do you speak English in _(中国)?B)用所给词的适当形式填空。71My brother studies in No.5 _(middle) School.72His name is Jim Brown. Jim is his _ (one) name. 73My cup is white, but _ (she) cup is blue.74_ (be) you Jack? Yes, I am.75My phone number _(be) 09635967.十、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)(词数:约 70;建议用时:5 分钟)阅读对话,完成 7680 题。Kelsey:Hi, I am Kelsey. Whats your name?Jane:My name is Jane Green.Kelsey:我的姓氏也是格林。Nice to meet you, Jane.Jane:Nice to meet you, too.Kelsey:Whats on the desk?Jane:Its a dictionary.Kelsey:Spell_it,_please.Jane:DICTIOSorry, I forgetKelsey:Lets find it in the book.Jane:OK.Kelsey:Look!Its here. DICTIONARY. Its very long.Jane:Yes. I can spell it now.76将处画线部分翻译成英语。_


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