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    • 1、最新冀教版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案解析全册Unit 1 标准检测卷笔试部分(100 分)五、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 21Whats this in English, Maria? Its_map. Aa Ban Cthe22Whats _ name?_ is Eric.Ahis; He Bhis; His Che; His Dhe; He23Look at the wall. There are some pictures _ it.Ain Bon Cinto Dat24_ is the man?He is my father.AWhat BWho CHow DThat25I need a _I want to write something.Aruler Bpencil Cplan Deraser26Students often play sports on the _Aoffice BlibraryCclassroom Dplayground27Ann and Jenny _ girls.Ais Bare Cam Dbe28. What about_a gu

      2、essing game?Aplay BplayingCplays Dto play29Your watch is so beautiful._ADont say that BThank youCThats all right DYou are right30Lin Dan is a good player. He _ China.Aam from Bcome fromCcomes from Dare from31. My name is Sally.Hi, Sally! _ANice to meet you, tooBThank youCNice to meet youDIm fine32How are you,Li Ming?_AHow are you? BHello!CFine,thanks. DNice to meet you.33There arent _ apples in the fridge(冰箱)I will go and buy _Asome; some Bany; anyCsome; any Dany; some34May I have your pencil bo

      3、x?_ASure BNo, it isntCYes, I may DThank you35Thank you for your help!_AGood morning BYou are welcomeCFine, thank you DNice to meet you六、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(词数:约 50;建议用时:4 分钟)Im a boy. My name is Li Dong._(36) is my school. There is a _(37) in it._(38) is very big. We can borrow books there. I have _(39) friends._(40) are Li Ming and Wang Mei. Li Ming is a boy. Wang Mei is a _(41)That _(42) our _(43)We study(学习)there._(44) teacher is Mr. Li._(45) is friendly(友好的)to us.36A. These BThisCWhat DHe37

      4、A. room Blab Cclassroom Dlibrary38A. It BThe CWhat DThese39A. a Ban Cone Dtwo40A. He BShe CWe DThey41A. boy Bgirl Cname Dteacher42A.am Bis Care Dhave43A. school Bpark Cclassroom Doffice44A. We BI COur DMe45A. He BShe CIt DThey七、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)A (词数:约 80;建议用时:4 分钟)I am Wang Lin. I am twelve years old. My penfriend Tom is from the United States. He is the same age (年龄) as me. He is a middle school student in Beijing. There are three people in his family. His father is a teacher. He teaches En

      5、glish in a high school in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher,too. But they work in different schools. Tom goes to school in his mothers car every day. They all like China.46How old is Tom?AEleven. BTwelve. CWe dont know.47Toms father is _Aa Chinese teacherBan English teacherCa math teacher48Maybe(可能)Tom is in the same school as _Ahis mother BWang Lin Chis father49How does Tom go to school every day?AOn foot. BBy bike.CBy car.50Whats the relationship(关系) between Wang Lin and Tom?AThey are

      6、friends.BThey are classmates.CThey are brothers.B(词数:约 100;建议用时:5 分钟)Zhang Junlong,13,Shanghai Boys and girls are different. Girls like movie stars. But boys like sports stars. My favourite star is Lin Dan. He is a famous badminton(羽毛球) player.Gao Zixin,14,Taiyuan Do you have your favourite cartoon star?Hello Kitty is my favourite cartoon star.It is from Japan. Hello Kitty is a lovely cat.Yuan Xiaona,15,Kunming I like singing.Jay Chou is my favourite star.He is from Taiwan, China.He has short ha

      7、ir and small eyes.I often visit his website and listen to his songs online.51Where is Zhang Junlong from?AShanghai. BTianjin.CTaiyuan. DKunming.52How old is Gao Zixin?A13. B14. C15. D23.53Who comes from Taiwan,China?AZhang Junlong. BGao Zixin.CYuan Xiaona. DJay Chou.54What does Yuan Xiaona like doing?APlaying basketball. BWatching cartoons.CSinging songs. DDancing.55Does Jay Chou have big eyes?AYes,he does. BNo,he doesnt.CYes,it is. DNo,it isnt.C(词数:约 70;建议用时:5 分钟)Hi,my name is Yang Li. Im a stu

      8、dent. My father is a doctor. My mother is an office worker. We are from China,but we are in Canada now.Here is a colour pictureIts a picture of my class. The woman is Miss Green. She is our English teacher. Tom,Jenny,Brian and Wang Yu are my new friends. Wang Yu is from China,too. We like Canada. We like all our friends here.56Who is Yang Lis teacher?ATom. BMiss Green.CMrs.Green. DBrian.57Where is Yang Li from?AChina. BCanada.CEngland. DAustralia.58What is Yang Lis father?AAn office worker. BA teacher.CA doctor. DWe dont know.59What does “colour picture” mean in Chinese?A有颜色的画 B鲜艳的照片C色彩鲜艳的画 D彩色照片60Wang Yu is from _AChina BCanadaCEngland DAmerica八、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) (词数:约 80;建议用时:4分钟)My friend Gina used to (过去) be an outgoing girl. She played football with boys after


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