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最新人教版七年级英语上册单元同步测试题unit 9

  • 卖家[上传人]:长***
  • 文档编号:39850598
  • 上传时间:2018-05-20
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:70.80KB
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    • 1、人教版七年级英语上册第九单元同步测试题及答案全套Unit 9 第 1 课时一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1I like vegetables b_ theyre good for health.2How many g_ classes do you have in a week?3The last day of a week is S_4I have seven s_ at school and I like PE.best.5I can watch TV on F_ evening.二、单项选择6Who do you like to play games _?Peter.Hes my best friend.Aat B/ Cwith Dto7_ do you buy for your father for Fathers Day?A Tshirt.AWhat BWhenCWhere DHow8Jenifer wants to go to that party very much _ all her best friends will go.Abecause BsoCunless D

      2、while9Do you _baseball?No,_ sport is basketball.Alike;my like Bfavorite;I favoriteClike;my favorite Dlike;I favorite10Listen up,everybody!Show(展示) me your license(证件)Dont ask _.Just do it!Awhat Bwhen Chow Dwhy11_ is Toms favorite teacher?Mr.Wang.AWhen BHow CWho DWhere12We _ computer classes in May.Ahavent Bdont haveCdoesnt have Dhasnt13How is your day?_.AThank you BNot at allCGreat DSorry14_ is your history class?On the morning of Monday.AWho BWhat CWhy DWhen15Mr.Tangs class is very interesting.

      3、_.We all like his classes very much.AThats for sure BI dont think soCThats OK DIll take it三、用 because,so,and,then,after 或 but 填空16I like English,_ I like my English teacher,too.17I have a soccer,_ I cant play it.18She likes music_ she thinks its interesting.19Math is useful,_ its very difficult.20We dont have computer lessons,_ we cant play computer games.21They often play basketball _ school.22I think John likes strawberries.OK.Lets buy some strawberries _.23I cant play with you_ I have a math

      4、lesson in the afternoon.24I often play sports _ supper.25I dont go to school _ I am ill.四、补全对话A:Hello,Bob!B:Hi,Jenny!_26A:OK!Bob._27B:Chinese.A:_28B:Yes,I do.Its my favorite subject.A:Really?I like Chinese,too.B:_29A:Mrs.Smith.Who is your Chinese teacher?B:Oh,my Chinese teacher is Ms.Brown.A:Do you like her?B:Yes,I do._30 And she is kind to us.AWhats your first class in the morning?BI think her classes are very interesting.CWho is your Chinese teacher?DDo you like it?ELets go to school!答 案一、1.be

      5、cause 2.geography 3.Saturday 4.subjects5Friday二、6.C 点拨:用成分分析法。Who 在句中作介词 with 的宾语。问句句意:你喜欢 和谁一起玩游戏?7A 点拨:用关键词法。由答语 A Tshirt.可知问句是问“父亲节你为你的父亲买什 么?”。8A 点拨:用逻辑分析法。由语境 all her best friends will go 可知空处前后是因果关 系,而且是前果后因。9C 点拨:用结构分析法。根据问句的内容可知缺少动词;答语中名词短语 favorite sport 前应该用形容词性物主代词,故选 C。10D 点拨:句意:各位注意听!出示你的证件给我看。不要问为什么。只要照做就 可以!what 什么;when 什么时候;how 如何;why 为什么,故选 D。11C 点拨:用关键词法。根据答语 Mr.Wang.可知问句询问的是人,故选 C。12B 点拨:用语义辨析法。have 在本句中意为“上(课)”,由主语为 We,所以 其否定式为 have 前面加 dont。 13.C 14D 点拨:用语义辨析法。Who 谁;What 什么;

      6、Why 为什么;When 什么时候。 根据答语可知问句在询问时间。15A三、16.and 17.but 18.because 19.but 20.so21after 22.then 23.because 24.after 25.because四、26.E 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.BUnit 9 第 1 课时.根据句意,从方框中选出合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。favorite,subject,because,Friday,China1Why do you like_?2His _color is red.3_is the sixth day of a week.4We have two new_this term.5Why do you like Monday?_I have PE. on Monday.单项选择。6Whats your favorite_?English.Acolor Bsport Csubject Dfood7I dont like math. Its_Ainteresting Bboring Crelaxing Dfun8_is your teach

      7、er?Mr.Hu.AWhat BWhere CWho DHow9P.E. is my favorite subject_its interesting.Aso Bbut Cbecause Dor10Hows your day?_AIm OK. BTheyre OK.CIm fine. DIts OK.用所给单词的适当形式填空。11What is_(you) favorite sport?12Whats_(Ann) favorite food?13_(China) is his favorite subject.14_(She) favorite fruit is bananas.15Art is_(a) interesting subject.按要求完成句子。16My favorite teacher is Mr._Wang(就画线部分提问)_ _your favorite teacher?17I like English.(改为否定句)I_ _English.18I like PE.best.(改为同义句)_ _subject is PE.19He likes art because

      8、_its_fun. (就画线部分提问)_does he_art?20likes,she,Tuesday,she,music,has,because(.)(连词成句)_.补全对话。从方框中选择适当的选项完成对话,有两项多余。W:(21)_M:My favorite subject is music. What about you?W:I like PE. best. Why do you like music?M:(22)_W:(23)_M:My music teacher.W:(24)_M:No, I dont like math. (25)_W:I agree with(同意)you.AIts boring and difficult. BWho is your favorite teacher?CBecause its relaxing. DDo you like math?EIs Miss Zhang a good teacher?FWhats your favorite subject?GWhy do you like math?答 案.1.Chinese/China 2.favorite 3.Friday 4.subjects 5.Because.6.C 点拨:Whats your favorite?句型用于询问最喜爱的人或事物。 7B 8.C9C 点拨:because“因为”连接原因状语从句。10D.11.your 12.Anns 13.Chinese 14.Her 15.an.16.Who is 点拨:Who“谁”,是疑问代词,用于引导特殊疑问句,对“人”进行提问。17

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