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    • 1、TroublesTroubles ambulance 救护车ferry 渡船,渡口fire service 消防队stare 盯,凝视stare atargue 争吵argue with sb.tourist 游客tour v.旅行,观光He decided to tour France. 他决定游览法国。trainer 运动鞋baseball 棒球soldier 士兵gate 大门handcuffs 手铐1.The boy is a _. 2.He is trying to _ the girls purse. 3.The girl will report the _to the police.thief 贼 steal 偷pursepurse钱包钱包theft偷窃1. The man is a_. 2. He is trying to _ the girl of her mobile. 3. The girl will report the _to the police.robber robrobberyhelicopter 直升飞机1. Have you ever been in

      2、 a trouble?2. How did you deal with the trouble?A What do you know aboutIf a story happens on a ferry, what kind of story do you think it will be?110In China, we dial:In the USA, they dial: 911120In China, we often dial:119What number do you dial to call the fire service?In China, we often dial:B1 Read the title and the rubric on the next page. Give short answers to the questions. 1 What is a diary? 2 What is the first date in most diaries? 3 What do you think Paul will write about?1 What is a d

      3、iary?A diary is a book in which we write information about what happened on a certain day. There are many types of diary. In a private, personal diary, we can write about ourselves and our thoughts and feeling.In a business diary, we will just note down appointments and things we must do.2 What is the first date in most diaries?1st January. Because its the beginning of a new year. There are also diaries which start on other dates. Students and teachers may start their diaries on September 1st.3

      4、What do you think Paul will write about?He will write about trouble of some kind because the title is DEALING WITH TROUBLE.diary n.dial v.argue vargument n.tourist n.crowd n.steal v. theft n.purse n.notice v.follow v.aboard adv.1.日记 2.拨(电话号码) 3.争论,争吵 4. 游客,旅游者 5.人群 6.偷,窃 偷窃行为 7.钱包 8.注意到 9.跟随,追随 10.上船,在船上11助手 12细节,详情 13手铐 14陌生的,不平常的 15令人发笑的, 16不平常的 17允许,许可 18事故 19抢劫 20逮捕,拘留assistant n.detail n.handcuffs n.strange adj. amusing adj.unusual adj.permission n.accident n.robbery n. rob v.arrest v.1. be

      5、 on a ferry 2. deal with trouble 3. happen to sb 4. argue with sb about sth 5. show sb sth show sth to sb 6. stare at 7. move through the crowd 8. run away 9. go after 10. hurry to go toin a hurry1.乘渡船 2. 处理麻烦事 3. 发生在某人身上 4. 与某人争论某事 5.把给某人看 6.盯着看 7.穿过人群 8.逃跑 9.追赶 10.匆忙赶到11从偷到 12在另一边 13违反法律 14一个过路人 15横过街道,在街对面 16看上去很惊慌 17从跑出来 18掉进洞里 19把车开走 20交通堵塞stealfromon the other side ofbe against the lawa passer-byacross the streetlook scaredrun out offall into a holedrive awaya traffic jam1 aboard:on or int

      6、o a ship, boat, plane, bus or train 2 argue: speak angrily to somebody to show you disagree with him/ her 3 crowd: a large number of people gathering together 4 deal with: act, behave in a certain situation, handle a problem or person 5 dial: select the numbers on a telephone to make a telephone call 6 notice: see sth.; become aware of it 7 stare: look at someone or something with great interest, with your eyes wide open 8 steal: take sth. away without permission 9 strange: unusual, different 10

      7、 theft: the act of stealing sth. 11 trouble: a problem or difficultyof some type 12report: to give information about sth.Reading: A diaryB2 Look at the pictures on the next page. Give short answers to the questions. 1 What is the man doing with the bag in picture 1? 2 Which person is Paul? 3 Which people are arguing? 4 What is Pauls father doing in Picture 2?1 Read the text and find the new words and expressions.2 Listen to the tape of the text.3 Read the text together or individual.Synopsis by

      8、paragraph:P1: Paul describes how he and his father saw a man and two women arguing.Synopsis by paragraph:P 2-4: Pauls father spoke to one of the women. She said the man and two other men had stolen her friends purse.Synopsis by paragraph:P 5-7 The people got onto the ferry, but Pauls father wouldnt get on.Paul couldnt understand why.Synopsis by paragraph:P 8-9 His father quickly phoned the police with all the details.P 10-11 The police met the ferry when it arrived and caught the man.Fill in the

      9、 blanks with the correct words.1. It is impolite to _at other people for a long time. 2.The thief _ an old mans wallet and ran away. 3.Its really _to have a lot of rain in this dry season. 4.The lady loves his son so much that she always has his photo in her _. 5.Police officer often have to _ dangerous people.starestolestrangepurse deal withFill in the blanks with the correct words. 6. Be careful when you step _the ferry. 7. Try not to _with your parents when you have different ideas. 8. We can _119 when there is a fire. 9. We are going to meet at the school _. 10. When New Year comes, there is always a big _ on the square to celebrate it. 11. If there is a traffic accident, you must


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