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    • 1、1英语专业本科生论文写作与指导引注及参考书目若干技术性规范建议引注及参考书目若干技术性规范建议一、关于引注一、关于引注 1. 引注为引用及注释之统称。建议按目前大多数外语类刊物使用的夹注( in-text note)作为首选引注方式,因为夹注有诸多好处:既方便作者加注, 也方便读者参阅、简单易行、少占用空间、与参考书目形成合理分工等 等。其他引注方式:脚注(foot-note)和尾注(end-note),可作为备选方案。 或者夹注和脚注同时使用,夹注负责注明出处(source),脚注(尾注)负 责注明解析性信息。 2. 一个完整的注释包含三项内容:作者、出版年份、页码。它们在 文中出现的格式为:在引文后直接加括号,括号内按顺序罗列上述三项 内容,并用适当的标点符合分隔各项内容,例如:Indeed, writing “should not be viewed solely as an individually-oriented, inner-directed cognitive process, but as much as an acquired response to the dis

      2、course conventions . . . within particular communities” (Swales, 1990: 4). 说明:作者名可单独用姓(last name),也可用全名,或 given names 用缩写再加 last name。上述三项内容并不一定总是同时出现在括号内, 有时可能只出现二项或一项,这是因为,作者信息或出版年份信息已经在 引文前出现或暗示,没有必要在括号中重复。例如: We know that while there may be a role for formal grammar lessons in composition classes, Krashens wry observation holds true: If the student-writer is able to consciously learn all the rules of punctuation, spelling, grammar, and style that linguists have discovered and described, his

      3、reward should be a Ph.D. in linguistics. Unfortunately, this will not guarantee him writing competence, since so much of what good writers do routinely and subconsciously remains to be discovered (1984: 25).In fact, Bereiter and Scardamalia criticize formal schooling that encourages the more passive kind of cognition by “continually telling students what to do,“ rather than encouraging them “to follow their spontaneous interests and impulses . . . and assume responsibility for what becomes of th

      4、eir minds“ (p. 361).23引注出现的信息,必须在参考书目中找到相对应的书目信息。引注没 有出现的信息,原则上不应出现在参考书目中,尤其是那些与论文内容 相去甚远的书目。但参考书目略多于引注的信息应视为是允许的。 4一篇论文应有 7-8 个引注以上才算较合理,完全没有引注的论文应立即 判断为不合格论文,不能参加答辩,须重写。 5如何引用,本身就是专业性很强的学术活动。可以说,引用的好坏高 低决定着论文的质量、决定着论文是否具有强有力的理论支撑、决定着 论文是否“站在巨人肩膀上” 。一般来说,被引用的内容通常是一些学 术观点、理论阐释、重要定义、结论、数据等等。不应为引用而引用, 一些常识性的定论,诸如“教育是非常重要的” 、 “外语学习包含四种技 能”等等,均属于常识性的东西,没有必要作为引用内容。 6引用的技术操作层面也应注意,一般不能大篇幅地引用(如一次一页 纸左右) ,也不能连篇累牍地引用同一来源的内容,引用同一来源的内 容不能超过论文总篇幅的 10%,即使对本科生放宽条件,也不能超过 20%。二、关于参考书目(或参考文献)二、关于参考书目(或参考文献) 范例 1

      5、: References Applebee, A. N. (1984). Conclusion. In Applebee, Arthur N. (ed.), Contexts for learning to write. (pp. 183-9). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Arndt, V. (1987). Six writers in search of texts: A protocol-based study of L1 and L2 writing. ELT Journal 41(4), 257-267. Cumming, A. H. (1988). Writing expertise and second language proficiency in ESL writing performance. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario. Cumming, A. H. (1989). Writing expertise a

      6、nd second-language proficiency. Language Learning 39(1), 81-141. Emig, J. (1971). The composing processes of twelfth graders. NCTE Research Report no. 13.X. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. Horowitz, Daniel 1986. Process, not product: Less than meets the eye. TESOL Quarterly 20 (1), 141-144. Murray, D.M. (1980). Writing as process: How writing finds its own meaning. In T.R. Donovan and B.W. McClelland (eds), Eight approaches to teaching composition (pp. 3- 20). Urbana, IL: Na

      7、tional Council of Teachers of English. Piper, A. (1989). Writing instruction and the development of ESL writing skills: Is there a relationship? System 17(2), 211-222. Purves, A. C. and W. C. Purves (1986). Viewpoints: Cultures, text models, and the activity of writing. Research in the Teaching of English 20(2), 174-197. Rose, M. (1981). Sophisticated, ineffective books-the dismantling of process in composition texts. College Composition and Communication 32, 65-74. White, R. and V. Arndt (1991)

      8、. Process writing. London and New York: Longman. 3范例 2: Bibliography Ahmad, A. Corbett, G. M. Togers, & R. Sussex. Computers, Language Learning and Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1985. Atkins, M. and G. Blissett. “Learning activities and interactive videodisc: an exploratory study”. British Journal of Educational Technology, vol.20, no.1 (1989): pp.47-56. Ausubel, David P. The Psychology of Meaningful Learning: An Introduction to School Learning. New York: Grune and Stratton, 196

      9、3. Bationo, Bernadin D. “The effects of three feedback forms on learning through a computer- based tutorial”. CALICO Journal, vol. 10, no. 1 (Fall 1992): pp. 45-51. Bhatia, Anil. “Kanji retrieval by recursive location of elements using hypercard”. CALICO Journal vol.9, no.2 (Winter 1991): pp.4-19. Brockenbrough, Allen S. A theoretical framework for inter-activating linear video. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, vol.13, no.4 (1986): pp.107-112. Bronckers, J. H. M. “Technology and language learning: the state of the art.: The CALICO 92 BRIDGES International Symposium”. CALICO Journal, vol.10, no.1 (Fall 1992): pp.79-81. Brown, Douglas H. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1987. Chappell, Eric. “Teaching the reading and writing of Chinese and Japanese in Australia with IBM compatible computers”. Babel: Journal of the Australian Modern Language Teachers Associations, vol.25, no.1 (Jul 19


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